



  • The mechanism of thermal transformation for nephrite cat 's eye are discussed .

    并对软玉猫眼的 相变反应机制进行了探讨。

  • The corrosion resistances of the amorphous and two-phase alloys increase as the thermal treatment temperature rises .

    随着 处理温度升高,非晶合金和双相合金的耐腐蚀性能都得到提高。

  • Modern equipment of this type is capable of detecting thermal changes of ± 0.25 ℃ at altitudes of up to3000m .

    这类现代化的设备,在3000米的高空上能够测出±0.25℃的 变化。

  • The deblocking reactions of the prepared blocked polyisocyanates were investigated by thermal gravimetric analysis and FT-IR .

    采用 失重分析和红外光谱对封闭物的脱封反应进行了研究。

  • As such the insulation was designed to accomplish this through combined ablative cooling and thermal resistance .

    因此,保温的目的是要做到这一点,通过联合烧蚀冷却和 电阻。

  • Thermal effects of piezoelectric intelligent plate are studied by finite element method .

    通过有限元分析方法研究了压电智能板结构的 效应问题。

  • I put on my thermal leggings long socks and the rest of my clothes .

    我穿上 保暖紧身裤、长袜和其他衣服。

  • The function of ground paper fiber and ground paper fiber adhesive is for sound absorption and thermal insulation purpose .

    原纸纤维和原纸粘合剂是用来达到吸声和 绝热的效果的。

  • Transient temperatures of the thermal module were calculated with Runge-Kutta method .

    通过龙格-库塔(R-K)法,计算和模拟 散热模组各点温度的瞬态响应。

  • The effect of the thermal resistance at two interfaces on heat dissipation capability of the SWS is analyzed .

    分析了两个接触处的界面 热阻率对慢波结构散热性能的不同影响。

  • Application of residual gas analysis technique in thermal test for HY-1 satellite is introduced in this paper .

    文章介绍了残余气体分析技术在“海洋一号”正样星真空 试验中的应用。

  • The thermal decomposition kinetics of Cardanol-formaldehyde polymers has been studied by non-isothermal thermogravimetry .

    用非等温热重法研究了腰果酚甲醛铁聚合物的 分解反应动力学。

  • We have attempted various styles of thermal dissemination .

    我们尝试了很多 传播方式。

  • Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools .

    火山活动产生了 温泉和沸腾的泥浆池。

  • Heat can be delivered by convection radiation and thermal conduction .

    热气可由对流、辐射和 传导来传递。

  • The mechanism of Fe-based alloy coating for thermal fatigue damage resistance of wheel cast steel was analyzed by SEM .

    用扫描电镜分析研究了铁基合金涂层对车轮铸钢材料 抗热疲劳损伤机制的影响。

  • Birds use thermals to lift them through the air .

    鸟类利用 上升 热气 升入空中。

  • Conductor : Any of various substances that allow the flow of electric current or thermal energy .

    导体:任何允许电流和 热能流动的物质。

  • The relationship among the thermal power plant standard reference environment and safety reference environment is addressed .

    阐述了 火电厂系统、标准参考环境和安全基准环境三者之间的关系。

  • My feet were like blocks of ice despite the thermal socks

    虽然穿了 保暖袜子,我的双脚还是像冰块一样。

  • The thermal radiation of shorter wavelengths than the visible are called ultraviolet .

    波长短于可见光的 辐射称紫外线。

  • The thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate produces calcium oxide and carbon dioxide .

    碳酸钙 加热分解,生成氧化钙和二氧化碳。

  • The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy .

    原子反应堆发出大量的 热能

  • The grain boundary energy was measured with thermal etching method .


  • A hot dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen .

    干热低压槽犹如 抱窝的母鸡赖着不走。

  • He was found by a police helicopter using thermal imaging equipment .

    一架警用直升机借助 成像设备找到了他。

  • The thermal properties of all the starches during pasting were analyzed by performing DSC .

    采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)分析了原淀粉和羟丙基淀粉的糊化过程中的 热力学性质。

  • The sintering temperature and thermal expansion coefficient of the LSGM sample were determined using dilatometer .

    用热膨胀仪确定了LSGM的烧结温度及 膨胀系数。

  • Thermal insulation system to protect the surface layer .
