


  • Ah yes she abhorred the cold cynicism of the worldly-wise who sneer at the burning tears of the simple-minded .

    啊,是的,她厌恶那种对 出自 纯朴 心肠的热泪 加以嘲笑的, 老于世故的,冷酷的玩世不恭态度。

  • In recent years Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as they 've become wealthier and more worldly-wise .

    提到了以色列消费者的一些 问题,注意他们的 什么开始增加了,并 注意 原因

  • This worldly-wise view has recently been challenged by some economists who are sure that happiness can be measured at least on a comparative basis and that these measurements provide a basis for policy .

    这一 传统观点近来受到了一些经济学家的质疑。他们认为幸福是可以衡量的,至少从相对的角度而言是这样,而且这些衡量标准为政策的制定提供了必要的基础。

  • They are diligent in cultivating themselves worldly-wise highly intelligent but physically retrograded and fond of poetry and comfort .

    他们 习惯 安逸勤于 修养老于世故头脑 发达,身体退化,喜爱诗歌,喜欢舒适。

  • He is too worldly-wise to expect too much of human nature .

    他太 世故了, 所以对人性 多奢求。

  • Now you tell me is such a naive child being not worldly-wise and unable to play clever tricks really capable of lying ?

    你说,这么天真的小孩,无 世故 无机 巧,能撒谎吗?

  • The legislation of Tang Dynasty aimed at the disorder caused by the worldly-wise of Confucianists and added transparency and fairness to laws .

    立法活动,旨在对儒家 人情 造成的无序 状态进行 有序 修补,以 简约 和条理 使法律表现出透明性和公平性。

  • Being worldly-wise play safe and seek only to avoid blame .
