thermal capacity

[ˈθɚməl kəˈpæsɪti][ˈθə:məl kəˈpæsiti]


  • Relationship between Mimic Thermal Capacity and Entropy When Temperature Changes

    拟合 容量和熵随温度的变化关系

  • The demand of tube thermal capacity and the change of dose efficiency of MDCT have been analyzed .

    分析了多排螺旋CT管球对 容量的要求以及其剂量效率的变化。

  • The working principle thermal capacity calibration calorific value calculation attentions in operation and fault analysis of PARR 6300 calorimeter are introduced .

    介绍了PARR6300量热仪的工作原理、 容量标定、热值计算、使用注意事项及故障分析。

  • The thermal capacity is one of the important parameters to reflect the thermal property of soil .

    土壤 容量是土壤热性质的重要参数之一。

  • Analysis of Thermal Capacity and Strand Broking Problems of OPGW

    OPGW 容量及断股问题的分析

  • This is a building which raises the concept of the active fa & ccedil ; ade to new heights working in close conjunction with the room thermal capacity .

    这是一栋把主动式正面的理念推向一个新的高度的建筑,同时加紧与房间的 容量的联系。

  • City roads stand a big proportion of city underlying surface . Asphalt pavement material is grey body close to black body . It is one of the important heat sources of urban heat island effect with high speed of absorbing heat and high thermal capacity .

    城市道路在城市下垫面中占有较大比例,沥青路面材料是接近于黑体的灰体,吸热快、 容量高,是城市热岛效应最重要的热源之一。

  • How to build up methods of thermal reflow profile in the idea of thermal capacity .

    如何从 热容的思想建立回流焊温度曲线的方法?

  • Low heat conduction and thermal capacity .

    低导热率和低 热容

  • As the main clutch the steering clutch is an wear part in track type construction machines . It should pass through thermal load calculation to ensure adequate thermal capacity and service life .

    转向离合器同主离合器一样,是履带式工程机械的易磨损部件,应进行热负荷计算,以保证其有足够的 容量和使用寿命。

  • Thermal Capacity and Thermal Stress Analysis of Rapid-fire Gun Barrel

    高射速自动机身管 容量及热应力分析

  • The Thermal Capacity of Gaseous O_2 and CO_2

    O2和CO2气体的 热容

  • Though the experiment determining calorific value of coal by constant temperature calorimeter it comes to the conclusion that there are three main factors influencing accuracy the thermal capacity water capacity in the inner-canister temperature difference between the room and the outer-canister .

    通过采用恒温式热量计测定煤发热量的试验,得出影响测定结果准确度的主要因素是 容量、内筒中的水量、室温与外筒间温差的结论。

  • The effects of the ducts length and system thermal capacity on the system steady and transient characteristics were investigated in detail .

    分析了系统 热容和管道长度对系统静 动态 性能的影响,为 物理 模拟不同 管理系统静动态特性提供了依据;

  • Discussion on the Definition of Temperature And Thermal Capacity

    对温度和 热量定义的讨论

  • Analysis on influence factors of the entropy and the thermal capacity of Ni ferromagnetic particle

    Ni铁磁粒子熵和 容量的影响因素分析

  • Effects of thermal conductivity and thermal capacity on combustion process of the polymers were analyzed and simulated .

    研究表明,随着熔融层导热系数或 热容 增大,聚合物的点燃时间延迟,燃烧过程中 质量 损失速率下降。

  • Derives a thermal transmission model of cooling / heating floor through analysing the heat exchange processes between the medium water the tube wall and the floor surface and forms a calculation procedure for predicting the thermal capacity and the surface temperature .

    建立了冷暖地板换热的数理模型,分析了盘管内水与管壁、盘管管壁与地板表面、地板表面与房间的换热过程,形成了地板表面换 能力与表面温度的计算方法。

  • In the power plant thermal engineering control field most control objects are of large thermal capacity system with strongly coupling and interference relations among them and also have characteristics of long tune lag as well as great delay .

    电站热工控制领域中,对象多为 大热 容量系统,各自间存在耦合和干扰关系,控制时具有大滞后、惯性特性。

  • Simultaneous measurements of thermal conductivity thermal capacity of an individual carbon fiber

    3ω法测量单根碳纤维导热系数和 热容

  • The method has important reference value for the thermal capacity analysis of other electric apparatus .

    此方法对其他电器设备的 性能分析有一定的参考价值。

  • The heat conductivity thermal capacity pressure and resistance of water are bigger than those of the air so a person loses more body heat in water and consumes more energy than on land .

    水的导热性和 容量、压力和阻力都比空气大,人在水中体热散发相对多一些,能量消耗也大于陆上活动。

  • Because the free water jade crystal structure thermal capacity and radiation heat faster physical properties .

    由于玉石的自由水结晶构造,具有 容量大和辐射散热快的物理特性。

  • This paper studies the thermodynamic conditions of synthesizing VO2 by calculating in theory on the base of traditional H2 reducing approaches . Isobarically thermal capacity and Gibbs free energy are calculated .

    对传统的H2还原法制备VO2的热力学条件做了理论计算研究,计算参数包括恒压 热容和Gibbs自由能。

  • It deduces the formula of variation of fixed thermal capacity and elastic modulus with temperature and pressure based on the actual calculation of crystal indium .

    对铟晶体作具体计算,得到了定容 容量和弹性模量随温度、压强的变化关系式。

  • Structure thermal capacity 's influence of the transitional thermal load was analyzed and boundary equation was set up and solved by finite difference method .

    分析结构 容量对瞬态热载荷的影响,建立与之相应的边值问题方程,并采用有限差分法求解;

  • According to features that the offshore sea has a smaller thermal capacity and shallow depth a one-dimension model based on the balance of energy was used in the simulation of the mean annual SST of the East China Sea .

    根据近海深度浅、 容量小的特点,建立了一个一维能量平衡模式,对东中国海年平均海温进行了模拟。

  • More soil thermal capacity and lower thermal conductivity than common mineral substance the organic soil can affect thermal regime of frozen soil active layer .

    有机质土壤较普通矿物质土壤高的 容量和低的热传导率使其能够对冻土活动层的温度状况产生影响。