


  • Interstage mechanisms for space launch vehicles and the specially designed production equipment therefor .

    运载火箭的级间机构及为其专门设计的生产设备 3

  • Therefor this research was designed to examine this issue by signal detection theory .

    因此本研究运用了信号检测论的方法来考察 视觉障碍 儿童 能力

  • Therefor namely given global village this nickname .


  • The ordering party shall accept the products and articles completed by the contractor and shall pay remuneration therefor .

    定作方应当接受承揽方完成为物品或工作成果,并给付 报酬

  • Therefor should be vigorously propelled its construction with the system arrangement .


  • Therefor this paper is of much importance to closed harmonic-planetary gearbox .


  • Therefor the relationship between the theoretical and experimental results of the FCP was established .

    从而 勾通了理论结果同试验结果之间的联系。

  • We agree to compensate to total loss and enclose one draft for USD 780 to pay therefor .

    本公司同意赔偿所有损失,兹附上款额 780000美圆汇票一张,以资偿付。

  • High performance and capacity long service life therefor suitable for long operation periods .

    吸力 强劲 容积大,使用寿命长,适合进行长时间 连续操作。

  • Most of the new German theories of the early19th century therefor stressed the distinctiveness of German culture .

    对19世纪初德国新多数理论, 为此强调了德国文化的独特性。

  • The production sale and utilization of any construction or decoration materials containing toxic or hazardous content exceeding national standards therefor is prohibited .

    禁止生产、销售和使用有毒、有害物质超过国家标准的建筑和 装修材料。

  • He will be paid therefor .

    他将 为此而得到 报酬

  • Therefor it is important to strengthen building natural ventilation .


  • To authorize others to reproduce and distribute the radio or television programme and to receive remuneration therefor .

    许可他人复制发行其制作的广播、电视节目,并获得 报酬

  • Therefor the author suggests developing the new labour intensive industry and puts forward corresponding measures .


  • The specific measures therefor shall be formulated by The People 's Bank of China .

    具体办法由中国人民银行 规定

  • To authorize others to make sound recordings and video recordings for commercial purposes and to receive remuneration therefor .

    许可他人为营利目的录音录像,并获得 报酬

  • Notice of the delay and the reasons therefor shall be provided in writing to the interested party .

    延误的通知及其 原因应以书面形式向咨询者提供。

  • And therefor you have to go to a special school again .


  • Therefor research on digital watermarking techniques for halftoned image is significant .


  • The representative of the drafting unit shall give explanations and give reasons therefor .

    起草单位的代表应当作出解释和说明 理由

  • As the regulation on Industry Investment Fund is not officially promulgated it is still unclear the threshold therefor .

    由于《产业基金管理办法》还未正式颁布, 因此进入门槛仍然不明确。

  • Therefor when we prompt the development of the research on brain science the research on the relevant philosophical issues should be intensified .


  • Our other providers know this and therefor accept the deferred payment .

    我们其它的供货商了解到这一 同意和我们作远期信用证。

  • Roz and I have been going therefor years .


  • Therefor the focus of this article is patterns .


  • Therefor we need special functions which give us the ability to get-and set-the member values .


  • Therefor this paper mainly introduces the fund products in financial market .
