test block


  • Tested and measured the peel strength of PC with test block of different surface treatment .

    进行不同的表面处理,然后在 试验台上进行PC料的剥离实验。

  • Talking about Test and Evaluation Methods of the Strength of Concrete Test Block

    浅谈混凝土 件强度试验检测和评定方法

  • Design of Computer Measurement and Control System for New Type of Turbocharger Test Block

    新型涡轮增压器 试验 微机测控系统设计

  • One is high-pressure CO2 test block . To distinguish between lubricant drip and bubble the fluorescent tracer is added to the mixture . The decompression process of CO2 and PAG lubricant mixture solution was experimental observed using high speed camera .

    第一个装置是高压CO2快速降压 试验 ,为区分汽泡和油滴,在润滑油中添加荧光示踪剂,采用高速摄影仪对CO2与润滑油混合物的快速降压过程进行试验观测。

  • In order to study the combustion drive mechanism of the sensible heavy oil reservoir a series of physical simulation experiments of in - situ combustion were carried out by adoption of real formation cores and real crude oil of Zheng 408 pilot test block .

    为了研究敏感性稠油油藏火烧驱油机理,针对郑408火驱先导 试验 区块的现场实际,采用真实地层岩心和地层原油,进行了室内火烧油层物理模拟实验。

  • The utility model provides an ultrasonic fault detection comparing test block for a high-voltage pillar porcelain insulator consisting of a test block body and arc grooves .


  • DIFS was fixed in test block and connect to tester through clamping apparatus .

    将DIFS系统安装至 测试 上,通过夹具连接至疲劳试验机,进行循环疲劳测试。

  • Development and application of upset jig for adhesive peel test block

    胶粘剂剥离 加压夹具的研制与应用

  • Have a fixed attenuator series short-circuit plug seat series gold-plated jack series pin series test block series EQ shell series accessories .

    有固定衰减器系列,短路插头座系列,镀金插孔系列,插针系列, 测试 系列,均衡器外壳系列等配件。

  • Hydraulic Test Block Valves Applied to Reheater System of Once-through Boilers

    水压 试验阀在直流锅炉再热器系统的应用

  • Development of the standard test block for magnetic particle inspection

    磁粉检验用标准 的研制

  • Get hole of K value of angle probe and test block reference reflecting hole must be suitable .

    不同的K值探头对同声程、相同的参考反射孔之反射脉 冲值也是变化的。

  • Data analysis combined curing period of anti freeze-thaw cycles affect the performance of cement mortar The longer the curing period the more cement hydration products the more mortar test block compaction rate the higher the intensity the better freeze-thaw cycle performance .

    结合养护龄期对水泥砂浆抗冻融循环性能影响的数据分析来看,养护龄期越长,水泥水化产物越多,砂浆 密实程度越大,强度越高,其抗冻融循环性能越好。

  • We benchmark test and benchmark test data analysis the best fit obtained wallboard material ratio but found the test block to produce dry density is high which will cause the high thermal conductivity it will affect the performance of thermal insulation materials .

    我们通过基准试验和对基准实试验数据的分析,得出墙板材料的最佳配合比,但发现制造出的 干表密度较大,这样就会导致导热系数较大,就会影响到材料的保温隔热性能。

  • Through indoor model test with rigid test block instead of low building with larger rigidity this paper studies the different effect under the different size of the sand cushion and the effect of sand cushion to vibration reduction ratio can be gotten .

    通过室内模型试验,以刚体 代替刚度较大的砌体建筑物,进行了震动台的模拟试验,探讨了不同粒径砂垫层不同厚度下的隔震情况,研究了砂垫层减振的减振率。

  • This paper introduces manufacturing process and curing method of the concrete test block for measuring compressive strength and antiflex cracking strength expounds measuring and calculation methods and standards of concrete strength .

    介绍了混凝土抗压强度和抗折强度 件的制作过程、养生方法,论述了混凝土强度的测定、计算的方法和标准。

  • The leaching toxicity of fly ash test block stays relatively stable in the pH range of 1 to 13 .

    预处理飞灰 固化 有着较强的抵御环境变化能力,重金属浸出毒性在pH值1~13的范围内都比较稳定。

  • Second considering the actual condition we designed a standard test equipment for calibration test stand including tanks defect test block and the ultrasonic probe ring .

    其次我们考虑实际工况,设计了标验设备的率定试验台,主要包括水槽、缺陷 以及超声波探头环。

  • The utility model relates to a special test block for ultrasonic flaw detection which belongs to the technical field of the ultrasonic flaw detection .

    本实用新型涉及一种超声波探伤专用 ,涉及超声波探伤技术领域。

  • Considering low expense and high performance the design and the realization of maintaining and monitoring system of cement test block has been discussed .

    从低成本,高性能角度出发,论述水泥 养护测控系统的设计与实现方法。

  • Based on test block reservoir predict the reservoir longitudinal and lateral exhibition and gas-bearing properties analysis the geological properties of abnormal body and make the comprehensive assessment of prediction method of reservoir .

    试验 区块为基础预测储层的纵、横向展布及其含气性状况,对异常体的地质属性进行分析和重点解剖,对储层预测的方法进行综合评价。

  • The size of the test block was 100 × 100 × 50cm .


  • Compared with cement sand alkali-activated cementing materials and alkali-activated fly ash cementing materials the rapid development of the hydration reaction in the test block in forming 7d strength development has been basically completed .

    与水泥胶砂相比,碱激发偏高岭土和碱激发粉煤灰胶砂的水化反应发展迅速,在 成型7d内强度发展已基本完成。

  • The feasibility of examining electrical porcelain insulator ( EPI ) with creeping wave probe was stu - ( died and a special test block was made for the experiment .


  • Design and Realization of Maintaining and Monitoring System of Cement Test Block Based on 8031 Single Chip Computer

    基于8031单片机的水泥 养护测控系统的设计与实现

  • Through the offering of science course of test block of the basic education the problem met in the course of implementing is the quality of the teachers .

    通过基础教育 实验 《科学》课程的开设,在实施过程中遇到的主要问题是师资问题。

  • The influence of liquid steel on the formation of compacted chromite coating at high temperature has been investigated by pouring a test block of alloy steel casting as well as by scanning electron microscopic observation and electron microanalysis .

    通过浇注合金钢铸件 并借助电子显微镜观察和X-Ray分析,研究了钢液对铬铁矿高温致密涂料层的影响.结果表明:涂层的致密度与钢液作用的激烈程度成正比关系;

  • The new charging structure of powder and explosives designed gets well blasting effect through the cement mortar test block to simulate experiment . It makes good use of shaped effect and stress concentration effect .

    设计火药和炸药共同装药的新型装药结构,利用聚能效应和切缝应力集中效应,通过水泥砂浆 模拟了火炸药协同爆破方法在石材切割中的爆破效果。

  • A review of penetrant testing for pressure vessels was presented including the special inspecting objects testing materials keys of operation reliability new procedure standards at home and abroad standard test block and automation system of penetrant testing and so on .

    介绍了压力容器渗透检测技术,包括渗透检测的适用范围、检测材料、操作要点、可靠性、国内外渗透检测工艺方法标准、标准 及渗透检测自动化等。

  • The time-delay parameter test of time relay SCM test block diagram and software flow chart are introduced .

    介绍时间继电器延时参数的测试,单片机 测试 框图以及软件流程。