


  • In particular but without limitation each party will comply with any and all requirements of the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices act the trading with the enemy act the regulations issued thereunder and all similar state federal local and foreign laws and regulations .

    各方尤其要遵守但不仅限于美国对外行贿法、对敌贸易法、就此颁布的 规定以及所有类似的国家、联邦和外国法律法规。

  • Article106if the same party assumed all the rights and obligations under a contract the rights and obligations thereunder are discharged except where the contract involves the interests of a third person .


  • A licensed trader and its representatives shall notify the Commission in writing immediately upon its becoming aware of any breach of the provisions of the Ordinance or any rules made thereunder .

    持牌商及其代表一旦 知悉任何 本例或根本例所制定的任何的文的事宜,立即以面通知。

  • ( 2 ) He Xie governing puts forward thereunder of reality for building up harmonious society .

    和谐执政为构建社会主义和谐社会提供了现实 依据

  • Charges which are permitted under official documents by the state council provincial people 's governments or the finance or pricing departments thereunder and where the charging standard is in accordance with the stipulations of the documents .

    国务院、省级人民政府或其所 财政、物价部门以正式文件允许 收费,而且收费标准符合文件规定的;

  • The Commissioner may delegate all or any of the powers conferred upon him by this Ordinance or by any regulations made thereunder to any regular gazetted police officer or to any gazetted officer .

    处长可将本条例或根据本条例而订立的任何 规例授予他的全部或任何权力,转授予任何正规宪委级警务人员或任何宪委级人员。

  • This paper researches into the use of the complexity theory of modern science and technology revolution during the sustainable development of the mankind . It provides a scientific thereunder for the sustainable development of human beings by using dissipating structure and exceeding cycle theory .

    本文研究了现代科技革命的复杂性理论在人类可持续发展中的应用,运用耗散结构、超循环理论,为人类社会可持续发展提供了科学 依据

  • This paper set up mathematics model for this compound heat pipe and analyzes its heat transfer process to provide theoretic thereunder .

    本文为这种复合型热管结构建立了数学模型,并对它的传热过程加以分析,为 改进建立理论 依据

  • Any member who commits any of the offences against discipline specified in the first schedule shall be liable to be dismissed or otherwise dealt with as provided in this Ordinance and in regulations made thereunder .

    任何成员犯附表1指明的违纪行为,可处革职,或按本条例和根据本条例订立的 规例以其它方式处理。

  • Applying the knowledge of system reliability engineering knowledges discussing thoughtway of reliability analyse of gas storage well safety system as a thereunder of scientific evaluating reliability of the system .

    应用系统可靠性工程知识,对储气井安全系统的可靠性分析的思路和方法进行了初步探讨,为 进一步科学地评价 储气井安全系统的可靠性 基础

  • Rights of compensation under this Convention shall be extinguished unless an action is brought thereunder within three years from the date when the damage occurred .

    除非在损害发生之日起三年内提出诉讼,否则按本公约要求赔偿的权利即 失效。

  • Analysis of outside investing circumstance and inside investing condition offers credible thereunder for the strategy implementing .

    以上康达 公司外部投资环境、内部投资条件的分析研究,为 康达 公司投资战略的实施与 控制提供了可靠的 依据

  • But no alteration in terms of the said contract or in the extent or nature of the works to be executed completed and defects therein remedied thereunder shall in any way release the Guarantor from any liability under the above-written guarantee .

    但所签合同条款,或对工程的实施、完成及修补 缺陷的性质和范围的任何变更,不解除保证人所 承担之上述保证书规定的义务。

  • And the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss damages costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR ( s ) may be made available thereunder ;

    由于承包商未能履行 合同或违约所造成的损失、赔偿、花费和费用将由我们担保人承担。

  • At the same time we set up the elastic and visco-elasto-plastic model and constitutive equation of rock salt interlayer by analyzing the features of the curve and provided the thereunder to stability analysis of oil and gas storage caverns in rock salt .

    并分析了曲线特征,建立了盐岩夹层蠕变理论模型,得出了盐岩夹层的粘弹塑性本构方程,为盐岩矿床油气储库的稳定性分析提供了 依据

  • Analyzed the basic parameters including weather heating load heat source and stated the design tenet and thereunder .

    分析了和 项目 相关的气象、热负荷、热源等基础参数,以及 可行性研究的设计原则和 依据

  • In the world of the asset column being an Indian giver is vital to wealth . After a contract was invalidated or canceled the parties shall make restitution of any property acquired thereunder ;

    在“资产项目”领域,做一个“印第安给予者”对于取得财富来说十分重要。合同无效或者被撤销后,因 合同取得的财产,应当予以返还;

  • The second part : the legislative thereunder of the system of Acquisition in good faith .

    第二部分,善意取得制度的立法 依据

  • In this paper optimal techniques of water environmental comprehensive control was sudied based on the projects of water environmental treatment in plant river network area which provided theory thereunder for city water environmental constructure planning .

    本文结合平原河网地区水环境治理项目,进行了河流水环境综合整治优化技术及方案的研究,为城市水环境建设规划提供了理论 依据

  • The doctrine of neutralizations in Chinese culture is the resort of music while the development of mood is thereunder the chronicle development of music .

    中国文化一贯强调的“中和”基本原则,仍是音乐至美 至善最重要的凭借 依据。而“情”的流用发行过程,便是“乐”的时间化展开现实过程。

  • If any Project Contract is terminated for breach by the respective Contract Entity the Company may terminate the other as if the relevant Contract Entity were in default thereunder .

    如果任何项目合约因个别承包实体违约而终止,则公司可能终止另一方的合约, 据此,将相应的承包实体视为是不存在的。

  • In the condition of market the accountant information is very important to supervision of country economy it is base on economic decision-making for controlling the macroeconomic it is the thereunder and instrument for controlling and supervising economy action .

    在市场经济条件下,会计信息在国民经济管理中有着十分重要的作用,它是宏观经济决策的基础,是控制和监督经济活动的 依据和手段。

  • This paper mainly talks about the relation between corporate governance and quasi-rent from the point of mechanism and present theoretical thereunder for the perfection of corporate governance .

    本文将着重从作用机理上探讨公司治理与准租金之间的关系,为公司治理的完善提供理论 依据

  • Once a contract becomes effective a party may not refuse to perform its obligations thereunder on grounds of any change in its name or change of its legal representative person in charge or the person handling the contract .

    合同生效后,当事人不得因姓名,名称的变更或者法定代表人,负责人,承办人的变动而不履行合同 义务

  • The headings and the items listed thereunder .

    标题和项目都在 下面 出来了。

  • Where the trustee-trader entered into a contract with a third person it directly enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations thereunder .
