thickness strip

[ˈθɪknɪs strɪp][ˈθɪknɪs strip]

[机] 厚度泥片

  • By introducing an idea of wide-sense waveguide a united treatment of such problems is realized and the thickness of the strip is taken into account .

    通过引入广义波导概念,自然地考虑了 膜片 厚度效应,使问题的分析得到了统一。

  • Variation of temperature of liquid brass as well as preheating temperature and thickness of steel strip did not change the thickness variation pattern of cladding layer but affected the holding time at individual stages and thickness of the cladding layer .

    铜液温度以及 钢带预热温度和 厚度变化不改变复合层厚度的变化规律,但对各阶段的持续时间和复合层的厚度有影响;

  • Based on the analysis of elongation control system of cold-rolling flattening set in Han Steel the setting value and control model of elongation and effect curve of steel strip are studied as well as the selection of control model for different thickness of strip in detail .

    通过对邯钢冷轧平整机组延伸率控制系统的分析,对延伸率设定值的给定、延伸率的控制模式以及带钢效果曲线进行了研究,同时还详细探讨了不同 厚度 带钢对控制模式的选择。

  • Improvement of thickness uniformity of steel strip with step rolls

    用梯形辊轧制提高 带钢 厚度的均匀性

  • Utilizing different groups of curve the most ideal thickness of silicon-steel strip used in devices applying at different frequencies may be found out .

    利用不同的曲线组可以找出在不同频率下使用的器件所采用 硅钢的最理想 厚度

  • Optimum profile shape and thickness difference of strip can be obtained by means of changing stress distribution of load on the surface of strip .

    通过改变轧辊、板带表面的应力分布,来得到理想的 带材凸度、板形和 差。

  • Actual strip flatness is less than 81 . Steady state thickness precision of strip rolling is in value of design .

    实际带钢板形精度可以控制在8I以下, 带钢轧制的稳态 厚度精度可以控制在设计值以内。

  • The nonlinear model can be used in real-time on line control of rolling force and strip thickness of twin-roll strip casting .

    此模型可以作为双辊铸轧 带钢过程铸轧力的实时在线控制模型。

  • The Application of DSR to Controlling the Flatness and Thickness of Strip

    DSR辊在 形、 厚度控制中的应用

  • In order to ascertain this rational thickness of the strip three mathematical modes were built up as viewed from different types of modeling which included mechanism modeling model 、 identification modeling model and fuzzy modeling model .

    并且利用不同的建模方法,推导出用来计算 穿 出口 厚度设定 的三个数学模型,即:机理建模模型、辨识建模模型和模糊建模模型。

  • The paper introduces the base theory of automatic measure and control of the thickness of cold-roll aluminum strip and gives the hard and soft ware design .

    介绍了冷轧铝 厚度自动检测及控制的基本原理,给出了硬件和软件设计,分析了检测及控制精度。

  • By the method of chemical analysis and the experienced method the commissioning with load was speeded up and the thickness precision of the strip and the rolling stability was improved .

    通过采用化学分析法和经验法加快了调试进度,提高了轧制稳定性和 厚度精度。

  • This model analyze the effects on the strip gauge when some factors vary in the course of rolling such as entrance thickness of strip control tankage in the backpressure cavity of hydrocylinder ordinance of strip roller eccentricity stiffness coefficient of rolling mill and nonlinear factor .

    该模型分析了轧制过程中的诸因素如: 带钢入口 厚度、液压背压腔控制容积、轧件规格、轧辊偏心、轧机纵向刚度、非线性因素等对带钢精度的影响。

  • The effects of critical value of contact angle on the thickness and density of strip under various rolling conditions have been described and the consistence and the divergence caused by this effects as well .

    阐述了接触角的临界值在不同轧制条件下对 带材 厚度,密度的作用所表现的一致性和差异性。

  • This paper analyzes the reasons leading to uneven thickness of cold rolled strip steel problems existing in AGC control system and component and application prospect of intelligent technique .

    分析了冷轧 带钢 厚度不均产生的原因、AGC控制系统存在的问题及智能技术的构成和应用前景。

  • The scale thickness distribution on SPHC strip rolled by CSP process is investigated and compared with that by traditional hot rolling mill .

    研究了CSP 热轧SPHC单张板和板卷的氧化皮 厚度,并与传统热连轧产品进行了比较。

  • Micrometer on instrument that can be used to measure thickness . Typically used to measure the dry film thickness of paint and the thickness of metal strip .

    千分尺&用来测量厚度的工具。通常用作测量涂膜的干膜厚度和 带钢 厚度

  • A Optimal Control Synthesis Scheme for Shape and Thickness on Cold Strip Mills

    带钢轧机 最优综合控制系统的设计

  • Coupling of thickness of bimetallic strip alsn20cu / steel by composite rolling

    AlSn20Cu/Steel双金属 (带)复合轧制过程的 厚度匹配

  • Aiming at the main factors causing thickness fluctuation of hot strip this paper presents a Q prediction feedforward AGC strategy considering the influence of plasticity coefficient changes .

    根据引起热轧 带钢 产品 厚度波动的主要原因,提出基于轧件塑性系数变化的Q预测前馈AGC方法。

  • The software system traced out curve of cold rolling pressure using computer graphics directly show the operating process of control the aim thickness of strip .

    本课题通过计算机图形技术描绘冷连轧轧制过程中轧制力的跟踪曲线,比较直观地反映了在轧制的全过程中为获得目标 厚度轧机压下装置的操作。

  • The control system consists of feedforward control feedback control material flow control and all kinds of compensation functions . Thickness deviation of strip steel can be controlled within 1 % by AGC control system .

    控制系统由前馈控制、反馈控制、物流控制以及各种补偿功能组成,通过AGC控制系统,可将 带钢 厚度偏差控制在1%以内。

  • At present in order to advance the thickness target of strip production further not only need a perfect auto gauge control ( AGC ) system but also a stable tension control ( ATC ) system .

    目前情况下,要进一步提高 带材 厚度指标,不仅要有完善的自动厚度控制(AGC)系统,而且要有一个非常稳定的自动张力控制(ATC)系统做保障。

  • Research of Smallest Permissive-Rolling Thickness During Strip Rolling

    极薄 带钢轧制过程中最小可轧 厚度的研究

  • The thickness of hydride strip has little relationship with hydrogen content .

    氢化物 厚度近似一常数值,与氢含量(渗氢量)没有对应关系。

  • The results showed that roll casting speed increase with the decrease of the thickness of the strip and the peak value of rolling pressure decrease with the increase of roll casting speed and thickness of strip or the increase of roll casting zone .

    研究结果表明,减 铸轧板坯 厚度可提高铸轧速度;随着铸 速度降低、铸轧区增大与铸轧坯厚度减薄,轧制压力峰值增大;

  • This paper is to research the thickness distribution across the strip and it 's relationship with roll 's thermal crown in asymmetric rolling .

    研究了 同步和异步轧制下无取向硅钢的 冷轧织构及其沿 的分布特征。