test wait


  • In most projects the software development team usually cannot wait until the requirements team is done and the test team cannot wait until the software team is done .

    在大多数项目中,软件开发团队通常不能等到需求团队完成其工作,而 测试团队也不能 等到开发团队完成工作。

  • Obviously between each test I restore the environment back to a functional state and wait a few minutes for the multipath driver to reestablish its connection to the broken path .

    当然,在每次 测试之间,我将环境恢复到正常状态,并 等待几分钟,让多路驱动程序重新建立与断开的路径的连接。

  • Test results would not have to wait for the bacteria to grow in a laboratory far away .

    测试结果不用 等待遥远的实验室细菌的培养。

  • As much as you 'd might be tempted to test on the ride home from your transfer unfortunately you 're going to have to wait .

    也许你一移植完还没回到家就有 孕的冲动&不好意思请

  • For example with the Unit Test feature developers can have easier access to modern versions of IBM middleware in the unit test environment without having to wait for mainframe system upgrades .

    例如,借助UnitTest特性,开发人员能够更轻松地访问单元 测试环境中的IBM中间件的现代版本,而无需 等待大型机更新。

  • It can take 48 hours for a test to determine what is causing a urinary-tract infection and ' doctors and patients don 't want to wait 48 hours ' says Dr. Cutler who is chairman of the American College of Physicians ' Board of Regents .

    卡特勒说, 检测确定尿路感染的原因需要48小时,但医生和病人不愿意 上48小时。卡特勒是美国医师协会评议委员会(AmericanCollegeofPhysicians'BoardofRegents)主席。

  • Even if a superior way of doing something has been found the automated test process will probably reject it not because the idea is inferior but because it cannot wait decades for the answer .

    更好的方案即使曾经被提出过,也可能会被自动化 测试否决掉&这并不是因为它不好,而是因为它 不了数十年的时间来获得认可。

  • The logs are available as soon as one test scenario is complete and you need not wait for all scenarios to be completed for log analysis .

    一旦 测试场景完成您就可以得到日志了,您不需要 等待所有的场景都完成以进行日志分析。

  • The process required a fair amount of time ; it would have been easier they said to just release the test plan to a large group of people and sit back to wait for comments .

    这个过程需要时间;他们说,仅仅给一大组人发布一个 测试计划并 等待他们的意见是容易做到的。

  • We will continue to learn patience not as a test of our faith but as a test of our being willing to wait to stay focused and to allow the Universe to work with us as co-creators of our reality .

    我们会继续学习忍耐,不是要测试我们的信仰,只是一个我们为愿望 等待 测试,保持注意力,允许宇宙与我们协同工作担任协同创造我们实相的角色。

  • In our example the test application will spawn threads and wait ( blocked ) for interrupts to release the threads .

    在我们的例子中,这个 测试应用程序应该派生一些线程,并 等待(被阻塞)中断来触发这个线程。

  • We decided to test viewers ' reactions first by putting up some screens at Chinese embassies in Europe so people can watch it while they wait for their visas said one person .

    我们决定先 测试观众的反应,首先在中国驻欧洲各国的大使馆架设起一些屏幕,让 排队申请签证的人们收看,一名人士表示。

  • Test the printer . Wait until the ready light is illuminated and press the Go button .

    测试打印机。 等到就绪指示灯点亮后,按执行按钮。

  • Alternatively you can test more extensively guess or wait until you go into production and can get real data on failures .

    此外,您还可以更广泛地 测试、猜测或 等到实际生产时得到实际的失效数据。

  • To test GUIs you need a way to simulate user input wait until the generated events have been broadcast to all listeners and then check the result as the GUI would appear to the user .

    测试GUI,你需要一种可以模拟用户输入的方法,一直 等到生成的事件散播给所有侦听者,然后检查结果,就像GUI响应用户一样。

  • The study was done in test tubes but there 's no need to wait for confirmation & bring on the guacamole !

    这项研究是在 试管中进行的,但是,不必 等待其确认,食用色拉调味酱即可。

  • And through the test of alcohol in the human blood and body fluid therefore the time that a driver must wait for after drinking is predicted in order to pass the test and avoid traffic accidents which causes unnecessary property loss and injuries or even deaths .

    检测酒精在人体血液和体液内的吸收和扩散过程,由此预测司机在酒后安全驾车必须 等待的时间,以保证检测通过,避免发生交通事故而导致不必要的伤亡和财产损失。