test cock


  • The shutoff valve with the test cock is to be mounted on the inlet side of the backflow preventer .

    测试 旋塞的关闭阀安装在防回流阀的进口一侧。

  • Open test cock No.2.When flow of water out of test cock No.2 stops the differential reading is the pressure drop record .

    开启 测试 旋塞2号。当测试旋塞2号上流出的水停止时,将压差读数记录为压降。

  • The test cock is on the inlet side of the shutoff valve .

    测试 旋塞位于关闭阀的进口一侧上。

  • Connect bypass hose between vent needle valve and loosely connect to test cock No.1 .

    在排气针形阀上连接旁路软管,并将其松散连接到 测试 旋塞1号上。

  • Bleed air at each test cock .

    从每个 测试 旋塞排放空气。

  • Alternately the test cock may be opened to break any suction caused by lifting internal assembly .

    测试 旋塞 可能要交替开启,以阻断由于取出 内件总成导致的任何吸力。

  • Install hose between test cock No.1 and connection A high side ( red ) on test kit .

    测试 旋塞1号和检测组件上的高端(红)连接“A”之间安装软管。

  • Open upstream slowly fill the valve and bleed the air through Test cock 2 3 and 4 .

    慢慢开启上游,注满阀门,通过 测试 旋塞2,3和4号排放空气。

  • If it does not drop but there is slow leakage at test cock No.3 then No.1 ball valve has a small leak but No.2 check valve is tight .

    如果水柱没有下降,但是 测试 旋塞3号有点泄漏,则1号球阀有点泄漏,但是2号止回阀密封紧密。

  • The first category test crossing is use 13 surface type slow feathering cock and 52 quick feathering hens the result is that every offspring of cock appear young quick feathering and the quick and slow feathering comparison is nearly 1:1 ( 217:232 );

    其中用13 表型为慢羽 公鸡,与52 快羽母鸡组成第1类 试验,结果每只公鸡的后代中都有快羽雏出现,且快慢羽比例几乎为1:1(217:232);

  • After shutoff valves are closed open test cock # 2 # 3 and # 4 to relieve pressure within the backflow assembly .

    在关闭了关闭阀后,开启 测试 旋塞2号,3号和4号,释放回流阀总成的压力。

  • If it slowly drops and simultaneously runs out through test cock No.3 check valve No.2 is leaking and must be serviced .

    如果水柱慢慢下降,并且同时通过 测试 旋塞3号排出,则止回阀2号泄漏,必须维修。

  • Remove bypass hose from test cock No. 1 open shutoff valve No. 1 .

    测试 旋塞1号上拆卸旁路软管,开启1号关闭阀。