


  • Short reaction time ( 8 - 15min ) excellent yield ( 92 % - 98 % ) inexpensive reagents and easy workup indicated the present procedure was efficient and convenient .

    在较短时间内(8~15min)即可获得很高的产率(92%~98%),为一种有效的 氧化反应新方法。

  • It turned out a nurse diagnosed him with a slipped disk which didn 't require any workup & just Motrin and rest .

    结果一名护士诊断出他有腰椎间盘突出,根本不用紧张――只需服用 布洛芬和休息就可以了。

  • So maybe if we could get ahold of his psych workup .

    如果我们能够了解他的精神 资料

  • I do a full workup every year .

    我每年都做 全身 体检

  • Cardiac workup was normal and MR angiogram revealed only mild narrowing of the left posterior cerebral artery .

    心脏 检查正常,磁共振血管造影示左侧大脑后动脉轻度狭窄。

  • Under certain circumstances this category may be used after a full mammographic workup .

    在完成了充分的钼靶 检查这种情况下,可以应用此种分类。

  • The workup procedure is simple and the complexes are stable with respect to air and water . 2 .


  • The doctor gave me the full workup .

    医生已经给我做了彻底 检查

  • In order for the to-be process model be used for the later stage IT workup additional work needs to be done to prepare the artifacts using advanced features in the Modeler .

    为了稍后能将目标流程模型用于IT 检查,需要进行额外的工作,通过使用Modeler中的高级功能准备构件。

  • Using quantitative methods to improve the diagnostic workup for abdominal pain in children

    采用定量法来改进儿童腹痛的诊断 检查方法

  • Preliminary Exploration to Clinical Application of Colorectal Preoperative Workup in Multi-Disciplinary Team

    多学科协作 诊治 模式下结直肠癌术前 辅助 检查 系统的临床应用初步探索