test plant


  • BOD water quality analysis and testing test breeding plant cultivation equipment dedicated constant temperature and humidity .

    是水质分析与BOD测试、育种 试验植物栽培的专用恒温恒湿设备。

  • Abstract : The bench test and plant test of pelletizing with addition of steelmaking sludge were conducted under the operational condition of Jinan I & S Co.

    文摘:就济钢生产条件下球团工艺中配加炼钢污泥进行了 试验 生产试验。

  • Without special permission outsiders are not allowed to visit the test plant .

    未经特别许可外人不得参观 测试

  • Lithium Bromide-Water Absorption Refrigerator Test Plant with Overflow Plate Pool

    堰板水池式 溴化锂制冷机 测试台的研制

  • At its main base in Po-hang Posco 's Finex test plant is running on a commercial basis producing 200 tonnes more than its 600 annual capacity and the main plant is capable of churning out 1.25m tonnes a year .

    在位于浦项(Po-hang)的主要基地,浦项制铁的Finex 试验 正在进行商业运转,产量比其60万吨的年产能高出20万吨,而其主厂的年产能可达125万吨。

  • Because of the foregoing the said system is expected to find application in an intermediate test plant to realize the continuous disposal and cooling of PFBC high-temperature boiler slag .

    对大颗粒的适应性强.可望在中 装置上得到应用.以实现PFBC高温炉渣的连续排放和冷却。

  • This paper briefly describes a cold-state test plant of boiler slag disposal and cooling for a home-made PFBC-CC intermediate ted electric power station as well as its working principle and related operation ted conditions .

    本文介绍了我国PFBC&CC中 电站的排渣冷渣冷态 试验装置及其工作原理和运行试验的有关情况。

  • Using DongKui bayberry as the test plant the effects of different antifreeze patterns on grain yield and fruit quality of bayberry grown in mountainous areas were studied in the field experiments .

    在连续两年田间试验条件下,以东魁杨梅为供 植物,研究不同抗冻模式对高山杨梅产量和品质的影响。

  • The experiments were used the stem with growing point of double flower Hemerocallis fulva as test plant . The MS and 1 / 2 MS as culture medium were each added different concentration 2 6-BA and NAA .

    试验以重瓣大花萱草带生长点的茎段为 材,以MS与1/2MS为基本培养基,分别添加不同浓度的2,6-BA,NAA。

  • Analysis and Computation of Steam Turbine Performance Test for Power Plant Unit ; Experimental Study on the Performance of Methanol Gasoline in Gasoline Engine

    火电机组汽轮机热力性能 试验计算分析汽油机燃用甲醇汽油的动力性、经济性及非常规排放物试验研究

  • A simulative test plant was made to automatically eliminate stray current corrosion and realize on line monitor of stray current by using the solution isopotential .

    采用溶液等电位原理,设计制作了能自动彻底消除杂散电流腐蚀,实现杂散电流在线监测的模拟 实验 装置

  • Through the laboratory test and pilot plant test the effects of current densities cycling flow rate and temperature on current efficiency cell voltage the quality of cathode copper and the rate of impurities removal were investigated .

    开展了实验室 小试及现场 工业试验研究,考察了电流密度、循环流量及温度对每段电积过程电流效率、槽电压、阴极铜质量及杂质脱除率的影响,确定了最优工艺条件和技术参数。

  • Test on Plant Height and Ear Height of Maize Using Genetic Models

    玉米 高和穗位遗传模型 测验

  • Interference in Measurement of Lipid Peroxidation by Thiobarbituric Acid Test in Plant Tissues

    植物膜脂过氧化水平硫代巴比妥酸 测定法中的干扰因素

  • Barone now hopes that ARS can design a test that plant breeders can use to determine the strength or weakness of a plant 's cellulose .

    伯龙希望,ARS能够设计出一种可供植物培育人员测定 植物纤维素强度高低的 试验方式。

  • Sum-up of Design Considerations and Schemes of New Diesel Engine Test Plant

    新型柴油机 试验 车间的设计思路与方案总结

  • Rolls-Royce is to assemble some big engines for wide-body commercial jets outside the UK for the first time with the building of a test and assembly plant in Singapore .

    英国飞机引擎制造商劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)将首次在英国境外组装一些宽体商用客机大型引擎,该公司将在新加坡建造一家 测试和组装 工厂

  • Then it has conducted a preliminary study in the field test to the plant purification formaldehyde effect .

    然后在 实际环境中对 植物净化甲醛的效果进行了研究。

  • Wheat ( Triticum acstivnm ) as test plant was chosen to establish the method for determination of cytochrome P450 content through selection of sampling site and quantification of CO charged .

    以小麦(Triticumacstivnm)为供 植物,建立了小麦细胞色素P450含量的测定方法。

  • And the above calebration equation is exam-mined by 30 samples of layer mixed feed of the same raw material and the like formula collected by the test plant of Harbin City Feedstuff Institute .

    并用从哈市饲料研究所 试验 采集的30个原料相同、配方近似的蛋鸡配合饲料样品检验上述定标方程。

  • Develop history of plant new varieties protection was reviewed in this paper . Meanwhile content and test of plant new varieties protection were outlined . In addition status of plant new varieties protection in China was introduced .

    回顾了植物新品种保护制度的发展历史,概述了植物新品种保护的基本内容、 植物新品种保护的 测试及我国植物新品种保护工作现状。

  • The Regulation and Test on Plant Programmed Cell Death

    植物细胞程序性死亡的调控及 检测

  • The reactors system leakage detection test of PET plant before start-up

    PET 装置开车前反应器系统的检漏 试验

  • The Condensers ' Characteristic Test and Plant Safe and Economical Operation in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station

    大亚湾核电站凝汽器特性 试验 机组安全经济运行

  • Disinfection Technology for Young Konjac in Test Tube ISOZYMIC STUDIES ON THE TEST TUBE PLANT OF FREESIA

    魔芋试管苗批量生产过程中外植体消毒灭菌技术研究小苍兰 试管 植株的同工酶研究

  • Isozymic studies on the test tube plant of Freesia

    小苍兰 试管 植株的同工酶研究

  • The technology has been demonstrated in small-scale pilots and will be tried in a one-megawatt test plant next year .

    这种技术已经在小规模试点项目中进行了展示,明年将用于一个装机容量为一百万瓦的 试验 电厂

  • The effect of NAA on multiplication of protocorm was superior to IBA in compared test of plant hormone .

    在不同 生长素比较 试验中,NAA对原球茎的增殖效果明显好于IBA;

  • The experimental test plant test and production practice of sintering with proportion of Mesa J iron ore were conducted in sintering plant SOUGANG MINE Co.

    就首钢矿业公司烧结厂进行的配加马萨杰矿粉烧结的实验室 试验工业试验和工业生产情况进行了系统介绍。