


  • If vaccinal measles vaccine can prevent hives take a poliomyelitis tervalent mixture vaccine can prevent a poliomyelitis to wait .

    如接种麻疹疫苗能预防麻疹,服脊髓灰质炎 三价混合疫苗能预防小儿麻痹症等。

  • Research above may offer academic base and ways to reduce the adsorption of radioelements on container walls and foreshow adsorbing characters of other tervalent actinides or lanthanides in radiation chemistry .

    本文的研究结果可以为如何有效地减少或 避免放射性物质在容器壁上的吸附 损失,以及预示其它 三价镧锕元素的吸附性质,提供 实验 方法和依据。

  • Research on Expression of the Tervalent Fusion Toxin Gene of Vibrio and Establishment of ELISA for Detection

    弧菌 三联融合毒素基因表达及ELISA检测方法建立