

[医] 温差电的,热电的

  • X zeolites were synthesized by baking and hydrothermal synthesizing procedures using the flyash from a thermo-electric plant in Beijing .

    以北京 热电厂的粉煤灰为主要原料,经过对原料的焙烧处理、水热合成实验,合成了13X沸石分子筛。

  • Effect of Different Welding Seam Thickness of Stress Intensity of Small-Diameter Tube on Reheater in Coal-burning Thermo-Electric Factory

    电厂 再热器小径管焊口的厚度对其应力集中的影响

  • Thermo-electric Refrigeration and Its Application in Microelectronic Devices


  • Methods Pressure intensity air cleanliness and air velocities of the lab were measured by the manometer photoelectric particle counter and thermo-electric anemometer respectively all of them had been examined by the authorized qualitative units .

    空气洁净度、压强、空气流速分别采用了光电粒子计数器、 压计、 热电风速仪测量。仪器均经计量单位年检。

  • Progress in Research on Detecting Materials Used in Uncooled Thermo-electric Type Infrared Focal Plane Arrays

    非致 冷热 型红外焦平面阵列用探测材料的研究进展

  • Owing to the thermo-electric property move and the matching character change of the thermocouple after being made the matching calibration is necessary .

    制成后的电偶 热电特性迁移,及配套特性变化强调了配套校验是必须的。

  • The object of study is the second extension project of Qujing thermo-electric Plant ( 2x300MW ) of Yunnan . Two major problems there are coordinated control system of the generator-transformer unit and the modeling of the backwater heating system were studied .

    本文以云南曲靖 热电厂二期扩建(2×300MW)工程为研究对象,主要研究了单元机组的负荷控制及回水加热系统的建模问题。

  • In modern thermo-electric plant of large capacity the backwater heating system and the generator-transformer unit both are the most important parts .

    组成现代大容量 热电厂的各主要 系统中,回水加热系统和单元机组是 热电 两大重要组成部分。

  • Reformation of Treating Craftwork of Boiler Replenishing Water of Yibin Heat Source Company Thermo-Electric Plant

    宜宾热源公司 热电厂锅炉补给水处理工艺改造

  • The MAX1968 is a highly integrated and cost-effective high-efficiency switch-mode idea for driving a wide variety of the thermo-electric cooler ( TEC ) elements .

    热电 冷器驱动电路采用高集成、高性价比和高效率开关型驱动芯片 MAX1968来实现。

  • Optimize Construction Scheme Policy of Thermo-Electric Power Plants Development of formwork scaffolding in the construction of cooling tower of power plants

    热电 方案优化决策方法的研究电厂冷却塔施工模板脚手架体系的发展

  • The effects of the kinds of filling and replacement atoms and the form of filling on the lattice thermal conductivity and thermo-electric property were discussed in this paper .

    系统研究了填充原子的种类、填充方式以及置换原子的种类对晶格热导率及 热电性能的影响。

  • Under reasonable assumption of boundary conditions the thermo-electric field was computed .

    在假定的合适边界条件下, 对比分析了 电解 转变 分子比、 低温条件下前、后的 三维 电热场分布情况。

  • Implementation of automatic verification system of thermo-electric couplers used in industries

    一种工业用 热电偶自动检定系统的实现

  • Materials and Market : The project is the auxiliary environmental protection engineering of Jidong Coal Gangue Thermo-Electric Power Plant .

    原料及市场:该项目属鸡东煤矸石 热电厂配套环保项目。

  • Running Analysis for the Direct Air-cooling Unit in Yungang Thermo-electric Company

    云冈 热电直接空冷机组的运行分析

  • This paper deals first with the basic principles of the thermo-electric effect in metal cutting .

    本文首先阐明了金属切削中 热电效应的基本原理。

  • Thermal analysis of thermo-electric cooler for FOG

    光纤陀螺中 热电 冷器的热分析

  • Experimental Study on Optimization Control of Combustion System in Chen Tang Thermo-electric Plant 1028t / h Boiler

    陈塘 热电1028t/h锅炉燃烧系统优化控制试验研究

  • The Structure Type Choosing of the Main-Building in the Thermo-Electric Plant

    火力发电 厂主厂房结构选型

  • Research on design temperature of water supply & backwater and adjustment method in district heating system of thermo-electric power plant

    热电厂集中供热网 最佳供回水温度及运行调节的研究

  • Na_2S_2O_3 Content Determination in Flue Gas Desulfurizing Solution for Thermo-electric Boiler


  • Melting ratio of electrode and efficient power factor of the current under different electroslag melting-casting conditions were calculated by energy conservation law through coupling simulation of thermo-electric field in slag pool at high temperature .

    从高温渣池的 热电场耦合模拟入手,利用能量守恒的方法计算了在多种熔铸条件下电极的熔化率及电流的有效功率因数。

  • The two 2 × 220MW direct air-cooling units in Yungang thermo-electric power Co. Ltd is the pioneer units putting into operation at home .

    山西大唐国际云冈 热电有限责任公司两台2×220MW直接空冷机组是国内投产最早的同类机组。

  • Modeling for Backwater Heating System and Considering the Coordinated Intelligent Control for Generator-transformer Unit in Thermo-electric Plant

    热电 回水加热系统建模及单元机组协调智能控制的 研究传统 加热 系统 工艺 改造

  • A Study on the Data Processing Technology in the Distributed Real-time Supervising System of the Thermo-electric Plant ;

    在数据 密集 实时监测系统中, 任务 需要通过分配内存 存储和处理动态变化的信息。

  • In this thesis based on fussy controlling principle and the operators ' experience as well as deeply analysis of coal milling object property and dynamical property we design a kind of complex F-I controller with grading against Harbin Thermo-Electric Plant Point # 6 boiler middle-storage ball coal-milling system .

    本文利用模糊控制原理,依据运行人员的经验,在深入分析磨煤机对象特性和动态特性的基础上,针对哈尔滨 热电厂6炉中储式磨煤机制粉系统,设计了分级式的F-I复合控制器。

  • According to the basic theory of the thermo-electric cooler ( TEC ) the temperature dynamic characteristics of the optic-fiber light source module was analyzed and mathematics model was established corresponds to its .

    根据 半导体 热电 冷器(TEC)工作的基本原理,分析了光纤光源模块的温度动态特性,建立了与之对应的数学模型。

  • A digital control system is designed for the pump source which contains the power detected circuit temperature detected circuit constant current circuit and thermo-electric cooler driven circuit . The control algorithms of power and temperature are realized in FPGA .

    在泵浦源电路的设计中,采用了数字控制的方法,分别设计了功率检测、温度检测、恒流驱动和 热电制冷器( TEC)驱动电路,功率和温度的控制算法用FPGA来实现。