thermal detector

[ˈθɚməl dɪˈtɛktɚ][ˈθə:məl dɪˈtektə]


  • Portable Infrared thermal detector has inside LD red introductive light and can make a sound when aiming at an object . The minimum measured diameter is 2.5 mm at the distance of about 25 mm .

    便携式红外 辐射 监测仪内置LD红光指示和对准音提示,在距离红外透镜25mm处最小物面孔径为2.5mm。

  • Effect of the Temperature of Thermal Detector on Temperature Measurement of Uncooled Infrared Imager


  • The Scheme Research of Chromatography 's Thermal Conductivity Detector Bridge Auto-adjusting

    色谱仪 热导 检测器电桥自动调衡的方案研究

  • The Thermal Conductivity Detector ( TCD ) is concentration detector that measure the thermal conductivity coefficient of the sampled gas different from the reference gas is a not destructiveness detector can use with other detector .

    热导 检测器是利用被测组分和参考气的热导系数不同而 响应的浓度型检测器,是一种非破坏性检测器,可与其他检测器联用。

  • Laser beam type thermal detector

    激光光束型 推测

  • Cable Thermal Detector bimetal strip-type fixed temperature detector

    缆式线型感 探测器双金属定温火灾探测器

  • Ferroelectric ceramic thin film infrared detector is an uncooled infrared thermal detector that has great application potential for thermal imaging devices owing to its very high sensitivity .

    铁电陶瓷薄膜红外 探测器是一种无致冷的红外 探测器。由于它具有很高的灵敏度,是一种很有潜力的热成像器件。

  • The thermal protection system consists of a characteristic change thermal detector and an associated control unit .

    该系统由一个特性变化的 检测器和一个关联的控制单元组成。

  • Study of Semiconductor Thermostat Used in the Rapid Thermal Detector of Pesticides

    用于检测农药残留的量 生物 传感器的半导体恒温仪的研究

  • Test system of time constant for thermal detector by modulated laser

    激光调制法的 热敏 探测器时间常数测试系统

  • By means of thermal conductivity detector we studied the reducing condition of TiO2 in hydrogen ambient . The influences of the different reducing temperature of TiO2 on photocurrent were investigated .

    热导 观察了氢气气氛下还原TiO2的现象,研究了半导体化温度对光电流的影响。

  • Analysis and Calculation of the Geometrical Shape and the Structure size of the Thermal Conductivity Detector

    热导检测器 腔形状和尺寸 参数的分析与计算

  • The problem of conjunction method between gas chromatograph and thermal conducting detector ( TCD ) has been solved by decreasing the inner pressure of TCD .

    本文采用降低 热导 检测器(TCD)内压强的方法,成功解决了气相毛细管柱与TCD联用的难题。

  • Uncooled infrared ( IR ) bolometer based on thermistor is a dominant low-cost uncooled thermal infrared detector which has attached more and more attention by researchers around the world in recent years .

    基于热敏电阻的非制冷红外微测辐射热计是目前主流的低成本非制冷红外 探测器之一,近年来越来越受到各国研究者的关注。

  • New Absorbing Layer for Infrared Thermal Detector of Micromachine

    一种新型微机械红外 探测器的吸收层

  • The analysis of the weak signal circuit amplifying circuit of the signal and power circuit in the thermal conductivity detector has been done and the characteristic of the circuits with the rhenium tungsten filament is designed .

    针对气相色谱热导 检测器的弱信号失真和电源不 稳定问题,研究与设计 热导 检测器的弱信号测量电路、信号放大电路以及电源电路。

  • Based on the theory of infrared radiation and the principle of temperature measurement using uncooled thermal detector infrared imager the formulas of the real temperature calculating of a target surface are presented .

    根据红外辐射理论和热像仪测温原理,给出了 探测器非制冷红外热像仪的温度计算公式;

  • Based on systematical study of the response characteristics of thermal conductivity detector ( TCD ) at reduced pressure a newly designed TCD was constructed and evaluated in temperature programmed capillary gas chromatography .

    根据对负压下热导检测器的响应特性与 检测器 参数的系统研究,研制出适用于程序升温毛细管气相色谱的 热导 检测器(TCD)。

  • Based on the ideal photon detector and ideal thermal detector the relationship between NETD and NEED is studied .

    针对理想光子探测器和理想 探测器,探讨了显微热成像系统的NETD和NEED的关系。

  • So we try to design a brand-new digital and intelligent thermal detector for auto detection . This paper mainly introduces features of the hardware and software design .

    所以,我们尝试设计一种全新的数字化、智能化自动检测的 热导 ,本文中简要介绍该 仪器的硬件和软件设计及其特点。

  • Laser beam type thermal detector Pyroelectric detector is actually a sensor sensitive to temperature .

    激光光束型 推测 释电型探测器实际是一种对温度敏感的传感器。

  • Cable Thermal Detector pneumatic line type heat detector

    缆式线型 探测器 线型气动感温探测器

  • Solid-state electronic thermal detector fixed temperature detector using thermocouple

    固态电子感 探测器热电偶定温 火灾探测器

  • Application Study of Thermal Conductivity Detector Based on MEMS for the Gas Monitoring System of Transformer Oil

    基于MEMS技术的 热导检测器在变压器油中气体监测系统的应用研究

  • Thermopile is usually a blackened thermal detector .

    热堆一般是个涂黑了的 探测器

  • The influence of the detector 's temperature on the output of the imager is also analyzed in allusion to the thermal detector infrared imager .

    针对 探测器热像仪,分析了探头温度对热像仪测量结果的影响。

  • Study of signal measurement and power circuit for modern-gas chromatography thermal conductivity detector

    气相色谱 热导 检测器的信号测量与电源电路研究

  • In order to improve the performance of thermal conductivity detector ( TCD ) for gas chromatography a precision constant current source circuit and a difference voltage detection circuit were designed .

    为了提高气相色谱仪 热导 检测器的性能,设计了热导检测器的精密恒流源和差压检测电路。

  • The basic principle is as following : first design the detector array according to the structure of the infrared thermal imaging detector ; then converte infrared radiation signals which received from from the optical system by the detector array .

    其基本原理是按照 热像 探测器的结构将测温 的探测器阵列化(MN),由阵列探测器接收从光学系统聚焦的红外辐射,并把红外辐射转换为模拟信号。