thermal dispersion

[ˈθɚməl dɪˈspɚʒən][ˈθə:məl disˈpə:ʃən]


  • Thermal wavelength for general dispersion relations

    普遍 色散关系下的 波长

  • In order to solve the model then the Jacobi 's iterative method was utilized with the help of the volume control technique and the thermal diffusion equation 's dispersion of implication format . The simulated results coincided with the measured data in the test .

    模型求解中,采用控制容积法,以全隐格式进行 扩散方程的 离散化,然后应用Jacobi方法迭代求解,模拟结果和实际观测数据吻合很好。

  • Application of the Thermo-TDR Technique for Determining Water Flux Density and It 's Relationship with Thermal Dispersion and Solute Dispersion in Saturated Soils STOCHASTIC MODELLING OF CHLORIDE TRAVEL IN HETEROGENEOUS SATURATED SOILS UNDER THE CONDITION OF PREFERENTIAL FLOW

    利用热脉冲-TDR技术确定饱和土壤中水流通量及其与 弥散和溶质弥散的关系非均质饱和土壤盐分优先运移的随机模拟

  • The analytical results show that the solder material contact area and processing quality of solder layer will be main factors restricting the ability of thermal dispersion for flip-chip configuration LEDs .

    研究表明,焊接层的材料、焊接接触面的面积和焊接层的质量是制约倒装焊LED芯片 散热能力的主要因素;

  • Thermal dispersion model for single phase flow in porous media

    多孔介质单相渗流的 弥散模型

  • Thermal Dispersion of GaN - base d Power LEDs

    GaN基功率型LED芯片 散热 性能 测试 分析

  • A mathematical model and corresponding computational results describing the three-dimensional turbulent flow thermal dispersion and inclusion behavior in tundish were presented in this study .

    本文介绍连铸中间包内钢液流动、 温度 分布和夹杂物行为等三元传输过程的三维体系数学模型及其部分计算结果。

  • Thermal dispersion and solute dispersion resulting from the discrepancies of pore water velocity are important parameters in studying water heat and solute transport in porous media .

    由土壤孔隙水流速率差异引起的 弥散和溶质弥散对于了解水热盐耦合运移非常重要。

  • The author further pointed out several effective measures to improve the thermal efficiency of rotary kiln including reducing heat dispersion adding heat exchange fitting in the kiln and utilizing waste heat of fume and ceramisite .

    介绍提高陶粒回转窑 效率的四项有效措施:降低回转窑体表皮 散热、增设窑内热交换装置、利用窑尾烟气余热、出窑陶粒的余热利用;提出建议。

  • Firstly the specific characteristics and complexity of the dispersion geometrical structure play a decisive role in its effective thermal conductivity . Accurately describing the geometrical structure of dispersion is the premise of exactly predicting its effective thermal conductivity .

    首先,由于散体几何结构的特殊性与复杂性,使得其对于散体有效导热系数起着决定性作用,准确的描述 散体的几何结构是进行准确预测其有效 导热系数的前提。

  • The research of effective thermal conductivity of dispersion infiltrates a lot of science fields and includes many branches of learning . However there are many kinds of dispersion materials with different characteristics and it is an immature subject up to now .

    散体有效 导热系数问题的研究渗透在许多领域,涉及到很多学科,但由于散体的物料种类多、性质差别较大,至今仍是一门尚未成熟的学科。

  • The thermal relaxation model can well simulate the properties of the saturated rocks such as attenuation and velocity dispersion .

    弛豫模型能够很好的反映饱和岩石的衰减和速度 等性质。

  • Including a thermal dispersion term in the conduction-convection heat transfer equation does not improve the model significantly .

    在传导一对流热传输方程中加入 弥散项不能显著改善模型的预测结果。

  • A New Thermal Probe Method for Determining Thermal Conductivity Based on the Minimal Dispersion of Thermal Diffusivity

    据热扩散率最小 离散 确定 导热系数的新热探针法

  • The results show that thermal treatment and dispersion strengthening action of silicon carbide greatly improve hardness wear resistance and resistance to oxidation at high temperature of amorphous nickel-tungsten-carbide deposit .

    结果表明:碳化硅的 弥散强化作用和 处理能显著提高复合镀层的硬度、耐磨性和抗高温氧化性。

  • The thermal stability and oxidation of MgB-2 under air condition from room temperature to 1000 ℃ was investigated by thermogravimetry ( TG ) X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersion spectrum ( SEM-EDS ) .

    用热重法(TG)、X光衍射(XRD)和带能 的扫描电镜(SEMEDS)研究了MgB2在空气气氛中从室温到1000℃的 稳定性和氧化情况。

  • In this paper we explored that the infrared absorption UV absorption and thermal properties of polymer were influenced by the introduction of nano-TiO2 on the polymer through preparing TiO2 / PDBOPV nanocomposites using SEM to view the morphology and the dispersion effect of the polymer .

    制备了纳米TiO2/PMOPOPV原位复合物,探索纳米TiO2的引入对聚合物红外吸收和紫外吸收以及 性能的影响,利用扫描电镜观察了聚合物的形貌以及TiO2的 分散效果。

  • The temperature distribution of power LEDs is measured and the performance of thermal dispersion is discussed .

    对各种正装和倒装焊功率型LED芯片的表面温度分布进行了直接测试,对其 散热性能进行了分析。

  • Based on the mechanism of thermal disturbance feedback a new governing equation for the propagation of disturbances and the dispersion relation has been obtained .

    基于 扰具有反馈机制的看法,导出了非平衡、非绝热气体中扰动传播的基本方程式和 色散关系。

  • Accustomed models of thermal dispersion used in porous medium and Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage ( ATES ) were summarized . The thermal dispersion models can be summed up to two types one is one power of velocity and the other is multiple of aquifer thermal conductivity .

    综述了多孔介质和含水层蓄能中常用的 弥散模型,把热弥散模型归结为两类:速度一次方模型和含水层滞止导热系数倍数模型。

  • Through studying it is indicated that in sedimentary basin the thermal fluid flowing process belongs to a dynamic balance between accumulation and dispersion under the action of the principal drive mechanism formed by pressure system essentially .

    研究表明,沉积盆地内的 流体活动过程,实质上是一个在压力系统这一主要驱动机制作用下的流体 聚散动平衡过程。

  • In the aspect of thermal dispersion for power LEDs flip-chip configuration has potential predominance .

    与正装LED相比,倒装焊芯片技术在功率型LED的 散热方面具有潜在的优势。

  • The drop of pumping temperature is increased with thermal dispersion intensifying .

    随着 弥散的加强,抽水温度降加大。

  • Effect of Thermal Treatment Time on the Dispersion of MoO_3 onto the Surface of MCM-41

    处理时间对三氧化钼在MCM-41表面 分散 状态的影响

  • The thermal property was studied by TGA and the particle size and its distribution of the dispersion were measured .

    采用TGA研究了其 稳定性能,并测试了分 散体的粒径和分子量。

  • The effect of divergent wind excited by external thermal forcing on propagation of low frequency Rossby wave is investigated in a barotropic atmosphere . The dispersion relation and group velocity expression of low-frequency Rossby wave with divergent wind are derived .

    文中研究了 热力强迫所激发的辐散风对低频Rossby波能量传播的影响,推导出辐散风作用下的Rossby波的 关系和群速度表达式。

  • Application of Tidal Numerical Model to Thermal Plume Dispersion from Power Plant at Zhuanghe

    潮汐潮流三维数值模拟在 庄河电厂温排水问题中的应用

  • The thermal and chromatic characteristics of diffractive optical element are introduced . For its unique dispersion and thermal properties it can be regarded to make from a special kind of infrared material .

    阐述衍射元件的 和色差特性,表明衍射元件具有的特殊热 和色差性能,相当于一种特殊的红外材料。

  • Preparation of nanometer luminescent materials entrapped in zeolites by hydro thermal dispersion and their luminescence

    沸石基纳米材料的水 分散法制备及其发光