test bar


  • The Test and Application of Inserted Bar Anchorage Technology in Water Tank Consolidation and Renovation

    承造 试航承造厂试验 植筋锚固技术在水池加固改造中的 试验与应用

  • Test methods study of bar thin layer chromatograph in measuring four components of bitumen

    棒状薄层色谱分析仪检测沥青四组分 试验方法研究

  • The behavior tests contain footprinting test bar test rotarod test and foot sole lancinating pain threshold test .

    行为学方法包括足迹 实验、固定棒 试验、旋转 试验、痛阈实验。

  • During the system test a bar runs across the screen and if for example the oddments tray is opened an alarm is triggered .

    系统 测试期间将在屏幕上显示一个滚动的 长条,如果杂物盒打开,则会触发报警。

  • Combine with the destruct characteristics of the concrete in the chloride ion environment this paper proceeds the salty frost test carbonization test after suffering from the chloride ion corrosion fast corrosion of bar embedded in concrete in the seawater circumstance and electrochemical corrosion accelerating test of bar .

    同时结合在氯离子环境下混凝土耐久性破坏的特点,本文还进行了盐冻、氯离子侵蚀后的碳化、混凝土中钢筋快速腐蚀(海水)和电化学腐蚀加速 钢筋 锈蚀 试验

  • Quality Test & Control for the Bar Code Print

    条形码印刷质量 检测与控制

  • If not you test in the high bar .

    如果不是,你在 高点

  • The influence of the configuration deviation of the test tensile bar on the accuracy of test results was analyzed .

    分析了抗拉 形状误差对测试结果准确性的影响。

  • In the test phosphorus-free copper bar replaced phosphorous copper bar as inner anode of acidic copper plating . The characteristics and control methods of anodic reaction were given .

    试验中用无磷纯铜代替了含磷 铜棒作为酸性镀铜内阳极,并给出了阳极反应的特点与控制方法。

  • The planning of parameters and selection of materials and facilities and procedure of the productive test of tensile anchorage bar are described meanwhile the test result is analysed .

    系统介绍了张拉 锚杆生产性 试验中参数拟定、材料及设备选择、试验步骤、工艺流程、成果分析,为张拉锚杆的施工质量、工程 进度和施工安全提供了依据。

  • Determining the bearing capacity of the pile below a certain depth by the method combining loading test and steel bar gauge measurement

    用载荷 试验钢筋计测试联合确定一定深度上的桩基承载力

  • Study and Test on Foundation Pressure and Bar Stress of Folded Plate Foundation

    折板基础基底压力与 钢筋应力的 试验研究

  • Causes analysis and prevention measures of the low efficiency in elongation test of cold-rolled-twisted bar

    冷轧扭 钢筋伸长率 试验有效率偏低的原因及预防

  • Six years later a legal test case set a high bar for proposed reclamations saying they could proceed only if they met an overriding public need .

    6年后,一个 判例案件为拟议中的填海工程设定了一个很高的 标准。该判例规定,只有在出现高于一切的公共需求时才能填海。

  • Research on site test of reinforced steel bar stress in reinforced concrete pile of pile and bolt support structure

    桩锚支护结构桩身 钢筋应力现场 试验研究

  • The fatigue lives of the test bar of fine grains are longer than that of coarse ones at room temperature .

    在室温下,细晶组织比粗晶有得更长的 疲劳寿命。

  • Through the natural ageing test of hot-rolled reinforced bar the fluctuation characters of mechanical property have been found out and the ways of reducing factory check and index of mechanical property have been put forward .

    通过对安钢 棒材机组生产的带肋钢筋性能进行自然时效 试验,找出了热轧带肋 钢筋力学性能指标值的波动特点,并提出了减小工厂检验与用户检验力学性能指标值的差异的方法。

  • Various sampling methods for joint quality test of hot-rolled steel bar are introduced and discussed from flash butt welding arc welding electroslag welding and other aspects . According to different joints various sampling and test results evaluation methods are introduced in detail .

    介绍了热轧 钢筋接头采取的多种方法,从 钢筋闪光对接焊接头、钢筋电弧焊接头、电渣压力焊接头等方面进行了阐述,对各种钢筋接头 检验取样方法及试验结果评定做了详细的说明。

  • Sampling method for joint quality test of steel bar and result evaluation

    钢筋接头 检验取样方法及试验结果评定

  • It is necessary to conduct the accelerated multi stress aging test on motor stator bar specimen in order to explore its aging law assess its remaining life and find a set of characteristic parameters which can indicate the condition of the insulation .

    为了研究主绝缘老化机理,评估其剩余寿命,需要对电动机定子线 进行多因子应力综合老化 试验,并寻找能反映主绝缘老化程度的特征参量。

  • Discussing the Fatigue Test Method of Reinforced Bar

    螺纹 钢筋 疲劳 试验方法探讨

  • When the sensor is used to test steel bar after it has been calibrated the accuracy of the sensor is better than ± 2.5 % for the tension strain and ± 2.9 % for the compression strain .

    定标后传感器 测量 钢筋拉应变时,其应变的精度优于±2.5%;测量混凝土压应变时,其精度优于±2.9%。

  • Pullout test of crescent-ribbed bar specimens and screw thread bar specimens were simulated respectively the influence of rib outline on concrete damage was analyzed .

    分别对月牙肋 钢筋和螺纹钢筋单端拉拔 件进行了细观数值模拟,分析了钢筋肋外形对混凝土损伤的影响。

  • Test Study on Anchored Bar with Expanding Ends in Expansive Soils

    膨胀土地层扩底 锚杆 试验研究

  • Analysis on Productive Test of Tensile Anchorage Bar in East Side-wall of Underground Power House of Dongping Hydroproject

    洞坪水电站地下厂房东端墙张拉 锚杆生产性 试验分析

  • You should see a test progress bar and a section detailing the test script steps .

    您应该看到一个 测试进度 ,以及描述具体测试脚本步骤的段落。

  • In the test results window with multiple tests checked click the run button or click rerun on the test results window status bar .

    在“测试结果”窗口中选中了多个测试后,单击“运行”按钮,或单击“ 测试结果”窗口状态 上的“重新运行”。