wooden hammer

[ˈwʊdn ˈhæmɚ][ˈwudn ˈhæmə]

[机] 木锤

  • The pegs are red green yellow and blue and can be pounded into the wooden bench using the hammer .

    木块为红、黄、绿、蓝几种颜色,可以用 将木桩敲进 椅。

  • People fill a wooden model with earth and ram it with a wooden hammer to make a wall .

    人们把土装在一个木制模型里,然后用 敲打,做成墙壁。

  • It seems you have to pound the clay with a wooden hammer until all the particles get very fine to be used for making pottery right ?

    好像得用 它敲细,直到里面没有颗粒了才能做陶器,对吧?

  • The crushing of the wooden fibers caused by the impact of the hammer is referred to as brooming .

    的冲击所引起的 木制纤维的打破得支离破碎者被称为扫帚。

  • Many electrolytic copper factories still use artificial straightening methods that repeatedly beat in the deformation zone of the conducting bar with a wooden hammer in order to achieve the purpose of straightening .

    很多铜电解行业对导电棒的矫直仍采用人工矫直,用 榔头在变形区域反复敲打,以达到矫直的目的。

  • Muzao a general at the beginning of the Lunar New Year the first by the young woman with a wooden trough to hammer out a variety of voices we as much fun .

    木槽一般在农历年初举行,最初由青年女子以 木棍来打槽,击出各种不同的声音,大家尽情地欢乐。

  • The tool shaped like a small wooden hammer is used by the Chair to keep order within a Model UN committee .

    主席用来维持模联委员会秩序的一个 小木 形状的工具。