theoretical model

[ˌθiəˈrɛtɪkəl ˈmɑdl][ˌθiəˈretikəl ˈmɔdəl]


  • On the Theoretical Model and Empirical Research of the Core Value System of Universities

    论大学核心价值体系的 理论 模型及实证研究

  • Its theoretical model is based on functional integration collaborative knowledge management and strategic alliance .

    理论 模型是以功能集成、协同知识管理和战略联盟为基础的。

  • According to the dynamic feature of airport emergency resources dispatching the theoretical model is described .

    针对机场应急救援中资源动态调配的特点,阐述了资源调配的 理论 模型

  • Introduced most representative theoretical model carded the choroids of relative research and prospected possible future important research direction .

    介绍了最具代表性的 理论 模型,梳理了相关研究脉络,并就可能的研究发展方向提出了几点展望。

  • A theoretical model to estimate the material removal rate has been developed .

    现已成功研制一个估算材料切除率 理论 模型

  • The theoretical model and its application were shown in a practical project .

    结合工程实例展示了 理论 分析 模型的构成及其分析应用。

  • The system vicissitude of1998 Institution accounting system vicissitude and2006 business accounting might confirm this theoretical model .

    用1998年事业单位会计制度变迁和2006年企业会计制度变迁可以验证该 理论 模型

  • Especially the initial stiffness of reinforced components is drawn by theoretical model and finite element analysis .

    对其中经过加强的组件,采用 理论 推导和有限元分析相结合的方法得出初始刚度表达式;

  • Study on Creep Experiments and Theoretical Model of Marble under Cyclic Temperature and Permeable Pressure

    温度周期变化和渗透压力作用下大理岩蠕变试验与 理论 模型研究

  • Research on Basic Elements and Theoretical Model of Enterprise Management Innovation

    企业管理创新的基本要素与 理论 模型研究

  • Theoretical model and calculation on the heat transfer process of a ice storage unit with coil pipe are presented .

    本文对盘管式蓄冷装置的蓄冷过程建立了集总 参数 数学 物理 模型,并进行了 理论计算。

  • This paper presents a theoretical model for the coefficient of restitution calculation of point impact .

    建立了一种计算点接触正碰撞恢复系数的 理论 模型

  • The theoretical model can be applied to the design and analysis of soil source heat pump system .

    理论 模型可应用于土壤源热泵系统的分析和设计中。

  • We construct a static theoretical model which describes the relationships between relationship bonding tactics and organizational performance for E-Tailor .

    探究了网络零售商的关系纽带策略对组织绩效的影响作用,构建了网络零售商关系纽带策略有效性静态 理论 模型

  • The paper presents a theoretical model of intertemporal optimization of GHGs emissions reduction .

    本文提出一个温室气体减排跨期优化的 理论 模型

  • Some valuable research results are : A theoretical model on diffusion of interstitial atoms in crystal was put forward .

    较为重要的研究成果有:提出在晶体中间隙原子扩散的 理论 模型

  • Theoretical model has been one of the most significant issues in the network sciences .

    复杂网络的 理论 模型研究一直是网络科学的最重要课题之一。

  • Experiment results show the accuracy of the system theoretical model and the validity of the control method .

    实验结果证明了系统 理论 模型的准确性和补偿控制方法的有效性。

  • In the second chapter a theoretical model of FRAs is presented and the main characteristics of FRA are discussed .

    接着在第二章中对FRA的 理论 模型进行了较全面的分析,并讨论了FRA的主要工作特性。

  • Therefore peeling off extensity from regionality has become the precondition of abstracting theoretical model of regional spatial structure .

    因此,从区域性中剥离出空间性,就成为区域空间结构 理论 模型提炼的前提。

  • A theoretical model of cloud explosion was established and SIMPLE algorithm was adopted in writing calculated codes .

    建立了描述气云爆炸的 理论 模型,采用SIMPLE算法编制了计算程序。

  • This paper studies the theoretical model and the analysis computation of energy consumption for single-hop wireless sensor networks .

    该文研究单跳无线传感器网络系统能量消耗的 理论 模型及其分析计算。

  • A theoretical model was set up to discuss the selection problem of the talented person in government .

    通过建立 理论 模型讨论政府人才的选拔问题。

  • First we analysis and create general theoretical model of video segmentation .

    首先讨论和建立了视频分割的一般 理论 模型

  • A theoretical model of electric field distribution and Joule heating effect on particle flow i.

    本文建立了介电泳颗粒流动中的电场分布和焦(耳)热效应的 理论 模型

  • The characteristics of the single-phase flow in narrow annular channels were analyzed and theoretical model was proposed .

    对环形窄缝通道内单相流动特性进行了分析,提出了 理论 模型 预测环形窄缝通道内单相流动阻力特性。

  • Study on the Impact of Complementary Assets to Radical Innovation Performance - A Theoretical Model

    互补资产对突破性创新绩效的影响研究&一个 理论 模型

  • Presents the theoretical model of pressure drop for flexible duct .

    介绍了柔性风管压力损失的 理论 模型

  • In this article we develop one set of hammer after theoretical model design machine processing and trial .

    通过 理论 模型设计与机械加工试验,研制出了一套重锤机械结构。

  • A theoretical model describing the process of the crack combustion and propagation in solid propellant was formulated .

    建立了描述固体推进剂裂纹燃烧与扩展过程的 数学 模型