test of significance


  • The test of significance showed that under the 99.9 % confidence level the linear correlation of COD and BOD 5 was notable .

    并经相关系数 显著 水平 检验,表明在999%的置信水平下COD和BOD5线性相关非常显著。

  • Obtained results tested by Analysis of Variance and S-N-K test P0.05 considered as of significance .

    对实验结果进行方差分析和S-N-K 检验,以P0.05为有统计学 意义

  • Corporate social responsibility with supplier relationship capital and partnership capital correlation failed to test of significance .

    企业社会责任与供应商关系及合作伙伴关系相关性未能通过 显著检验

  • Through mathematical statistics the regression equations of relationship among burial depth effective burial depth thickness of coal seams and gas content has been gained and the test of significance on the equation was done .

    通过数理统计的方法,得出了埋深、有效埋藏深度以及煤厚与煤层含气量的回归方程,并对回归方程进行了 显著 检验

  • The test of significance theory regression analysis uses to verify whether the simulated model agrees with virtual model is applied to analyze the distinction of distribution of keywords related between students ' paper and articles downloaded .

    巧妙 借鉴了回归分析中用以检验拟合模型是否符合实际模型的 显著 检验原理的思想,将其应用于分析相关关键词在学生论文和下载文章中分布的差异。

  • The Correlation Analysis of a Self-Calibrating Bundle Block Adjustment and the Test of Significance of Additional parameters

    自检校光束法区域网平差的相关分析和附加参数 显著检验

  • By means of the support of data using the method of multivariable linear regression we can test the level of significance of the explaining variable .

    在有数据支持时,线性多元回归方法,可以 检验决策者 初步选择的解释变量是否有 显著性,也可以用来 检验未解释部分的比重,促使寻求其它属性 支持。

  • Moreover t test is adopted to evaluate the difference of paired observations in FAT test and availability test and the level of significance in critical values can serve as the quantification index of the level of design installment and commissioning .

    对于FAT测试与可用率 测试中成对数据的差异可采用t检验,检验临界点处的 显著 水平检验可作为设计、安装、调试水平的量化指标。

  • On pre - test of significance of linear regression equation

    线性回归方程 显著性的事先 检验问题

  • According to the basic rules of response surface method and center utilized design method response surface model for performance evaluating of electrode heat convection is built . Leading in the variance analysis and F test validation of model significance is done .

    根据实验回归分析的响应面法和中心组合实验设计法的基本规则,建立面向冷却率的电极对流换热性能评价的响应面模型,并引入方差分析和F 检验,验证模型的 显著性。

  • By year after the two years before the IPO the IPO on the main business revenue growth and return on net assets within a period of four descriptive statistics and test of significance proved the existence of the GEM IPO effect .

    通过对主营业务收入增长率和净资产收益率在IPO前两年到IPO后一年的4个期间内的描述性统计和 显著 检验,证明了我国创业板市场IPO效应的存在性。

  • The empirical results show that : non-performing loan ratio and the efficiency significantly negative correlation bank loan-deposit ratio and efficiency are related but the capital adequacy ratio liquidity ratio did not pass the test of significance .

    实证结果表明:不良贷款率与银行效率显著负相关,贷存比与银行效率正相关,而资本充足率、流动性比例没有通过 显著 检验

  • Test is of great significance in the development of software .

    测试是软件开发中一个不可缺少的 重要阶段。

  • Test of significance of spearman 's correlation coefficient

    斯珀曼相关系数的 显著检验

  • Therefore finding suitable methods to control bacterial wilt of Eucalyptus by reasonable test is of great significance .

    因此,通过合理的 试验找出合适的方法防治桉树青枯病具有十分重要的 意义

  • Therefore research on basis theory and fire suppression test of the spray has great significance for the development and application of the high-pressure water mist fire extinguishing technology .

    因此,开展高压细水雾灭火技术的基础理论及其灭火性能 试验 研究,对推动高压细水雾灭火技术在我国的发展与应用具有十分重要的 意义

  • We also have made experiments of orthogonal design with a member of groups of threshold values and test of significance . The resulting confidence limit in this method is greater than 97.5 % .

    用多组阈值(K)进行了正交设计试验,并经过 显著检验,本方法成功率的置信度大于 97.5%。

  • Software security vulnerability is one of the core components of the network information security and doing research on improving the code coverage of Fuzzing test is of great significance as Fuzzing test is a very important technique for detecting software security vulnerabilities .

    软件安全漏洞是当前网络信息安全中研究的核心问题之一,Fuzzing 测试作为一种重要的软件安全漏洞检测方法,研究提高其 测试 过程中的代码覆盖率具有 重要 意义

  • Explanation is given on the incompatibility of the hypotheses and empirical results so as to modify original model and improve its explanatory power which makes the adjusted model pass the test of significance .

    文中也对实证结果与理论假设不完全相符的部分作出了解释,并以此修正原始模型,提高解释力度,修正后的模型通过了 显著 检验

  • Methods The levels of TNF - α and IL-10 in pleural fluid ( PF ) and serum were detected in 39 patients with tuberculous pleural effusion soon after the test of significance and correlation analysis was investigated .

    方法检测39例结核病人胸腔积液中和血清中的TNF-α及IL-10水平,进行 显著 检验和相关性分析;

  • But in the third year after its establishment the regression results did not pass the test of significance but still showed a negative correlation .

    但是在其设立后第三年,回归结果没有通过 显著 检验,但还是显示出一定的负相关。

  • The application of the net English paperless test system is of great significance to the saving of test cost the improving of testing efficiency the guaranteeing of test results being fair just scientific and timely .

    借助于计算机技术的英语网络无纸化 考试系统,对节约考试成本,提高考试效率,确保考试结果的公平、公正、科学、及时等具有重要的 意义

  • This paper studied input variables and output variables by canonical correlation analysis of emission influencing factors and checked the results by test of significance .

    通过典型相关分析预测模型,研究参数输入变量与污染物排放输出变量之间的相关关系,并对分析结果进行 显著检验

  • Regression analysis and test of significance showed that it can well interpret the relationship between substituent and ~ ( 13 ) C NMR based on the number of valence electrons and mulliken charge and interpret the contribution of conjugated effect .

    回归分析及 显著 检验表明,根据原子的价电子数和电荷,能够很好地解释化学位移与取代基之间的变化规律,且能够较好地考虑共轭效应的影响。

  • As an important part of teaching reform test reform is of great significance to the improvement of teaching quality and the cultivation of creative talents .

    考试改革是教学改革的重要组成部分,对提高教学质量、培养创新人才具有 重要 意义

  • Based on the perspective of asymmetric the RMB exchange rate appreciation in soybean import price is greater than the influence of the devaluation of RMB exchange rate . The former has passed the test of significance . But both for price conduction coefficient is very small .

    同时基于非对称的视角,人民币汇率升值对大豆进口价格的影响要大于人民币汇率贬值,且前者通过了 显著 检验,而后者没有。

  • The correlation coefficient R and test of significance ( F ) showed that r was closely related to Sr. The average absolute error of the 102 radii of positive ions was only 0.9 pm with the representative radii of ions the relative error was 1.1 % .

    从相关系数R和 回归方程 显著检验(F)都说明r与Sr密切相关,其中102种阳离子半径数据与具有代表性的离子半径参考值相比平均绝对误差仅0.9pm,相对误差1.1%。