without doubt

[wɪðˈaʊt daʊt][wiˈðaut daut]


  • It was Marley 's voice without doubt .

    毫无 疑问,那是马利的声音。

  • This is without doubt a big improvement for Jane .

    对于简来说,这 无疑是一个很大的改进。

  • Fair is without doubt the greatest of Thackeray 's novels .

    毫无 疑问,《名利场》是萨克雷所有小说中最杰出的作品。

  • Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a singular character

    红衣主教梅斯基亚 无疑是个怪人。

  • Without doubt its price as much taller .

    毫无 疑问,它的价格也同样更高。

  • Without doubt denying this clear goal is the biggest injustice in this World Cup .

    这样一个明显的进球居然 算进, 无疑是这届世界杯开赛以来的最大冤案!

  • Art is not without scruples behavior art without doubt have its own bottom line .

    艺术并非是无所顾忌,行为艺术 无疑也有自己的道德底线。

  • An affinity for writing is something those in this field should without doubt have .

    毫无 疑问,作家的作品在该领域要有吸引力。

  • Without doubt he will come to see me tonight .

    无疑 他今晚会来看我。

  • Without doubt this is the best .

    无疑 这是最好的。

  • He is without doubt a good teacher .

    毫无 疑问他是个好老师。

  • This institute will accompany with the idealism without doubt forever .

    这个研究所 无疑将永远与理想主义相伴。

  • This without doubt provides an inspiration for the Chinese artists who are used to all-at-once expression .

    这对习惯于一步到位的中国艺术家 无疑提供了一个新的方式;

  • Without doubt she has the right to refuse that demand .

    毫无 疑问她有权利拒绝那样的要求。

  • This is without doubt the best health product for my whole family .


  • Without doubt this was the most important relationship I developed at college


  • Arabian work influenced it much without doubt .

    阿拉伯人的工作 无疑对其产生过重要的影响。

  • Without doubt when it comes to international terrorism a new spirit of common resolve is indispensable .

    毫无 疑问,当涉及到国际恐怖主义,一个必不可少的新精神就是共同解决问题。

  • I think without doubt it 's my father 's car .

    我看,这 毫无 疑问是我爸爸的车。

  • Without doubt life as a public company will differ greatly from private company days .

    毫无 疑问,一个公司上市后,将与私人公司过的日子产生天壤之别。

  • I have never felt worse and it was without doubt the turning point for me .

    我从来没有感觉更糟糕过, 毫无 疑问那就是我的转折点。

  • All of these wonderful thoughts lead me to affirm that Christmas is without doubt the best time of year .

    所以这些美好的回忆让我肯定 回答: 毫无 疑问,圣诞节是一年中最美好的日子。

  • Surely you recognise the fact that you are without doubt .

    毫无 疑问你一定明白。

  • Without doubt these rumours added further fuel to the flames .

    毫无 疑问,这些谣言起了火上加油的作用。

  • We should let ourselves believe oneself made well-advised choice and without doubt find oneself is good .

    我们要让自己相信,自己作出了明智的抉择,而且 毫无 疑问地,自我感觉良好。

  • It is without doubt that the development of science and technology is of vital importance to human advancement .

    毫无 疑问,科学技术的发展对人类进步起着至关重要的作用。

  • In providing them information he often without doubt betrays secrets .

    他经常泄露机密, 无疑是给他们通风报信。

  • This was without doubt the most significant personal development experience I have been through he says .

    “这 无疑是我人生中迄今为止最重要的个人成长经历,”他说。