


  • These provide theoretic and practical reference for classifying soil layer by using static cone penetration test .

    为利用静力触探划分土层提供了 理论和实践依据。

  • In this dissertation we investigate the theoretic security of steganography and steganographic capacity under the limit of security .

    本文较系统和深入地研究了隐写术的 理论安全性和安全性限制下的隐写容量等问题。

  • At the same time it gives some theoretic support on the relative research field .

    并为与本研究相关的设计领域提供有效的方法支持和 理论借鉴。

  • Mix in value the price is theoretic he shows grumous national creed idea .

    在价值和价格 理论上他表现出浓厚的国家主义思想。

  • The theoretic basis objectives and content of remote sensing information science are described in this paper .

    本文首先阐述了遥感信息科学的 理论基础、研究对象和内容。

  • The achievements have made significant theoretic contribution to the reform and development of education in ethnic groups'area .

    民族教育经济研究成果为民族地区教育事业改革和发展作出了重大 理论贡献。

  • The third part analyzes and investigates the main theoretic basis of this thesis-Action Space Theorem ( AST ) .

    第三部分对本论文的主要 理论依据&行为空间法则进行分析和研究;

  • This paper makes theoretic analysis and experimental research on the realization of ideal performance of a master slave remote system .

    本文对主从遥控系统理想性能的实现进行了 理论分析和实验研究。

  • It provides a technology basis of theoretic and testing research for the control of vehicle emission .

    为汽车排放污染物控制技术提供了较好的 理论和试验研究基础。

  • In this course I will introduce the basic tools of game theoretic analysis .

    在本课程中,我将会介绍 博奕 的分析的基本方法。

  • This article tried to formalize the basic theoretic structure for the further research .

    本文试图为进一步研究构筑基本 理论结构。

  • The emergence and development of aesthetic anthropology result fromrealistic requirements asking for and have its theoretic basis .

    审美人类学的产生和发展首先是现实提出的要求,并有其学 上的根据。

  • Introduction mainly expounds the theoretic value and the practical meaning of the topic .

    前言主要阐明了本课题的 理论价值和实际意义。

  • Augustine Hobbes and Locke had provided theoretic foundation for these system paradigm .

    奥古斯丁、霍布斯和洛克等分别为这些制度范式提供了 理论依据。

  • The theoretic model computed results have verified the feasibility and correctness of the inversion method .

    通过 理论模型计算,验证了该方法的可行性和正确性。

  • The models give theoretic instruction for dynamic study of the flexible manipulator and an important prerequisite for further research .

    为柔性臂动力学分析和下一步研究提供了 理论指导及重要的前提条件。

  • Theoretic defects will lead to Practical defects and failure .


  • Theoretic analysis and experiment of prototype show that this technique is feasible .


  • Nomology is a basic theoretic subject on the basic theory general principle concept and system of law .

    法理学是一门研究法的一般原理、原则、概念、制度的基础 理论课程。

  • The Theoretic Analysis and Evaluation of Sequences Correlation Affecting the Systems ' Performance

    序列相关性对系统性能影响的 理论分析和评估

  • Theoretic researches mainly focus on path selection of state-owned economy reform while empirical researches test the reform effect .


  • The Theoretic and Empirical Study of Impact on Transportation to International Goods Trade of China

    运输对我国国际货物贸易影响的 理论和实证研究

  • And this result can be used as theoretic reference to the construction of underground engineering in loess areas .

    以上规律和结论可为黄土地区的地下工程建设 提供 一定的参考。

  • The similarity theory lays the theoretic foundation for system simulation .

    相似论为系统仿真奠定了 理论基础。

  • The contemporary Hermeneutics provides important theoretic basis and understanding point for the historical and open meaning in the master of the process .

    当代诠释学也为把握这一过程的开放性和历史性提供了重要的 理论依据和理解视角。

  • Some theoretic analysis on modified Gauss-Seidel ( GS ) method are given .

    给出了改进的高斯-塞德尔(GS)方法的一些 理论分析。

  • The obtained results are theoretic reference to the improvement of the performance of underwater laser communication .

    该研究结果对提高水下激光通信性能具有一定的 理论参考价值。

  • At same time the paper introduce some theoretic such as higher-order statistics artificial neural network .

    本文同时介绍了一些神经网络和高阶累计 等算法的 概念和方法。

  • So the article first combs relatively theoretic frame and make concept of civil administrative participation .

    为此,本文首先梳理了相关的 理论框架,并对公民行政参与的概念进行了界定。