



  • He has bought a big funeral wreath for his dead grandfather .

    他为死去的祖父买了一个大 花圈

  • I sent thee late a rosy wreath .

    我刚送你一个 玫瑰花

  • She made a wreath for head .

    她编了一个 花冠

  • He laid a wreath at the grave of the unknown soldier .

    他在无名军人的墓前放了一个 花圈

  • He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath .

    他身穿罗马人的褶叠短裙,头戴 桂冠

  • I try to weave a wreath all the morning but the flowers slip and they drop out .

    整个早晨我想编一个 花环,但是花儿滑掉了。

  • The British Australian and Turkish Prime Ministers laid wreaths at the war memorial .

    英国首相、澳大利亚总理和土耳其总理向战争纪念碑敬献了 花圈

  • Both her veil and wreath are white .

    她的面纱和 花环都是白色的。

  • They laid a wreath at the Base of the monument .

    他们在纪念碑的基石上放了一个 花圈

  • I need it to nail the wreath on the door .

    我需要它来把 花圈钉在门上。

  • The coffin lying before the altar was bare except for a single wreath of white roses

    祭台前的棺木上除了仅有的一个白玫瑰花 外,没有其他任何 装饰

  • Would you put your wreath of fresh flowers on my neck fair one ?

    你愿意把你的鲜花的 花环 在我的颈 么,佳人?