there is no way of


  • Of course there is no way of measuring whether allowing naps has made a difference to the business .

    当然, 没有 什么 办法能够衡量出,允许打盹儿对公司的影响。

  • They have not been used consistently in the same'concentration'over the period they have been in use so there is no way of comparing exams'now'and'then ' .

    由于这类测试在使用阶段中“集中度”不统一,因此 无法将“此时”与“彼时”的成绩进行比较。

  • The only drawback is that there is no way of testing what you have learnt-other than by actually writing of course !

    唯一的缺点是那 没有 办法测试什么您学会了当然-除通过实际写之外!

  • There is no way of knowing the dollar value of fails that have been thus dispatched and consequently it is impossible to know what amounts of money on bank balance sheets are actually phantom capital that will never be recovered .

    完全 没有 任何 办法查清按这种 方式处理的未完成交割的交易到底有多大金额,因此也就无法弄清在银行的资产负债表上到底有多少钱属于永远不可能真正追回幽灵资本。

  • However there is no way of following up when that product release is available to the customer .

    然而, 没有 办法跟踪客户什么时候能用上该产品版本。

  • There is no way of measuring the damage done to morale .

    士气的损失 无法计量。

  • Furthermore there is no way of telling how many duff loans have been sold by banks to investors through securitisations .

    另外, 我们 无法得知有多少不良贷款被银行打包成证券出售给了投资者。

  • When everyone claims to be a goal-oriented achiever and an outstanding leader there is no way of sorting out the sheep from the goats .

    其二,当所有人均声称自己是目标导向型人才,是杰出的领导者时, 没有 办法区分良莠。

  • If the filtering happens in the application there is no way of knowing how many rows to request thus potentially leading to multiple calls to get a single page of data .

    如果筛选在应用程序中进行, 无法知道请求了多少行,因此可能导致通过多次调用来获取单页数据的情况。

  • In my view in the first place there is no way of finding out the dynasty and the year ;

    “据我看来,第一件, 朝代年纪可考”

  • Today we have a holiday because there is no way of computer networking can not browse your article I can not continue to write articles .

    今天我们就要放假了,因为电脑 没有 办法联网,也就不能在网上浏览大家的文章里,我也不能继续写文章了。等到开学后再继续浏览你们的文章。

  • There is no way of learning faith except by trial .

    四,除了在患难中, 没有 别的 地方 可以学习信心的功课。

  • As there is no way of deciding which of the two objects is moving we can choose either one as the moving object .

    因为 根本 没有 办法 确定这两个物体中哪一个物体在移动,所以我们可以把两个物体中的任何一个物体认定是在移动着的物体。

  • There is no way of getting in touch with her .


  • People who has no fault is terrible ; there is no way of taking advantage of them .

    没有缺点的人真可怕; 根本无懈可击嘛。

  • At the moment there is no way of regulating any health claims firms might want to make for these cigarettes or restricting whether they bring such products onto the market at all .

    现在 没有规范有关健康的论断的 方法。烟草公司可能希望找到方法为这些香烟规范健康论断或者决定是否限制将这种产品推向市场。

  • However there is not an option to check if objects implement the interfaces they claim to implement and there is no way of introspecting an object to list the interfaces it supports .

    不过,没有选项来检查对象是否实现了它们所声明的接口,而且 没有 办法可以调查对象内部以使列出其支持的接口。

  • And to my shock I have subsequently discovered that there is no way of telling what happened since improved CCTV only covers part of the airport .

    让我感到吃惊的 ,后来我发现 根本 无法查找到底发生了什么情况,因为经过改善的闭路电视只监控机场的部分地区。

  • Others point out that there is no way of knowing what motivated any of the searches .

    其他学者指出,该调查 无法得知这些搜索内容背后的动机 什么。

  • Even if the proposed budget cuts are achieved there is no way of knowing how long our commitments overseas will last or how expensive they will be .

    即使预算案中的支出削减目标得以实现, 我们 海外的战事将持续多久、还要为此付出多高的花费,这些都 无从知晓。

  • At the moment there is no way of knowing how much of a difference this discovery will make to HIV therapy and any such developments could take decades .

    目前, 不得而知这个新发现能够对艾滋病治疗起多大作用。而此类新的突破进展可能会花上几十年。

  • In this case there is no way of knowing what was being attempted .

    在这种情况下,事后就 无从知道尝试过什么样的操作。

  • Without accurately priced risk there is no way of giving bankers the right incentives however long the period over which their performance is measured .

    无论衡量银行家表现的期限有多长,如果不能精确定价风险, 可能给他们以正确的激励。

  • There is no way of knowing for how long the investigation will continue or its exact repercussions .


  • There is no way of telling what was original he says .

    他说: 知道哪些是原始的东西。

  • As there is no way of deciding which of the two objects is moving .

    因为 无法 判定两个物体中的哪个在动。

  • Notice that there is no way of disproving this statement .

    这儿的陈述 无法 证伪的。

  • Without this there is no way of knowing how much capital is needed and no telling which institutions are solvent or distinguishing between good and bad banks .

    少了这一步, 弄清到底需要多少资金,就分辨不了哪些机构具有偿付能力,或者说,无法区分哪些银行是好的,哪些银行是不好的。