thickness vibration

[ˈθɪknɪs vaɪˈbreʃən][ˈθɪknɪs vaɪˈbreɪʃən]


  • Non-linear mathematical models of dynamic cutting force and cutting thickness are improved by considering influences of regenerative vibration theory and cutter eccentricity .

    基于再生 振动和刀具偏心对立铣加工过程的影响,建立了改进的动态切削力和切削 厚度的非线性数学模型;

  • The rule is the same with the rare seismic level . ( 6 ) The thickness of pier is the most sensitive to the natural vibration frequency of structure then comes the height of pier and then is the style of pier span is the last .

    桥墩半径对结构的自 频率影响最大,其次是墩高,而后是墩的 截面型式,影响较小的是跨径。

  • A study on nonlinear dynamics of circular plate of variable thickness & vibration analysis

    厚度圆板的非线性动态研究& 振动分析

  • That fiberboards with smaller thickness have high vibration acceleration acoustic reflex and acoustic radiation with high wastage of vibration energy .

    厚度小的纤维板其 振动加速度较大,声反射及声辐射能力均较强,但振动能量损耗较高。

  • In these structures the skin / core thickness ratio has a great influence on the vibration properties .

    在这些结构中,表皮层/中心 厚度比对 振动特性有很大影响。

  • Compared with P ( LN ) ZT the thickness vibration mode of 1-3 type piezoelectric composites is strengthened obviously but electromechanical quality factor Q-m is reduced . All of these are in favor of increasing the emission efficiency and receiver sensitivity .

    与纯P(LN)ZT压电陶瓷相比,1-3型聚合物/水泥基压电复合材料 厚度方向 振动增强,机械品质因数Qm明显降低,这有利于提高超声换能器的发射效率和接收灵敏度。

  • In this paper the thickness vibration of the piezoelectric ceramic stack consisting of a number of identical piezoelectric ceramic thin rings is analyzed and its electro-mechanical equivalent circuit is obtained . The resonance frequency equation for the sandwich piezoelectric ceramic ultrasonic transducer in thickness vibration is derived .

    对压电陶瓷晶堆的 厚度 振动进行了分析,得到了机电等效电路,推导了共振频率方程。

  • In this paper thickness shear vibration or torsional vibration of piezoelectric ceramic thin discs waw studied .

    本文研究了切向极化医电陶瓷簿圆片的 厚度剪切 振动,即扭转振动。

  • Finite element analysis software ANSYS to simulate the vibration of the reed to explore the length and thickness of the reed influence on the natural frequency and vibration mode .

    应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对簧片的振动进行模拟,探讨簧片的长度和 厚度 改变对其固有频率和 振动模态的影响。

  • The nonlinear vibration of cylindrical shells under heat load is studied by Galerkin principle and the improved L_P method . The effects of temperature ratio of length to radius and that of thickness to radius on thermal vibration frequency of cylindric shells are discussed .

    采用伽辽金原理及改进的L-P法研究了圆柱壳在热载荷作用下的非线性振动,并讨论分析了温度、长径比、 径比对圆柱壳固有热 振动频率的影响。

  • The mechanism of milling process is very complex due to occurrence of the periodical and intermittent cutting process semi-closed-form machining and chip thickness variation . The periodical cutting force excites vibration between the cutter and workpiece .

    由于铣削加工过程中的多刃断续切削、半封闭加工以及切削 厚度随时间改变等特性,使得铣削加工机理较为复杂,加工过程容易出现 颤振现象。

  • Furthermore the damping coefficient of laminated composite is enhanced with the increasing of thickness of fiber / resin layer . The vibration damping mechanism is analyzed .

    研究了不同纤维/树脂层 厚度时叠层复合材料的阻尼性能,发现随中间层厚度的增加,叠层复合材料的振动衰减系数增加,并分析其 振动衰减机制。

  • Thickness Shear Vibration of Piezoelectric Ceramic Thin Discs

    压电陶瓷薄圆片 厚度剪切 振动

  • In this article form the physical principle the model and the equivalent circuit of thickness extensional vibration mode of thin film transformer is built .

    本文从基本的物理学原理入手,建立了纵 厚度伸缩薄膜压电变压器的物理模型以及等效电路。

  • The Research on the Relation between the Thickness of the Damping Alloy Components and the Effect of Vibration Reduction

    阻尼合金 减振元件 厚度 减振效果研究

  • It has been showed that the first natural frequency is lower the second natural frequency is higher and that the minimum thickness of oil film minish for the vibration amplitudes in resonance are augmented .

    得到的主要结论是:考虑轴倾斜时一阶固有频率略有下降,二阶固有频率略有上升;共振时 振动幅度增大,最小油膜 厚度减小。

  • Thickness vibration of electrically loaded piezoelectric plate

    在电负载下压电板的 厚度 振动

  • Research on Critical Failure Vibration Velocity of Concrete Lining in Different Thickness Under the Acting of Blasting Vibration Dynamiting seemed a bit rash at the time .

    不同 厚度砼衬砌的 爆破临界振速研究在目前的情况下,爆破则似乎草率了些。

  • The Thickness Extensional Vibration Mode of Piezoelectric Thin Film Transformer


  • Analyses of the Thickness Vibration Modes for ( yxl ) φ cut Quartz Thin Plates

    yxl)φ切压电石英谐振器 振动模式分析

  • After analyzed piezoelectric of thickness vibration the paper provided frequency equation of thickness vibration piezoelectricity .

    厚度 振动的压电片进行理论分析,推导了厚度振动压电片的频率方程。

  • As the excite keeps fixed value with the increase of thickness of the viscoelastic material the vibration of the chute reduces significantly .

    由于激励一定,所以随着粘弹性材料 厚度的增加,溜槽的 振动显著降低。

  • This paper studied the thickness matching relationship between piezoelectric elements and main structual body in vibration control .

    研究了在 振动控制中压电元件和主结构体之间 厚度的匹配关系。

  • In this paper formulas of coupling coefficients for thickness extensional and thickness shearing vibration modes along rotated axis for Lithium Niobate were obtained by Methods of matrix calculating and tensor calculating .

    本文利用晶体的压电、弹性、介电矩阵,通过矩阵及张量运算,推导出 铌酸锂晶体 厚度模机电耦合系数的精确公式。

  • For poled samples another two anomalous variationsappear in the dielectric response curves which correspond to the radial extensionvibration and thickness extension vibration respectively .

    经人工极化的样品,介电频响曲线上出现另外两处反常变化,分别相应于径向振动和 厚度伸缩 振动的贡献。

  • With an elaborately designed model test the frequency characteristic of the damped ring in absorbing vibration and noise was revealed . Also the influence of the damped ring thickness on the performance of absorbing vibration and noise was studied too .

    通过模型试验,揭示了阻尼环减振降噪的频率特性,同时还探讨了阻尼环 厚度减振降噪性能的影响。

  • Considering to demands of working fluid flow machining the large thickness work pieces and electrode wire cable impacts to vibration shortest span guide & hydro jet device was devised .

    针对加工大 厚度工件时对工作液流量的需求以及电极丝跨距对 振动的影响,设计了最短跨距导向&喷液装置。