there and back

[ðɛr ənd bæk][ðɛə ænd bæk]


  • When school started in September Anne and Diana walked there and back together every day .

    九月,学校 开学了,安妮和戴安娜每天一起步行 下学。

  • It was20 miles there and back .

    那里 往返共20哩。

  • One incident stands out : we had to cross the Bolivian border to renew our passports and as it was only a six-hour drive we decided to travel there and back in one day .

    有一次,我们越过边界去玻利维亚重申我们的护照。到那里要6个小时的车程,所以我们决定在 那里 上一天。

  • It takes only a week to get there and back .

    来回 只消一个星期。

  • How far is it there and back ?

    来回 多远?

  • Can I get there and back in a day ?

    那里我能当天 返回吗?

  • She 's probably been there and back already .

    她可能已经去过 那里 并且 回来了。

  • We 're going there and back again .

    我们会去到 那里 回来

  • I can go there and back in half an hour .

    我能在半小时内 往返一次。

  • It 's one hell of a train trip about five days there and back

    这趟旅行 来回坐了大约5天火车,受的那个罪 别提了

  • We were informed that on the way there and back we would get soaked up and if we fell into the water professionals would only try to save us not our belongings .

    因为途中不仅浅浅的皮划艇中 积水,划船的人最后衣裤也会湿透,而最重要的是,如果发生意外翻船,抢救人员不会去帮着打捞任何物品。

  • We drive there and back on one tank of petrol .

    我们开车 那里 来回用了一油箱汽油。

  • Mike : OK I will take subway as you suggested.Is10 yuan enough to get there and back ?

    麦克:好,那我就听你的,坐地铁去。 来回十块钱够了吧?

  • Travelling by train means the first and last days of your holiday are usually spent getting there and back .

    火车旅行意味 假期的首末两天通常会被用于出发 返回

  • Can we go there and back before dinner ?

    晚饭以前我们能够去 吗?

  • You could go there and back in a day easily .

    你可以很轻松地当天 来回

  • Can I go there and back in one day ?

    我能够一天打 来回吗?

  • He lived a long way out of the city and thought nothing of making the daily journey there and back throughout the three terms .

    他住在离城很远的地方,三个学期来每天 往返地跑 不当一回事。

  • Lactation time and the time in road of the lactation inside this unit going there and back count work time .

    哺乳时间和在本单位内哺乳 往返途中的时间,算作劳动时间。

  • We have time go there and back before lunch .

    我们到 那里去一次 回来吃午饭还来得及。

  • Warner Bros. has changed The Hobbit : There and Back Agains release date from July 18 2014 to Dec. 17 2014 EW has confirmed .

    华纳兄弟把《霍比特人: 复归》的上映日期由2014年7月18日推迟到了2014年12月17日。

  • Shall we take a cab there and come back by subway ?

    我们坐出租车 乘地铁 回来好吗?

  • Orlando will reprise his elf prince character Legolas for the final time in The Hobbit : There and Back Again - due out December 17 - alongside Ian McKellen Cate Blanchett and Martin Freeman .

    奥兰多将在《霍比特人: 去而复返》中最后一次扮演精灵王子莱戈拉斯《霍比特人》最终部将于12月17上映,奥兰多将与伊恩▪ 麦凯伦,凯特▪布兰切特和马丁▪弗里曼共同出演。

  • I leave her there and go back again .

    过去放下 母鸡 我再 回来

  • You can be there and back in milliseconds .

    你可以在一转眼功夫打一个 来回

  • Long train journey there and back .

    坐火车 来回的长途旅行。

  • It takes four hours to go there and back .


  • Some combination of boats floating platforms and helicopters will have to be employed to get rig workers there and back .


  • If I can get the children there and back again without any of them breaking any bones I shall be thankful .

    如果我能安然无恙地把这些孩子带到 那里 回来,那我就谢天谢地了。

  • Then she leaves him there and goes back .

    让他 登岸 回去