theory of elasticity

[ˈθiəri ʌv ɪlæˈstɪsɪti][ˈθiəri ɔv ɪlæˈstɪsɪti:]


  • Using this method in finite displacement theory of elasticity we found not only variational functionals obtained by predecessors but also a pair of new functionals-narrow functionals .

    将此法应用于 弹性有限位移 理论中,除了得到前人得到的变分泛函外,还得到了一对新泛函&狭义泛函。

  • The geometric meaning of several principles in the theory of elasticity is given .

    并用几何语言证明了 弹性 力学的几个基本原理。

  • The differential equations are set up for the dynamic characters ; based on the Hertz theory of elasticity the distortion is analyzed and the stiffness coefficient of each part in the dynamic system is deduced ; the calculation example is given .

    建立了系统动力学微分方程组,给出了求解的方法;依据 弹性力学赫兹接触 理论,分析接触部分变形量大小,推导了动力学系统中各部分刚度系数、阻尼系数计算公式,并给出了计算实例。

  • In the first chapter a comprehensive study for theory of elasticity is presented .

    第一章 弹性 力学求解研究进行 综述

  • There are two plane problems in the theory of elasticity the problems of plane strain and of plane stress .

    弹性 理论中有两类平面问题,即平面应变和平面应力问题。

  • Inverse contact problems as a class of non-destructive problems are important issues in the theory of elasticity .

    弹性 理论中,接触反问题是一类重要的问题,属于一2001年上梅大学博士学位论文类无损探伤间题。

  • Calculation of the complex modulus of the former is based on the theory of elasticity .

    另一部分为下卧层的压缩量。前者采用基于 弹性 理论的复合模量法;

  • The theory of elastic stability is conspicuously absent from many books on the theory of elasticity .

    很多 弹性 理论书显然没有把弹性稳定性理论写进去。

  • Using Beltrami-Schaefer stress function in the theory of elasticity in this paper we derive the stress functions of torsion plane problem axisymmetric deformation in solid of revolution and torsion on solid of revolution .

    本文从 弹性 力学 Beltrami-Schaefer应力函数出发,导出了扭转问题、平面问题、轴对称问题和回转体扭转问题的应力函数。

  • On the Identified Lagrange Multiplier Method and a Generalized Variational Principle in Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity

    关于已识别拉氏乘子法和一个非线性 弹性 理论的广义变分原理

  • A new analytical method of pin load computation for joints with multi-rivets or multi-bolts is presented by means of mathematical theory of elasticity and classical principle of structural mechanics .

    对多钉连接件钉传载荷的计算问题提出了一个解析分析方法, 推导了求解 载的 线性代数方程 并给出了若干算例。

  • First this paper studies the impacts of supply and demand on price changes using a classical theory of elasticity called cobweb model . The study explains price changes in theory and analyzes impacts of participants ' choices on price changes .

    首先,从经典的 弹性 理论即蛛网模型研究了供给与需求给价格变化带来的影响,从理论上对价格变化进行解释,并分析了选择性给均衡价格带来的影响。

  • Based on the classical theory of elasticity an expression is derived for the radial stiffness of annular rubber in the dynamical vibration absorption boring bar .

    基于 弹性 力学经典 理论,给出了内藏式动力减振镗杆中环形橡胶径向刚度的计算公式。

  • The geometry characteristic and the load characteristic have the big difference with the theory of elasticity in plane strain condition .

    几何特征和荷载特性均与 弹性 理论中的平面应变条件有较大的差异。

  • In this paper an accurate model for the transferring and distributing of load on a two-way curved slab is developed first according to Theory of Elasticity and the influence of the boundary curvature and supporting condition on the value of the transferred and distributed load is discussed .

    本文首先根据 弹性 理论建立双向曲边板上荷载传递和分配的精确模型,并讨论边界曲度和支承情况对荷载的传递和分配值的影响。

  • Mathematical theory of elasticity and defects of quasicrystals

    准晶数学 弹性 力学和缺陷 力学

  • A special type of unsteady motions which bear a resemblance to plane wave solutions of the linear theory of elasticity can be constructed .

    一种特殊类型的、和线性 弹性 理论中的平面波解有点相像的非稳态运动可以建立起来。

  • The theory of elasticity and thermal undulations of fluid membranes of amphiphiles is reviewed .

    本文简要评述了双亲分子流体膜的 弹性与热力学涨落的 理论 研究现状。

  • Based on theory of elasticity a new method of evaluating self-equilibrating thermal stresses in concrete bridges was proposed .

    为了更准确地计算混凝土桥梁结构的温度应力,提出了一种基于 弹性 理论求解温度自应力的新方法。

  • Changes in the concept of nationalism generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity

    爱国主义内涵的变迁 弹性 力学广义变分原理

  • Generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity

    运动 弹性 动力学综合 弹性 力学广义变分原理

  • The Applications in Economic Work of the Theory of Elasticity in Mathematics

    数学中的 弹性 理论在经济工作中的应用

  • Generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity On the Theoretical Basis of Rheological Mechanics ⅰ Primitive elements and basic principles

    流变力学的理论基础&Ⅰ 本原要素和基本原理

  • This article calculates the value of impact in the process of collision by using the theory of elasticity mechanics thus deepening our understanding of the collision process .

    文章从 弹性力学 理论 出发,对碰撞过程中的碰撞力的大小进行了定量计算,深化了对碰撞过程的定量认识。

  • Generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity A New Method to Apply Inertia Force of Rigid Body in Dynamic-static Method

    理论 力学动静法中刚体惯性力的另种加法

  • Application of similarity in theory of elasticity

    弹性 力学 问题中相似性的应用

  • The study about effective width in and abroad are mostly based on theory of elasticity .

    国内外对组合梁混凝土翼板有效宽度的研究, 弹性 分析较多。

  • Then the mutual affection of multi-pneumatic-hammers was studied using the theory of elasticity wave and random modulation .

    然后利用 弹性理论和信号随机调制 理论,分析了多路随机振动互相作用。

  • The last result is in complete agreement with the one corresponding to solution in the classical linear theory of elasticity .

    最后这一结果是和对应于经典线性 弹性 理论中的解的那种结果完全一致的。

  • First of all Laurent series expansions of stress and displacement fields satisfying all of the governing equations of plane problems in theory of elasticity are derived .

    导出满足 弹性 理论平面问题所有支配方程的应力场与位移场的罗朗级数展开式;