thermal black

[ˈθɚməl blæk][ˈθə:məl blæk]


  • The Thermal Characters of Quantum Field Near the Black Hole

    黑洞附近量子场的 性质

  • Today thermal black is utilized as a functional filler in a wide range of rubber products .

    现在 炭黑在各种橡胶制品中被用作一种功能填料。

  • The thermal effect and Carnot cycle of the black string

    弦的 效应与卡诺循环

  • Thermal radiation of non-static black hole studied by conformal flat method

    用共形平直方法研究动态 黑洞 辐射

  • This rubber function of medium thermal black has in many cases been replaced by less expensive non-black filler systems .

    这种在橡胶中起作用的中粒子 炭黑在许多情况下已被较便宜的非擞黑填魁体系所代替。

  • Thermal Radiation of Non stationary Black Holes Described by Time t

    时间t描述的动态 黑洞 辐射

  • Thermal effect of non-static black holes in 1 + 1 dimensions

    1+1维动态 黑洞 效应

  • The equilibrium thermal radiation in a curved space-time shows Planco black body spectrum given by coordinate quanties .

    弯曲时空中的平衡 辐射,表现出用坐标量表示的普朗克 黑体谱。

  • In the first chapters the concepts of black hole and the event horizon black hole radiation the thermal properties of black hole and scalar field radiation are introduced briefly .

    在论文的第一章,简单地介绍了黑洞的形成、视界的概念、黑洞的 性质以及 黑洞辐射和标量场辐射等基础知识。

  • Study of Thermal Conductivity of Natural Rubber Filled with Carbon Black

    炭黑填充天然橡胶 复合材料 热导率的研究

  • The concept of local thermal equilibrium is introduced into a nonstationary black hole whose metric is changing slowly ;

    首先,研究了任意加速的旋转黑洞,对缓变动态 黑洞引入了局域 平衡的概念;

  • Thus the studies of the thermal properties of non-stationary black holes are more meaningful than that of stationary ones .

    因此研究动态 黑洞 性质就比稳态情形更加富有意义。

  • Geothermal Heat Pump hyperthermia THERMAL JET OF BLACK HOLE

    黑洞 高温喷流

  • Hawking Radiation and Thermal Equilibrium of a Three-dimensional Black Hole

    三维 黑洞的量子热辐射和 平衡

  • However most of these researches were concentrated on studying the thermal effect of static or stationary black holes .

    但是多数研究主要集中在对稳(静)态 黑洞 效应的考察之上。

  • A new method studying non thermal radiation from non stationary Kerr black hole

    研究动态Kerr 黑洞辐射的新方法

  • Measurement of the Thermal Resistance on the Black Coating in the Absolute Radiometer

    绝对辐射计 接收面涂层 热阻的测量

  • Experiment Study and Calculation Model of the Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Black / Rubber Composite

    炭黑/橡胶复合体系 热导率的实验及模型研究

  • Thermal radiation of an arbitrarily accelerating Kerr black hole

    任意加速运动的Kerr 黑洞 辐射

  • Study on the Thermal Effect of Red Pigment form Black Nightshade

    龙葵红色素 效应的研究

  • Thermal Effect of Evaporation Black Hole with Global Monopoles in De Sitter Space-time

    DeSitter时空背景中具有整体单极的蒸发 黑洞 效应

  • This paper is devoted to study the thermal and nonthermal radiation of the charged BTZ black hole the thermal spectrum of Hawking radiation and the radiation temperature are obtained and the effective potential and the particle energy formula of the nonthermal radiation are given .

    本文探讨了荷电的BTZ 黑洞 辐射与非热辐射,给出了Hawking辐射谱及相应的温度表达式,并给出了非热辐射的有效势和粒子的能量公式。

  • Thermal analysis curves of black powder and its raw materials were measured with heating rates of 5 and 40 ℃· min - 1 by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) and thermogravimetry ( TG ) .

    应用差示扫描量热计和热重分析仪,在5℃·min-1、10℃·min-1、20℃·min-1和40℃·min-1升温速率下分别测定了 火药及其生产用原材料的 分解曲线。

  • Thermal properties of singular stationary black holes

    奇异稳态 黑洞 性质

  • Many rubber goods require medium thermal black in order to meet highly demanding performance specifications .

    为了满足高的使用性能要求,许多橡胶制品需用中粒子 炭黑

  • Quantum thermal effect of a non-uniformly rectilinearly accelerating black hole

    变加速直线运动 黑洞的量子 效应

  • The quantum thermal effect of arbitrarily accelerating black hole with electric charge magnetic charge and color charge is studied . The event horizon equation the temperature function of the event horizon and Hawking thermal spectrum formula are given .

    研究了带有电荷、磁荷和色荷的一类任意加速 黑洞的量子 效应,得到局部事件视界方程、温度函数以及Hawking热辐射谱。

  • Thermal Decomposition and Kinetic Parameters of Black Powder Reaction

    火药的 分解过程与反应动力学参数研究

  • Quantum Thermal Effect of Non-Stationary Kerr Black Hole

    动态Kerr 黑洞的量子 效应