



  • I bought a lot of boxwood plants will yellow out new leaves wither what are the reasons ?

    我买了黄杨很多植物会出新叶 枯萎黄色,是什么原因?

  • The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here .

    几百年来传为定制、严守不变的一套等级制度一到这里 冰消瓦解了。

  • And when these wither fresh ones will arrive right ?

    它们 枯萎之后,会有新的送来,对吗?

  • She grows as a flower does-she will wither without sun .

    她象鲜花一样成长&没有太阳就会 凋谢

  • I love to experience the change of seasons in the park as flowers blossom and then wither .

    花朵开就 枯萎,我很喜欢体验四季的变化。

  • During the summer I noticed that the leaves of the tree were beginning to wither .

    到了夏天,我发现树叶开始 枯萎

  • I didn 't dare to tell the truth . I feared she would be sad and wither at once .

    我不敢说实话,怕她伤心得一下子就 凋谢了。

  • The spring flowers were already beginning to wither .

    春天的花已经开始 枯萎

  • In gaming design and creativity often wither on the vine because of the industry 's technology fetishism .

    在游戏,因为工业的技术物恋,设计和创造性经常在藤上 凋谢

  • Will commercial banks wither away ?

    商业银行会 消亡吗?

  • Farmers in the Midwest have watched their crops wither because of drought conditions .

    美国中西部农民眼睁 地看着他们的庄稼旱死。

  • I see the flowers wither and die slowly .

    我看见,花朵在慢慢的 凋谢

  • They just wither and die .

    就只 枯萎 凋零

  • Will I wither and fade or bloom to the sky ?

    我会 枯萎还是向天怒放?

  • Vines wither as pest returns .

    害虫来了,葡萄藤 枯萎了。

  • Plant a flower which will never wither .

    栽种一朵永不 凋零的花。

  • As for manufacturing he would rather see companies shift production abroad and thrive than stay and wither .

    对于制造业,他宁愿看到公司将生产转移到海外而蓬勃发展,而不是留在 日本 枯萎

  • Cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat .

    通过与热空气使 枯萎或烤干。

  • Industries unable to modernize have been left to wither .

    无法实现现代化的行业已经自行 衰落

  • Now I may wither into the truth .

    现在我可以 凋萎到真实的地里。

  • When winter comes tree grass and flowers wither and animals are hungry .

    季节到了严冬 时分,树木花草 大都 凋零,百兽 无不处于饥饿的状态。

  • Autumn wind rises ; white clouds fly . Grass and trees wither ; geese go south .

    秋风起 云飞,草木 雁南归。

  • Wither esp. with a loss of moisture .


  • Without nurturing even the best can wither and die .

    没有培养,即使是最好的 爱情 枯萎、死亡。

  • The flowers in Isabel 's room had withered

    伊莎贝尔房间里的花已经 枯萎

  • When he went into retirement he visibly withered

    他到退休年龄时 老态

  • For some love will wither .

    对一些人来说爱情会 枯萎

  • Will you wither before the dawn ?

    你会在黎明前 凋谢吗?

  • Bound to wither in the rebirth bud growth quiet fragrance .

    必将在 枯萎中重生,花蕾的成长,清幽的芬芳。

  • As the leaves of autumn wither and fall so has my own life become barren .

    我的生命就如秋叶 枯萎 凋零