without prejudice

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈprɛdʒədɪs][wiˈðaut ˈpredʒudis]


  • But the seed and the parents though they exist and are therefore immediate are yet in their turn generated ; and the child without prejudice to the mediation of its existence is immediate because it is .

    不过 胚种和父母的存在虽说是直接的,但它们仍然是有 根源的,是衍生出来的; 枝叶和后裔,其存在尽管是中介性的,却仍然 可说是直接的,因为它们存在。

  • Such deposits and payments or refunds shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the parties .

    保证金的提供、用或退还 影响各有关方的最后责任。

  • They continued hostile attacks without prejudice to their negotiations .

    他们 使谈判 损害 同时继续进行敌对性的攻击。

  • A second safeguard is to rediscover ways to shelve disputes over sovereignty without prejudice .

    第二项保护措施就是 偏见地再次搁置主权争端。

  • This adoption procedure is without prejudice to the right of Members to express their views on an Appellate Body report .

    8此通过程序 损害各成员就上诉机构报告发表意见的权利。

  • The need of clean without prejudice to objects not hurt the skin .

    无需力擦, 物体,不伤皮肤。

  • The provisions in this regulation and related sections of the code are without prejudice to a seafarer 's right to seek redress through whatever legal means the seafarer considers appropriate .

    本规则和守则的相关部分的规定 不得 妨碍海员通过其认为适当的任何法律手段寻求纠正的权利。

  • Ship not responsible without prejudice means I accept the facts presented before me without question but I won 't accept any responsibility if the facts aren 't correct .

    “船方对 属实不承担责任”指我毫无疑问地接受摆在我面前的事实,但如果事实不正确,我就不接受任何责任。

  • This techno-chat program lets you talk about anything with everybody without prejudice because you can 't see them .

    这个网上闲聊程序让你 没有 偏见地和任何人聊任何事,因为你看不见他们。

  • W.P. without prejudice w_898 In recent years cases have grown increasingly concerning infringement of creditor 's rights .


  • You should make a decision without prejudice to our rights .

    你作出的决定应该 损害我们的权益。

  • This would be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of Members under GATT 1994 .

    并不 损害各成员在GATT1994项下的权利和义务。

  • However the protection afforded by contractual confidentiality is in general no wider than the without prejudice rule .

    但一般来说,合约对保密所提供的保障,并不较 无损 权利规则所能提供的更为广泛。

  • We accept the outcome of the inquiry without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters .

    我们接受了调查结果,并 没有使 悬而未决的领海问题进一步恶化。

  • It must be understood that this concession is made without prejudice to any future decision of the committee .

    必须明确,这次合作的让步对本委员会今后的决定 产生任何 影响

  • This would be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of Members under Agreements in Annex 1A of the WTO Agreement .

    并不 损害各成员在《wto协定》附件1A所列协定项下的权利和义务。

  • This is without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the employer may have under or in connection with the sub-contract .

    这点 损害业主根据或关于分包合同享有的其他任何权力和补救。

  • They agreed to pay compensation without prejudice .

    他们同意赔偿, 承认 有罪

  • Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights claims or position of the parties concerned .

    此项临时办法 并不 妨碍关系当事国之权利、要求或立场。

  • He said he hoped the Swiss authorities would investigate the case thoroughly and without prejudice .

    他说希望瑞士当局会彻底地、 任何 偏见地调查这个案件。

  • The firm agreed to pay compensation without prejudice ie without admitting liability .

    公司在 承认负有责任的 情况 同意 付给赔偿金。

  • The Contractor shall be entitled to this payment without formal notice and without prejudice to any other right or remedy .

    承包商应有权得到上述付款,无需正式通知,且 损害 他的任何其他权利或对其补偿。

  • Its new work will focus in particular on a consideration of the international dimension of those questions without prejudice to the work pursued in other fora and ;

    “尤其是,在 损害其他论坛进行的工作的 前提下,其新工作的重点将放在审议这些问题所涉的国际问题上”;

  • The provision of this Guarantee shall not be deemed to be an admission of liability and shall be without prejudice to Consignee 's'defenses or any rights of recourse in respect of the above incident .

    本担保函的提供并不表明对责任的认可,也 影响收货人对本事故应当享有的抗辩和追偿权利。

  • If they understand the content of the article without prejudice to how we can skip it and not to put too much effort to guess the meaning .

    如果它们对理解文章内容 多大 妨碍,我们完全可以跳过它,不要把精力过分地放在猜词义上。

  • Oh it was without prejudice to me !

    哦,那表示你对我 没有 成见

  • Without prejudice to the external walls one forming .

    外墙 ,一次成形。

  • This is without prejudice to any requirements in Council Directives for regular review of assessments .

    这项 作业 必须符合欧盟指令中有关定期审查风险评估的规定。