


  • The scientific research institute has conducted an experiment on thermonuclear reactions .

    科研所今天进行了一个 热核反应的试验。

  • It is worth emphasizing that the nuclear reactions occurring in the interior of the sun and stars are thermonuclear .

    值得强调指出,发生在太阳和恒星内部的核反应是 热核 反应

  • Indeed the evidence presented in the chapter of the Cox report entitled prc theft of us thermonuclear warhead information is when properly understood sufficient to indict .

    事实上,《考克斯报告》中题为“中国窃取美国 热核弹头情报”的内容中揭露的事实如被正确理解已经足以称得上“控告”两字了。

  • Nuclear weapon : or atomic weapon or thermonuclear weapon ; bomb or other warhead that derives its force from either nuclear fission nuclear fusion or both and is delivered by an aircraft missile or other system .

    核子武器:亦称原子武器或 热核武器,利用原子核的裂变或聚变产生爆炸力的炸弹或其它弹头,用飞机,火箭或其它战略发射系统发射。

  • We shall disappear if we cannot adapt to an environment that now contains spaceships computers & and thermonuclear weapons .

    如果我们不能适应一个已经包含了宇宙飞船、电脑和 热核武器的环境,我们也会灭绝。

  • The old thermonuclear mechanism is a special example of it .

    原来老的 热核 反应机制只是它的一个特例。

  • They included thermonuclear blasts neutron bombs and an atomic bomb covertly tested for Pakistan on May26 .

    这些爆炸中包括 热核,中子弹,和1990年5月26日秘密为巴基斯坦爆炸的原子弹。

  • Thus controlled thermonuclear fusion reaction can be is the best source of energy .

    因而,受控 热核聚变反应能是最理想的能源。

  • A thermonuclear reaction in the interior of stars .

    在恒星内部发生的一种 热核反应。

  • External mass and heat transfer international thermonuclear experimental reactor

    国际 热核实验反应堆

  • Thermonuclear reactions are quite literally nuclear burning .


  • Coupled Finite Element Thermal-Mechanical Analysis of Gravity Support System of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor


  • Laser driven fusion requires a high degree of uniformity in laser energy deposition in order to achieve the high density compression required for sustaining a thermonuclear burn .

    为了达到维持 热核燃烧所需的高密度压缩状态,激光驱动聚变对光束能量沉积的均匀性提出了很高的要求。

  • It will probably have to be with the help of the plentiful deuterium in the ocean used as thermonuclear fuel .

    这必须借助于把海洋中丰富的氘用作 热核燃料。

  • We did work in thermonuclear energy laser beam refraction hydrogen molecule development and heavy-water computer data .

    之前,我受雇于哈里斯公司,从事 热和能量、激光柱折射、氢分子、重水计算机数据等相关研发工作。

  • Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear and Thermonuclear Weapons

    禁止使用核武器及 热核武器公约

  • Light from ordinary stars and galaxies comes largely from atoms powered by thermonuclear reactions in the hearts of stars .

    来自一般恒星和星系的光,主要是那些受恒星 内部 热核反应所 激发的原子 发射出的。

  • Any configuration of magnetic fields used to contain a plasma during controlled thermonuclear reactions .

    控制 高热 原子 反应过程中用来放血浆的磁场的结构。

  • It could carry a single thermonuclear warhead with a maximum explosive force of50 kilotons .

    它可以携带最多为50千吨爆发力单一 热核弹头。

  • The big quality star 's thermonuclear reflected that can only maintain for several million years this regarding the life evolution is not enough .

    大质量恒星的 热核反映只能维持几百万年,这对于生命进化来说是远远不够的。

  • Laser controlled thermonuclear reactor

    激光受控 热核反应堆

  • Systems of this sort are being used in an effort to produce controlled thermonuclear fusion reactions .

    这类系统正用于产生受控 热核聚变反应的探索。

  • Declaration on the prohibition of the use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons ;

    禁止使用核武器和 热核武器宣言;

  • I refuse to accept the cynical notion that nation after nation must spiral down a militaristic stairway into the hell of thermonuclear destruction .

    我拒绝接受那种悲观厌世的观点,即所有国家会一个接一个地沿着军国主义的旋梯下滑到 热核 武器 带来的毁灭;

  • The thermonuclear reactions of the sun energize the human body .

    太阳的 热核反应给人类以能量。

  • Nothing less than a fission bomb can ignite a thermonuclear reaction .

    威力比一个裂变炸弹小的任何东西都不能点燃 热核反应。

  • Apple 's late boss Steve Jobs promised thermonuclear war against what he saw as Android 's systematic copying of Apple features .

    苹果已故老板SteveJobs承诺将向android对苹果系统性的抄袭 发起 热核战争。

  • Von Neumann and the band of engineers he assembled to build his computer were looked down upon by other members of the IAS faculty who preferred to grapple with esoteric theories rather than cathode-ray tubes thermionic valves and soldering irons-let alone thermonuclear weapons .

    ias的其他研究人员有些看不起冯诺依曼和他召集来建造计算机的工程师团队,因为他们更愿意全力研究深奥的理论,而不是跟阴极射线管、热离子管和电烙铁打交道,更不要说 热核武器了。

  • Between 1990-92 through experimentation thermonuclear fusion reaction was achieved through the method of indirect driving and thermonuclear neutron was observed .

    接着在1990-1992年间通过实验,用间接驱动方式实现 热核聚变反应,观察到了热核中子。

  • It 's a heavy element produced in thermonuclear explosions of supernovae .

    这是一个重元素,产生于超新星的 热核爆炸。