withdrawal effect

[wɪðˈdrɔəl ɪˈfɛkt][wiðˈdrɔ:əl iˈfekt]

[医] 脱瘾作用

  • Research on the withdrawal effect of rhPTH_ (( 1-34 )) on osteoporosis in ovariectomized rats

    rhPTH((1-34))治疗OVX大鼠骨质疏松延后 效应的初步研究

  • Such withdrawal shall apply both to this Agreement and the multilateral trade agreements and shall take effect upon the expiration of six months from the date on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General of the wto .

    退出适用于本协定和多边贸易协定,并在wto总干事收到书面退出通知之日起6个月期满后 生效

  • The withdrawal shall take effect upon the expiration of twelve months from the day on which written notice of withdrawal is received by the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to the GATT .

    退出应在GATT缔约方全体的总干事收到书面退出通知之日起12个月期满后 生效

  • Results : Shifusheng capsule at the dose of 0.5g/kg and 0.2g/kg can significantly reduce the withdrawal symptoms in monkeys ( P < 0.05 ) with an effect similar to that of clonidine .

    结果:在吗啡依赖性猴自然戒断治疗模型上,十复生胶囊2个剂量组(0.5)的 戒断症状分值明显低于NS组(P<0.05),与可乐定的 疗效相当;

  • At first the author defined the concept of withdrawal and then discussed the subject object and time of the Withdrawal followed with analysis on the nature of withdrawal which is a plaintiffs unilateral action resulting in case closing effect according to the procedural law .

    首先界定了撤诉的概念,接着论述撤诉的主体、客体和时间三个构成要件。之后分析 撤诉的性质,指出撤诉是一种原告单方的、产生诉讼法上诉讼终结 效果的诉讼行为。

  • Conclusion : Chinese medicine has an ideal therapeutic effect in treatment of protracted alcohol withdrawal with little side effect .

    结论:以健脾利湿,清解湿热之药为基本方加减辨证论治酒 依赖稽延性 戒断 症状疗效肯定,副 作用小,依从性高。

  • Despite the use of the word temporary a temporary withdrawal remained in effect until expressly revoked .

    尽管使用了暂时一词,但是这种暂时的命令在明确地 撤销之前一直 有效

  • Such withdrawal is to take effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of six months after the date of the receipt of the notification by the depositary .

    此种 撤回于保管人收到通知之日起六个月后的第一个月第一天 生效

  • Western medicine in the treatment of this disease is easy recurrence after drug withdrawal the long-term side effects refractory cases curative effect is not ideal .

    西药治疗本病有 药后易复发、长期用药副反应多、顽固性病例 疗效不理想等缺点。

  • Conclusion U'finer was effect to treat patients with heroin prolonged withdrawal symptom its effect target was DAT in presynaptic membrane of DA neurons .

    结论君复康治疗海洛因成瘾者稽延性 戒断症状有效,其 作用靶点是多巴胺(DA)能神经元突触前膜的DAT。

  • The withdrawal of direct foreign investment : effect reason and countermeasure

    外商对中国直接投资 影响、成因及对策

  • RESULTS : Intrathecal injection of M2-antisense oligonucleotides ( M2-AS ) decreased the scores of morphine withdrawal symptoms . M1-AS attenuated morphine-withdrawal symptoms but the effect was less than that of M2-AS .

    结果:鞘内注射M2-AS可显著减少吗啡 戒断症状评分,M1-AS虽可部分减轻戒断症状,但总的 作用弱于M2-AS;

  • The neuroadaptations observed during morphine withdrawal in this study could be important neuronal substrates mediating reinstatement of drug seeking behavior which could also be one of the causes underlying the reduction of rewarding effect of natural rewards during drug withdrawal .

    本研究发现的吗啡 戒断时伏核的这些变化可能是觅药行为复燃的重要神经底物和药物戒断时自然奖赏因素 效力下降的原因之一。

  • Give an overview of correctly understanding withdrawal of the mains plug test analyse the effect on the test result according to the position with X-Capacitor and discharge resistor at the input circuit of ordinary electronic product .

    基于对标准 出插头试验的正确理解,分析常见电子产品输入电路设计中的X电容和放电电阻位置对测试结果的 影响

  • In the third day of withdrawal all the animals were used to test the effect of ginsenosides on hyperalgesia through hot plate and acetic acid-induced writhing .

    戒断的第三天,通过热板法和醋酸扭体来研究人参皂苷的不同单体成分对吗啡诱导的小鼠的痛觉过敏的治疗 作用

  • Methods The experiment was performed in rats which adjuvant arthritis was treated by K + iontophoresis test and radiant heat withdrawal test to study the analgesic effect of intraperitoneal ( i.p. ) of EM 1 ( 50 μ g / kg ) .

    方法制备大鼠佐剂性关节炎动物模型,采用钾离子透入法和辐射热缩 腿法两种测痛方法,观察腹腔注射EM1(50μg/kg)的 作用