thermal transmission

[ˈθɚməl trænsˈmɪʃən][ˈθə:məl trænzˈmiʃən]


  • Introduce the solar energy absorption refrigeration system and problems when designing absorption refrigeration system usage of absorption system how to select refrigerant study of thermal transmission .

    简介了太阳能吸附制冷系统,设计吸附制冷系统主要面临的问题,吸附制冷系统在制冷空调中的应用,吸附工质对的选择,强化 吸附器的研究。

  • Analysis on a model of sequential thermal transmission for aquifer thermal energy storage

    储能地下含 水层两阶段 流动换热模型分析

  • Analyzed several lamp thermal defect in detail especially resulted from thermal stress the thermal transmission model is simplified based on fast model used then it is discussed . ( 2 ) Researching the critical technique of computing the thermal field .

    详细分析了车灯的几个常见热缺陷,特别是热应力引起的缺陷,并在现有的快速模型的基础上简化车灯 传热模型,讨论了 热源建模。(2)车灯温度场计算关键技术研究。

  • In this paper the present development of composite hot pressing process was described in four aspects of resin flow thermal transmission void action and residual stress mechanism .

    本文主要从复合材料热压成型过程中的树脂流动和流变机理、 传递机理、气泡活动机理以及残余应力机理等方面论述了复合材料热压成型工艺的研究进展。

  • Through the test and the calculation of blasting temperature we can make some decisions as follows : the effect of thermal transmission and molar mass also play important roles in the factual effect of decreasing blasting temperature not the simple thermal capacity .

    通过爆温计算和实验结果分析得出:实际的爆炸降温效果不仅与介质的比热容有关还与其 传热效果和摩尔质量有关。

  • The importance the content and method of thermal balance design for RTM mould are discussed as well as the thermal transmission of the mould materials the heat balance analysis the healing system and the local heating of the mould .

    论述了RTM模具热平衡设计的重要性、热平衡设计的内容和方法,以及模具材料的 传递性能、模具的热平衡分析、加热系统和局部加热系统的设计。

  • Research purposes : The countermeasures were proposed to the technical difficulties in strength and durability of concrete and disturbance on frozen-soil structure by thermal transmission while building bridge span structure by adopting cast-in-place concrete pile in construction of railway and highway in permafrost zone in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau .

    研究目的:针对青藏高原多年冻土地段建设铁路、公路遇到桥跨结构混凝土灌注桩基强度的发展,耐久性和 传递对冻土结构扰动的技术难题等情况,提出相应对策。

  • Measuring method for thermal transmission of cloth

    织物的 保温 性能测定法

  • Grasp the elementary theory of momentum transmission the thermal transmission and the mass transfer as well as the typical food engineering operation basic principal and basic rule .

    掌握动量传递, 热量 传递及质量传递的基本理论以及典型食品工程操作的基本原理和基本规律。

  • Derives a thermal transmission model of cooling / heating floor through analysing the heat exchange processes between the medium water the tube wall and the floor surface and forms a calculation procedure for predicting the thermal capacity and the surface temperature .

    建立了冷暖地板换 数理模型,分析了盘管内水与管壁、盘管管壁与地板表面、地板表面与房间的换热过程,形成了地板表面换热能力与表面温度的计算方法。

  • Thermal Transmission Model for Concasting Slab Solidification

    连铸板坯凝固的 传热模型

  • Test Study for Improvement of Thermal Transmission Character at High Thermal Current Density and Natural Air Circulation

    高热流密度自然对流条件下改善 传导性能的实验研究

  • Building element & Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties-Calibrated and guarded hot box

    GB/T13475-1992建筑构件稳态 传递性质的测定标定和防护热箱法

  • Some Applications of Thermal Neutron Transmission Method in Core Analysis

    中子 透射方法在岩样分析中的若干应用

  • Analysis on Calculation Method and Thermal Transmission Characteristic of Radiation Recuperator for Car-type Heat Treatment Furnace

    台车式热处理炉辐射换热器计算方法及 传热特性分析

  • The STDA program is used for thermal transmission simulation on the plinth and heat preservation structure of building in Xinjiang region .

    运用 STDA程序,对新疆地区建筑物勒脚部位,以及不同保温构造进行 传热模拟。

  • The phenomena of leading-force and leading-work in thermal transmission were investigated in this paper .

    研究了 交换中的引导力与引导功现象。

  • The calculation model for tubular radiation recuperator has been established and the thermal transmission characteristics ( preheating temperature of air temperature of furnace wall and thermal transmission coefficient ) of the radiation recuperator for car-type heat treating furnace has been therefore analyzed .

    建立了筒状辐射换热器传热计算模型,分析了台车式热处理炉上使用燃气辐射换热器的 传热特性(空气预热温度、壁温和传热系数)。

  • First we take a typical interconnect system as example expand the concept of thermal resistance and capacitance and establish a thermal transmission line network model .

    第一,针对典型的互连系统结构,在引入热路、热阻的概念基础上,建立了 传输线网络模型。

  • And the change of the temperature field of fracture rock mass is bigger the thermal transmission is quicker as well .

    裂隙岩体和裂隙水流温度相差越大,温度等值线越密集,岩体温度场变化越大, 热量 传递越快。

  • A new method for measuring moisture in pottery materials using a thermal neutron transmission gauge is reported .

    报道了一种利用 中子 透射计取样测量陶料水分的新方法。

  • Along with scientific and technological progress as well as the continued miniaturization of electronic devices progress nano-film thermal transmission has become the current scientific research hot spot .

    随着科学技术地不断进步以及电子器械的微型化进展,纳米薄膜的 传热研究已成为当前科学研究的热点。

  • A thermal control system of the space camera was designed by means of thermal isolation thermal transmission and temperature compensation .

    采用热隔离、 疏导及温度补偿等方法针对该空间相机进行了热控制系统的设计。

  • In aero-dynamic environment the shape and optical property of optical window will change because of thermal transmission and thermal stress effects and then the window whose original optical property is homogeneous distorts which results in gradient distribution of the refractive index inside the window .

    处在气动热环境中的窗口由于 传导和热应力等效应导致窗口材料外形和光学性质的变化,使原本光学特性均匀的窗口外形产生畸变,并且在内部形成了折射率梯度分布。

  • Measurement of boron content in dry glass fibre by thermal neutron transmission method

    中子 透射法测干玻璃纤维材料含硼量的研究

  • The subway tunnel fire is a disastrous phenomenon which contains the process of burning turbulent motion and thermal transmission .

    地铁区间隧道火灾是一种包含了燃烧、紊流流动和 传递过程的灾害性现象。

  • According to heat transfer principle this article establishes thermal transmission mathematical model for brake disc on high-speed locomotive . With ANSYS finite element program it simulates the value of temperature and stress fields for brake disc and coupling on the locomotive of 200 km / h.

    根据传热学原理,建立了高速机车制动盘的 传热数学模型,利用ANSYS有限元程序,对200km/h机车制动盘及联接件进行了温度场、应力场数值模拟。

  • Thermal insulation Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties Pipe insulation apparatus

    GB/T10296-1988绝热层稳态 传递特性的测定圆管法

  • Thermal transmission is a general phenomenon in our life and a similarity faced by the modern industries .


  • Research on Nonlinear Static-Dynamic Characteristics and Delamination Growth for Composite Laminated Circular Plates with Delamination Thermal insulation Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties Pipe insulation apparatus

    具脱层层合圆板的非线性静动力性能及脱层扩展研究GB/T10296-1988绝热层稳态 传递特性的测定圆管法