theory of medicine

[ˈθiəri ʌv ˈmɛdɪsɪn][ˈθiəri ɔv ˈmedisin]

[医] 医学理论

  • 2 treatment of diseases of the stomach of conditioning is not only a theory in the treatment of diseases of the rich but also enrich the theory of Chinese medicine and development of the spleen and stomach .

    对脾胃调理治未病的探讨不仅是对 中医治未病理论的丰富,也是 中医脾胃 学说的充实和发展。

  • It is the important part of the research of the theory of chinese medicine in new century to fulfil the systematic and overall scientific exploration of compatibility theory of traditional chinese medicine .

    对中药配伍理论完成体系、全面的科学探索,应是迎接新世纪 中药 理论研究中重要的一环。

  • The first part is study of correlative literature . In this part we summarize the domestic and foreign studies during the latest several years Osteoporosis is set forth with the theory of contemporary medicine and traditional Chinese medicine respectively .

    第一部分为文献研究,分别 阐述了现代 医学对骨质疏松症的 认识及祖国医学对骨质疏松症的认识,对近年来国内外的研究状况加以归纳总结。

  • Chinese medicines as a source of innovative drug development must be under the guidance of the theory of Chinese medicine it would have the broader space for development .

    以中药为源泉的创新药物开发必须在 中医 理论指导下进行才会有更广阔的发展空间。

  • With the further understanding of the nature of the disease there are many fit points between Chinese and Western medicine for example collateral disease theory of Chinese medicine has been given to the meaning of modern medicine to become a successful model of integrative medicine .

    随着人们对疾病本质的进一步认识,中国 医学与西方医学之间存在着诸多契合点,诸如 中医络病 学说被赋予了现代医学的含义,成为中西医结合的成功典范。

  • Thoughts on the Theory of System Medicine

    系统 医学 理论 刍议

  • At the same time into the human system of the universe this is consistent with the nature of the system manifested in the physical namely Heaven corresponding theory of Chinese medicine .

    同时,把人体放到宇宙的大系统中去,这与系统的本质是一致的,表现在生理上,即天人相应的 中医 理论

  • As a theory of holistic medicine in the west in ancient period humoralism was similar to traditional Chinese medicine in its viewpoints of health and disease .

    体液论作为古代西方的一种整体 医学 思想,在健康观和疾病观诸多方面与中国传统医学有共通之处。

  • Scientific meaning and contents contained in some theory of Chinese medicine are primarily uncovered through studying its fundamental theory by the way of experimental research .

    通过用实验研究的方法 中医学基础理论进行研究,初步揭示了一些 中医 理论中所蕴含的科学内涵,同时在实验研究中也遇到了一些新的问题和困难。

  • Theory of Chinese medicine in the Spring and Autumn period of the damp-heat syndrome of diabetes has been a more systematic understanding of physicians later this basis for diabetes more in-depth understanding of Damp-heat but also come to realize that diabetes Damp-heat is a dynamic process .

    理论方面, 中医在春秋战国时期就对糖尿病湿热证有了比较系统的认识,后世医家在此基础上,对糖尿病湿热证的认识更加深入,而且逐渐认识到糖尿病湿热证是一个动态的过程。

  • The use of cluster analysis and other related mathematical statistics and the basic theory of Chinese medicine grouped together in a combination of methods analysis of the drug laws and characteristics .

    运用聚类分析等相关数理统计与 中医 基本 理论系统分类归纳相结合的方法,分析其用药规律及特点。

  • From the nature of differentiation of phenomenological theory of Chinese medicine to grasp the concept of modern medicine disease ;

    中医学唯象的辨证性 出发,把握现代医学疾病的概念;

  • Strengthening research on basic theory of traffic medicine .

    加强交通 医学基础 理论研究。

  • The development of TCM more immune to under the theory of TCM medicine formula find the more choose men for treatment of simple efficient immunity infertility of traditional Chinese medicine small compound preparations . 5 .

    免疫中药学的发展,更加有利于在中医 理论 指导下进行选 组方,找出更加适合治疗男性免疫性不育症的简便,高效的中药小复方制剂。

  • Objective : This study aimed at exploring insomnia from Qi deficiencies of the heart and gall combining the theory of Chinese medicine physical doctrine on the disease card in the cause of etiology and pathogenesis ideas of syndrome differentiation treatment elements and drug use .

    目的:本研究旨在探讨失眠从心胆气虚论治的 理论 依据,结合 中医体质学说阐述本病证的病因病机、辨证思路、治疗要点和方药应用。

  • The malpractice that the theory of preventive medicine teaching is divorced from the reality can no longer be neglected .

    预防 医学教育 理论脱离实际的弊端已不容忽视。

  • Objective : To investigate the theory of Chinese medicine treatment of chronic constipation in practical .

    目的:探讨 中医 理论治疗慢性便秘的实践应用。

  • China ′ s traditional concept of health preservation based on ancient philosophical system and basic theory of Chinese medicine is profound and abundant .

    我国传统养生观以古代哲学和 中医基本 理论为底蕴,博大精深。

  • In addition by summarizing the literature of Chinese medicine to recognize that the theory of Chinese medicine system for the understanding of coronary heart disease has long-term clinical practice confirmed the great advantages for the treatment of coronary heart disease .

    此外,通过总结中医 中药文献,认识到 中医 对于冠心病的认识有着系统的 理论,长期的临床实践证实了其对冠心病治疗的巨大优势。

  • Objective : This thesis beginning with ideological theory of Ecological Medicine of Huangdi Neijing ( hereinafter referred to as Neijing ) discovers the traits of disease and pathogenesis caused by six pathogenic factors .

    目的:从《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)生态 医学思想 理论 出发,研究六淫致病性质、特点及发病规律。

  • Therefore the need to strengthen the basic theory of Integrative Medicine for the further use of Chinese medicine treatment of atrial fibrillation to provide clinical guidance to improve the clinical efficacy of medical treatment of atrial fibrillation has laid a solid foundation .

    因此,需要加强中西 结合基础 理论 研究,为进一步运用中医药治疗房颤提供临床指导,为提高中医药治疗房颤的临床疗效打下了坚实的基础。

  • This is not a simple combination of food and traditional medicine but it is a distinctive cuisine made from food and medicinal ingredients following the theory of Chinese medicine .

    这并不是简单地将食物和传统药物相混合,而是按照 中医 理论将食物和药物成分制作成与众不同的菜肴。

  • A survey on the physical teaching in theory of medicine and pharmacy in universities and colleges

    普通高等学校 医药类专业物理 理论课教学现状调查

  • Based on Kidney controls bone theory of Chinese medicine osteoporosis and kidney are more relevant .

    依据肾主骨 理论中医 认为骨质疏松症多与肾虚有关,属肾虚骨痿范畴。

  • From the meridian theory of Chinese medicine a person 's internal organs have corresponding acupuncture points in the feet .

    从祖国 医学经络 学说看,人的五脏六腑在脚上都有相应的穴位。

  • Discussion on Reform of Teaching Materials of Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine

    浅议 中医基础 理论》教材改革

  • It is proved that the theory of Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment can often achieve a satisfactory effect .

    实践证明,运用 中医 理论进行辨证 治,往往能取得令人满意的疗效,且 中医 治疗 极具特色,值得进一步 探讨

  • Pathogenic theory of Chinese medicine emphasizes the emotional emphasis on the impact of emotional factors on the development of the disease .

    中医强调情志致病 理论,重视情志因素对疾病发生发展的影响。

  • Yinyang is a very important concept in ancient Chinese philosophy and the tripartition of yinyang is a central concept in the theory of Chinese medicine .

    阴阳是中国古代哲学的一个很重要的范畴,而三阴三阳是 中医 理论的一个很重要的范畴。

  • In the chapter one it mainly discusses the enlightenment and thoughts from the change and development of the theory of Chinese medicine and the policies of the basic unit medical establishment .

    第一章介绍中医基础 理论及基层 中医政策变迁的启示与思考。