test piece


  • And the temperature in the core of rubber test piece under dynamic condition was measured with improved Goodrich compression fatigue tester .

    使用经改造的压缩疲劳试验机测试了橡胶 试样在动态下的心部温度。

  • With U-shaped sensor we first investigate the magnetic output influenced by the magnetizing conditions like frequency and electric current . Extra detailed experimental and theoretical analysis are performed on the effect of lift-off between the sensor and test piece .

    利用二极探头我们首先研究励磁频率、励磁电流等励磁条件对磁输出的影响,特别对探头与 间的磁间隙的影响最先作了详细的实验和理论分析。

  • Re-discussion of the Calculating Formula of Moment of Inertia for Bow-Shaped Test Piece in GB / T 13096.2-1991


  • Nadai 's expression is applied to the determination of true torsion stress of a cylindrical test piece .

    纳达依表达式应用于圆柱形 试样扭转 试验时真实扭转应力的测定。

  • The aluminum honeycomb composite was inspected by infrared wave nondestructive testing . It was shown by experimental results that the technique was effective for rapid and intuitive testing of the bonding quality and structure of an aluminum honeycomb composite test piece .

    用红外热波技术对铝蜂窝夹层胶接结构进行检测,结果表明,该技术可对 夹层胶接质量和蜂窝结构作快速有效直观的检测。

  • Study on the Derect Tensile Strength of Mortar with Arc-I Shaped Test Piece

    采用圆弧I型截面 测量砂浆直接抗拉强度的研究

  • Testing the permeability of the test piece .

    测定 的抗渗性。

  • Rubber vulcanized & Determination of low-temperature brittleness ( single test piece method )

    GB/T1682-1994硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定单 试样

  • The utility model relates to a liquid test piece for measuring liquid which comprises a base plate an interlayer and a top head piece .

    本实用新型一种液体 检测 ,用于液体量测,其包含一基板、一中间层、一上盖片。

  • Discussion and Research with Irregular Test Piece of the Point Load Measurement Rock Strength

    点荷载测试岩石强度使用不规则 的研究与探讨

  • Contrast test shows that the tension failure life of the new rubber piston membrane is improved greatly and all the performance indexes of the test piece are identical to the results of the ANSYS analysis .

    新旧两种橡胶活塞膜 的气压拉伸对比试验表明,新设计的橡胶活塞膜的拉伸破坏寿命大大提高, 的各项性能指标与AN-SYS分析结果一致。

  • The fracture phenomenon and spalling time of the test piece can be observed continuously through a sight hole .

    通过窥视孔可连续观察 表面的脱皮现象和得出激热开裂时间。

  • And the surface quality of the test Piece was evaluated .

    并对 浇注 试样的在面质量进行了评价。

  • Effect of Test Fixture 's Character and Vibration Control Method on Response of Test Piece

    夹具特性与振动控制方式对 响应的影响

  • Hair root fragile X mental retardation protein assay for the diagnosis of fragile X syndrome Rubber vulcanized & Determination of low-temperature brittleness ( single test piece method )

    发根脆性X智力低下蛋白检测法诊断脆性X综合征 GB/T1682-1994硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定单 试样

  • By observing and analyzing the casting test piece we have found a metallurgical integrating layer that is made up of chromizing cast-iron alloy layer .

    我们还对铸渗质量较好的铸渗 进行了观察和分析,发现铸铁渗铬合金层与母材结合良好,呈冶金结合。

  • Bearing - error of Test Piece and its Computer Analysis

    应变 贴片方位误差及计算机辅助分析

  • The casting concrete test piece is used to carry out blasting experiment under laboratory conditions and then calculations are conducted using fore-mentioned approaches .

    在实验室条件下采用浇注的混凝土 代替岩石进行爆破实验,然后应用提出的方法进行了分维数计算。

  • Test piece manufacture and mold design of the composite bearings

    复合材料轴承的 制备与模具设计

  • This paper believes that the calculating formula of moment of inertia for bow-shaped test piece in GB / T13096.2-91 is wrong because of printing error .

    本文认为 GB/T13096.2-91中计算弓形试样截面惯性矩的公式有误,同时指出在某些手册中有关计算公式也有误。

  • Figure 3.1 shows a typical test piece and it will be seen that a section is of reduced diameter so that the extension and the breakage will occur along that part of the test-piece .

    图3.1表示典型的 试样,可以看到有一段直径减少,以便使延伸和破裂沿着试样的那部分发生。

  • The pony Marshall test piece Marshall stability test tensile test and freeze-thaw splitting test the rubber asphalt has good water stability .

    通过小马歇尔 的马歇尔稳定度试验、劈裂试验和冻融劈裂试验,得出了橡胶沥青具有较好的水稳定性能。

  • In the concrete construction assessing concrete strength now still adopts the method to making test piece but test piece and principal part is disjunctive if test piece is real representative this paper analyzes and bring upped the suggestion .

    在砼结构中,对砼强度的评定现在仍然采用随机制取 的方法,但是试件与主体是分离的,试件是否真正代表主体强度,本文进行了分析并提出了建议。

  • Structure of the mount model is modified and stiffness measurement and fatigue durability test were made to the test piece before and after the modification .

    对悬置模型进行结构改进,并对改进前、后的 进行了刚度测量试验和疲劳寿命试验。

  • And the thermal oxidative ageing transformed the fracture of the test piece from toughness to brittleness .

    热氧老化使 试样 拉伸断裂由韧性向脆性转化。

  • Use the complete item of footwear as the test piece .

    用完整的鞋子物件作为 测试 样品