withdrawal of assets


  • When a hedge fund today is hit by a withdrawal ( a liquidity problem ) and is forced to sell assets the price of its assets declines and a solvency problem is created .

    当一家对冲基金遭遇 撤资(流动性问题)并被迫出售资产的时候,其 资产价格就会下跌,由此引发偿付能力问题。

  • An Analysis of the Withdrawal of State Assets

    我国国有 资产 退出分析

  • Methodology of withdrawal including disposition of assets .

    撤离的方法,包括 财产的处置;

  • Since the 1980s the property rights market has developed for 20 years and played an important role in the withdrawal and reorganization of the state-owned assets .

    它自20世纪80年代产生以来,经过二十几年的发展,在 国有 资产 退出与重组方面发挥了重要的作用。

  • The debit balance in the account of withdrawals for a sole proprietorship or a partnership reflects the decrease in the owner 's equity during the accounting period from the withdrawal of cash or other assets for personal use .

    独资企业或合伙企业的业主提款账户的借方余额反映在某一会计期间内,由于业主 提取现金或其他 资产以供私人使用而导致的业主权益减少。

  • Through the analysis of different asset allocation fixed and flexible withdrawal rate and different retirement age I concluded that the risk adjusted return and volatility of the assets interact with each other and determine the optimal asset allocation of the retirement portfolio .

    通过分析不同资产配置,固定和灵活的 提取率,不同退休年龄的模拟结果,得出不同投资 资产的风险调整收益和波动率综合决定该种资产在资产最优配置中的比例。

  • The exit time when investors decide to withdraw securities business is uncertain so they have to be charged with withdrawal risk and need to pay the costs of withdrawal of risk assets .

    投资者进入证券市场后决定退出的时间是不确定的,因此承担着退出风险,且风险 资产 退出时需要一定的费用。