without remorse

[wɪðˈaʊt rɪˈmɔrs][wiˈðaut riˈmɔ:s]


  • He did it without remorse .

    残忍 无情 做了这事。

  • At the first half year of 2003 SARS virus this come suddenly to without remorse indulge in atrocities on the Chinese earth someone is at the shudder someone at the orison someone at the elusion . What they scare for ?

    2003年上半年,SARS病毒,这场突如其来的灾难在中国大地上 无情 肆虐,有人在战栗,有人在祈祷,有人在逃避,大家在怕什么?

  • It is remarkably easy however to get rid of email : all that is needed is the will to delete – ideally the deletion should be swift and without remorse .

    不过,想扔掉电子邮件简单得很:你只需要有删除的决心就可以了&最好是迅速删除,而且 后悔

  • A woman sometimes feels pity for the sorrow that she causes without remorse .

    女人有时会对由 自己 无情 引起的悲哀感到同情。

  • The captives were shot without remorse . Gun down innocent women and children

    这些俘虏惨遭 枪杀.枪杀无辜的妇女和儿童

  • They make commitments casually then break them for the slightest reason without any hesitation remorse or regret .

    他们随便承诺,然后 不犹豫、不 懊悔、不遗憾地,用微不足道的理由违背诺言。

  • And one who plays ill is checkmated & without haste but without remorse .

    而且游戏疾病被围擒的人-没有匆忙,但是 没有 懊悔

  • And I did my duty without a single ounce of remorse .

    没有任何 怜悯的执行了我的责任。