therapeutic exercise

[ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪk ˈɛksɚˌsaɪz][ˌθerəˈpju:tɪk ˈeksə]


  • The research articles were reviewed on mechanism of therapeutic exercise exercise procedure exercise prescription exercise period about GDM . These data supported that exercise may improve the resistant of the patients with GDM to insulin reduce the body weight prevent atherosclerosis .

    本文综述近年来有关GDM 运动 疗法的机制、运动方式、运动处方、运动时间的文献,表明运动疗法可以改善患者的胰岛素抵抗,减轻体重,预防动脉粥样硬化;

  • Objective : To evaluate the teaching effect of the diagnostic and therapeutic exercise of internal medicine diseases .

    目的:探讨内科疾病 诊治 演习的教学效果。

  • The patients in the control group received rest and protecting waist therapy besides which the patients in the rehabilitation group received persistent and chrinic therapeutic exercise after surgical treatment .

    对照组予休息及护腰治疗,治疗组予适当的休息及护腰 治疗外,术后予长期的 运动治疗。

  • Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture needle retaining combined with cupping and patient 's exercise for treatment of traumatic shoulder pain .

    目的:观察针刺带针 运动治疗外伤性肩痛症的 疗效

  • Observation on therapeutic effect of moxibustion and exercise for children with short stature of deficience of the kidney essence

    艾灸和 运动综合方案干预肾精亏虚矮小症 疗效观察

  • The therapeutic effects of isokinetic eccentric exercise in patients with knee osteoarthritis

    等速离心 训练对膝关节骨关节炎患者的影响

  • Astanga Yoga is a therapeutic physical exercise that focuses on breathing and relaxation .

    八步 功法瑜伽注重呼吸和放松,是一种舒缓身心的 锻炼方法。

  • Objective To evaluate therapeutic effects of ultrasound emulsification suction and postoperative visual function exercise for congenital cataract .

    目的评价先天性白内障超声乳化手术治疗联合视功能 锻炼 疗效

  • Studies showed that the therapeutic efficacy could be maintained within a short term after exercise .

    研究发现在 训练结束后 治疗效果在短期内得以维持。

  • Therapeutic effects of combining swimming exercise and Chinese medicine ( Yin Yang Huo ) biochemical indicators of bone metabolism of on postmenopausal ( ovariectomized ) rats

    游泳加中药淫羊藿综合 疗法对去势大鼠骨代谢生化指标的作用

  • Conclusion : This diagnostic and therapeutic exercise of internal medicine diseases is a viable teaching approach which can foster students ' clinic practicing ability .

    结论:内科疾病 诊治 演习是培养学生临床实践能力的一种可行的教学方法。

  • The effectiveness of acupuncture therapy with and without therapeutic exercise on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee

    针灸配合功能 训练治疗膝骨性关节炎的 临床研究

  • Objective To study the severity of coronary artery disease the incidence of cardiac events prognosis and therapeutic choice of patients with strongly positive results of treadmill exercise testing ( TET ) .

    目的研究平板 运动试验强阳性患者的冠状动脉病变及心血管事件、预后和 治疗状况。

  • A preliminary observation on the therapeutic effect of breathing exercise and shadow boxing training on hypertension in the elderly

    气功和太极拳锻炼对老年性高血压 疗效的初步观察

  • Objective To explore therapeutic effect of functional exercise and the sick with disease of locomotor system .

    目的:评价功能 锻炼,治疗运动系统损伤病人的 疗效

  • Conclusion Therapeutic lifestyle changes can enable patients to establish good diet and exercise habits reduce entirely adverse impact on hyperlipidemia patients which has shown that the intervention strategy in this paper is effective and feasible .

    结论 治疗 生活方式改变能使患者建立良好饮食与 运动行为习惯,减少对患者预后不利的影响。

  • Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Youxuan Acupoints and Rehabilitation Exercise on Hemiplegia after Apoplexy

    针刺优选法结合现代 康复治疗脑卒中后偏瘫 临床 疗效观察

  • Effects of therapeutic exercise on motor funtion of hemiplegic patients

    医疗 体操对脑卒中肢体运动功能的影响

  • CONCLUSION : Chrinic therapeutic exercise is important in decreasing the postoperative recurrence rate of lumbar disc protrusion .

    结论:腰椎间盘突出症术后坚持 运动 治疗可降低术后的复发率。

  • Methods 60 patients with motor aphasia after cerebral infarction were randomly divided into two groups . The therapeutic group of 30 cases was applied with degree of lip-rounding voice exercise and the tape exercise about language .

    方法将60例脑梗塞运动性失语患者随机分为两组, 治疗组30例,除常规治疗外,利用口形及声音 训练和利用语言训练磁带练习;

  • Therapeutic effect of acupuncture combined with rehabilitation exercise in patients with shoulder-hand syndrome

    针灸结合康复 训练治疗肩手综合征的 疗效分析

  • Combining physiotherapy with therapeutic exercise can treat and prevent myofascitis effectively . Has it positive action ?

    两者 合用,有积极的 治疗和预防复发作用。能否发挥其积极作用?

  • Patients in the treatment group were treated with both acupuncture and therapeutic exercise .

    治疗组30例以 针刺结合 运动疗法为主;对照组30例以 运动疗法为主。

  • AIM : To observe the therapeutic effects of dumbbell gymnastics and bare-handed exercise in ameliorating the symptoms of shoulder periarthritis .

    目的:观察比较哑铃操锻炼与徒手功能 锻炼对肩周炎患者症状及功能改善的 治疗效果。

  • Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Acupuncture and Exercise Therapy on Type 2 Diabetes

    针刺和 运动疗法对2型糖尿病的 疗效观察

  • Acupuncture combined with therapeutic exercise to treat the Shoulder-Hand Syndrome ( SHS ) after strokes has a better clinical effect . 2 .

    【结论】1、针刺结合 运动 疗法治疗脑卒中后肩手综合征有较好的临床疗效。

  • Objective : To observe the therapeutic effects of long term quantitative exercise and its influence on diabetic risk factors to type 2 diabetic patients ?

    目的:观察长期定量 运动对2型糖尿病患者的 疗效,探讨 运动对糖尿病高危因素等指标的影响。