without delay

[wɪðˈaʊt dɪˈle][wiˈðaut diˈlei]


  • This is to be acted upon without delay .

    迅速办理, 不得违误

  • You and I must understand one another and that without delay .

    你和我必须互相理解,而且 刻不容缓

  • People have not yet given the frustration out of defeat and humiliation severe livelihood problems without delay .

    人们尚未来得及摆脱战败的沮丧和羞辱,严峻的生计问题 已经 迫在眉睫

  • I demand no more than the opportunity to do so without delay .

    我只要求给我机会办事, 不能 耽误

  • Nevertheless we closely examine the causes of these mistakes and try to correct them without delay .

    但是我们注意和研究犯错误的原因, 及时改正。

  • We start on Task A2 without delay .

    我们 迟疑 开始进行任务A2。

  • His sense of duty made him finish the work without delay .

    他的责任感使他 立刻完成了工作。

  • He has a big task on his hand and he begins to attack it without delay .

    他手中有繁重的工作,他 赶紧着手做。

  • Instruct all personnel to evacuate the station immediately without delay !

    指导所有人员立即从车站内疏散, 不得 延误

  • It is urgent that I should have this money without delay .

    我急于要这笔钱, 不能

  • To immediately take action without delay .

    要立即行动, 不要 拖延

  • This must be done at once without delay .

    这件事要赶快办, 不能 迟缓

  • And I want a jobs bill on my desk without delay .

    我希望我的办公桌上 拖延 实施就业法案。

  • A decision should be made without delay .

    事宜 立断

  • Problems if any should be solved without delay .

    有问题要 及时解决。

  • We think it advisable for you to place your order without delay .

    我们认为 及早订购将对你方有利。

  • According to schedule or without delay .

    按照预定计划或 拖延

  • I urge the General Assembly to create this new entity without delay .

    我敦促大会 拖延 创建这一新的实体。

  • Suppliers ask for payments without delay and that adds to our finance costs Mr Liu said .

    供货商要求 即刻付款,这增加了我们的财务成本, 刘道松说。

  • Without delay I forced him to the floor and pulled the heavy bed over him .

    没有 延误,我强迫他掉到地上,把沉重的床上。

  • I showed him the equipment without delay .

    迟延 向他出示了设备。

  • We should communicate with each other without delay .

    我们要 及时沟通思想。

  • I hope that discussions will take place without delay .

    我希望讨论能 立刻进行。

  • And his court at Hampton Court in1698 and obtained his patent without delay .

    和他的法院,在汉普顿法院,1698年,并获得了专利,他 拖延

  • This situation needs to be tackled without delay .

    需要 迟疑 处理这种情况。

  • The contractor 's signature on this certificate guarantees that it will complete the outstanding items without delay .

    承包商签署本证书保证其将 延迟 完成未完成事项。

  • My doctor advised me to give up smoking without delay . It 's never too late to stop smoking .

    我的医生劝我 立即戒烟。戒烟何时都不算晚。

  • Seeing that our Household Scissors are enjoying fast sales we suggest you take all necessary steps without delay .

    看到我们的家用剪刀都享有快速的销售,我们建议你采取一切必要的步骤, 以免 延误