theoretical weight

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl wet][ˌθiəˈretikəl weit]


  • After the theoretical analyzing for comentropy and entropy weight a method of multi-stage GDM considered dynamic attributes ' weight based on entropy weight theory .

    对信息熵和熵 相关 理论进行分析,构建了基于熵权理论的多阶段动态属性权重群体决策方法。

  • Based on the clinical as well as theoretical study on acupuncture weight control the writers summarize the theories of acupuncture weight control .

    以针灸 减肥的临床和 机理研究资料为主,总结了针灸 减肥、控制体重的机理。

  • Theoretical Study on the Infrared and Fluorescence Spectra of Weight Atom Effect of Halogenated Naphthalene

    萘的卤素取代 原子效应的红外及荧光光谱的 理论研究

  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of energy resource mobilization during the aerobic exercise at different intensity in order to provide the theoretical basis for making weight reducing exercise prescription .

    目的:分析两种强度有氧运动过程中机体能源物质动员的特点,为制定 减肥运动处方提供 理论依据。

  • A Preliminary Study on to Theoretical Formula of Weight Unevenness of Nonwoven Fabric

    关于无纺织物 重量不匀率 理论公式的探讨

  • According to the theoretical calculation the weight compositions phase change temperatures and enthalpy of fatty acids eutectic mixtures were evaluated by DSC .

    利用凝固点 下降 理论,结合DSC热分析技术研究确定了脂肪酸二元体系低共熔物的组成、相变温度和相变

  • This experiment successfully established the model of simulated weightlessness in rats . It studied the effects of different forms of exercise on the role of bone metabolism in rats so as to provide a good theoretical basis of the weight loss resumed . 2 .

    实验结论:1、本实验成功建立了大鼠模拟失重模型,研究了不同形式运动对大鼠骨代谢的作用,为进一步研究运动对 失重后机体恢复提供了较好的 理论基础。

  • Theoretical Basis and Practical Test of the Constant Weight Method Genre based Teaching Approach-Theoretical Foundations Its Application and Inspiration

    平权处理的 理论依据和实践检验体裁教学法的理论依据与实践

  • In addition theoretical analysis and comparison are made on all-positive connection weight optical implementation of Hopfield and complementary extention models . Two sets of all-positive single channel optical implementation systems are given .

    同时, 理论上分析比较了 Hopfield模型和互补扩展模型全正型实现方法,给出了两套全正型单通道光学实现系统。

  • The results show that the theoretical analysis of the weight rearrangement process and its control model are correct and effective leading to the force value fluctuation during weight rearrangement less than 2 % .

    结果表明,对 砝码倒换的力学原理的 理论分析和基于此的控制模型是正确、有效的,利用该模型控制倒码造成的力值波动不大于2%。

  • In this paper theoretical analysis and identification experiments for the basis weight dynamic models of a paper machine are given .

    本文给出了纸张 定量模型的 理论分析和系统辨识方法。

  • The result showed that the bracket strength stiffness and stability all meet the requirement which provide theoretical support to the bracket design of over - weight pumping unit and is of great significance to pumping unit manufacturing plants and oil field users .

    结果表明:支架的强度、刚度和稳定性均满足使用要求,从而为超 重型抽油机的支架设计提供了 理论依据,对抽油机制造厂家和油田用户具有重要的指导意义。

  • With biological software analysis obtained cDNA sequence base composition codon usage and restriction site data as well as detailed theoretical protein molecular weight isoelectric point and amino acid composition .

    利用生物软件进行分析,获得cDNA序列碱基组成、密码子使用频率和酶切位点等详细数据以及蛋白质 理论分子 、等电点和氨基酸组成等情况。

  • Bioinformatics software analysis showed that the theoretical molecular weight of Yak Myostatin gene was 42.6 kD and PI was 6.14 .

    生物信息学分析表明,牦牛MSTN基因编码蛋白的 理论分子 约为42.6kD,PI值为6.14。

  • The predicted protein of the amphioxus AGAT is 426 amino acids in length with theoretical molecular weight of 49.3654 kDa and isoelectric point of 6.65 .

    演绎的文昌鱼AGAT蛋白质由426个氨基酸组成, 理论分子 为49.3654kDa,蛋白质的等电点为6.65。

  • Theoretical analysis of concrete dead weight down-bound conveyance

    混凝土 自重下行运输的 理论分析

  • The experimental results showed that the complete open reading frame ( ORF ) of the Rho GTPase-like gene contained 576 base pairs encoding 192 amino acids with a theoretical molecular weight of 21.7 kDa .

    结果华支睾吸虫的RhoGTPase样基因的完整阅读框含576个碱基,编码192个氨基酸, 理论分子 为21.7kDa。

  • One ORF of White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) genome has homology with the cytokine receptor . This ORF contains 2022 nucleotides and codes for 674 amino acids with a theoretical molecular weight of 76 kDa .

    在对虾白斑综合征病毒(Whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)的基因组中发现一个具有细胞因子受体特征的开放阅读框,该阅读框全长2022个核苷酸,编码674个氨基酸,蛋白质 理论分子 为76kDa。

  • The theoretical calculations weight of wave dissipation block is not enough According to the conclusion of physical model test . Block stability factor in the theoretical calculations need to be reduced .

    采用物理模型试验,验证了所依托工程的消浪块体的 理论计算稳定 重量偏于危险,需要适当降低理论计算中的块体稳定系数。

  • Truck weight has an important effect on the safety and life of bridges and pavement . This paper presents the theoretical model for measuring truck wheel weight using fiber optic sensors which can be used to calculate the truck weight .

    汽车的重量对公路和桥梁的安全和寿命至关重要,该文给出光纤传感器测量汽车当量轮 理论模型,进而可以用来测量汽车的重量。

  • At the same time the molecular weight of all the HPU products have measured by using the GPC with RI detector and viscosity detector and the results showed that each generation products was within the scope of the calculated theoretical molecular weight .

    同时,利用配有示差检测器和粘度检测器的凝胶渗透色谱仪(GPC)检测各代HPU分子量,结果表明各代产品均在 理论分子 范围内。

  • It encodes 176 amino acid residues containing a signal peptide and a transmembrane region . Theoretical isoelectric point and molecular weight for this protein are 9.76 and 19.76 kDa respectively .

    该基因全长531bp,编码176个氨基酸,预测的蛋白分子 和等电点分别为 19.76KDa和9.76。

  • According to the theoretical analysis and experimental data the weight of each index is established .

    根据 理论分析和大量实测资料建立了每个指标的 权重

  • But under normal circumstances it is impossible to get the theoretical weight function by a finite number of known sample points .

    但是一般情况下,通过有限个已知样本点求 理论 函数是不可能做到的。

  • In chapter four based on the results of theoretical analysis I attempt to weight on the part of social performance indicators .

    论文第四章,根据前一章的分析 结果试图对该指标体系中的社会绩效部分进行 赋权

  • Theoretical Analysis on Guaranteed Ratio of Steel Gate Weight Empirical Formulas in Code

    对《规范》中钢闸门 自重估算公式保证率的 理论分析

  • The second factor is the yarn itself . In theoretical discussions yarn weight especially for short lengths of yarn is neglected .

    第二是纱线因素, 纱线 重量,特别是纱线输送距离较短时,是可以忽略不计的。

  • Theoretical Analysis on Mechanical Property of Light Weight Aggregate Concrete Members Under Eccentric Loads

    骨料混凝土圆形截面压弯构件力学性能的 理论分析

  • The numerical simulation and theoretical analysis results give a value of the weight parameter corresponding to the strongest robustness achievement for the studied four typical model networks .

    数值仿真和 理论解析结果给出了所研究的四种典型的模型网络达到最强抵制级联故障鲁棒性时的 权重参数值。