test for contamination


  • Daphnia magna have been used word-wide as a standard test organism for ecotoxicological evaluation of contamination .

    大型溞是国际公认的标准 实验生物,广泛应用 污染物的生态毒性评价。

  • Arla like many other food companies did not test for melamine contamination when it set up its joint venture with Mengniu .

    与许多其他食品公司一样,阿尔拉和蒙牛建立合资企业时,没有进行三聚氰胺 污染 检测

  • Particle Counting - Wafers that are used to test tools for particle contamination .

    颗粒计算-用来 测试晶圆片颗粒 污染 测试工具。

  • Test for Microbial Contamination and Study on Hygienic Standard for Disposable Sanitary and Medical Products and Single Use Medical Products

    一次性医疗卫生用品 污染 检测及卫生标准探讨一次性医疗卫生用品使用的管理

  • The test process for 30 days and the membrane contamination phenomenon appears . Cleaning water can 't recover the flux of membrane with the clear water . After cleaning with the ethanol solution the membrane flux come back .

    试验运行了30天后,出现了膜 污染现象,用清水清洗不能恢复膜通量,用乙醇溶液清洗后,膜通量恢复,膜的化学清洗周期 确定 30天。