without measure

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈmɛʒɚ][wiˈðaut ˈmeʒə]


  • The national standard GB 4343.1 & 2003 specify that handheld appliances which are normally operated without an earth connection need to measure with artificial hand .

    GB4343.1&2003规定, 接地手持式器具需要加模拟手进行电源端子骚扰电压 测量

  • Mirth spreads from leaf to leaf my darling and gladness without measure .

    欢乐在叶片间传递,我的亲爱,快乐 无法 衡量了。

  • Bidding without Bottom Price : An Effective Measure for Reducing Costs in Metro Construction

    底价招标&降低地铁工程造价的有效 措施

  • Only the true master would attempt these tricks without either measure of safety .

    真正的大师才 在乎这些安全 措施

  • However the system has some problems such as the narrow scope the less method and without related measure .

    然而该制度也存在定的问题,如适用范围狭窄、保证方式单一、 配套救济 措施

  • Without the measure the fertility rate is only expected to fall to 2.1 by 2030 delaying by a decade the benefits of demographic transition .

    如果 没有 措施,菲律宾女性生育率预计要到2030年才能降到2.1,“人口条件转变”带来的好处也会推迟十年到来。

  • The practice shows that markedly effective dust-reduction is obtained after these comprehensive measures are taken . Compared to the demolition blasting engineering without dust-reduction measure of the building with bricks the dust is reduced by at least 90 % .

    实践证明,采用了这些综合措施后降尘效果显著,与 采取降尘 措施的砖砌建筑物拆除爆破工程相比,爆后粉尘减少90%以上。

  • Health and a good constitution are better than gold and a good spirit than wealth without measure .

    健康和好体格胜过财富,好的精神更是 无价之宝

  • Too often policies are set with vague objectives which leads them either to be overlooked or without a mechanism to measure success .

    在许多情况下,政策制定的目标模糊,从而造成目标被忽视,或 缺少 衡量是否达标的机制。

  • Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness .

    即使欢快的生活也有其阴暗 笔触没有“悲哀”提供平衡,“愉快”一词就会失往意义。

  • Without a way to measure and record the results it is difficult to understand whether a change had a positive or negative impact on the software practice .

    如果 没有 定量 评价及记录结果的手段,是很难理解一项变更对软件开发是有积极影响,还是消极影响。

  • The NC system is developed by Visual C + + 6.0.It can realize five axes simultaneous moving compensate the error after measure or do it on line without former measure which greatly increase the machining precision .

    该系统采用Visualc++6.0开发,能实现切割时的五轴联动,并具有加工误差的示教再现补偿和实时高度跟踪补偿等功能。尤其是补偿 方案 加入,大大提高了加工精度。

  • The result of the practical sample on the PC-Cluster system demonstrates that the new algorithm possesses high calculation efficiency and parallel speedup ratio and can achieve on-line calculation for large-scale systems without any speedup measure .

    在PC集群上的计算结果表明,该算法有比较高的并行加速比和计算效率, 任何加速 措施的情况下,对于较大规模的系统已达到了在线实时计算速度。

  • Observed data show that without effective measure of water discharge and soil pressure relief failure of soil and pile would happen in the progress of pile sinking .

    实测数据表明, 没有 采取有效的降排水和卸压 预防 措施时,沉桩施工容易导致地基土强度失效和基桩拔断破坏。

  • To that above the door even unto the inner house and without and by all the wall round about within and without by measure .

    直到门以上,就是到 内殿和外殿内外四围墙壁,都按 尺寸用木板遮蔽。

  • As Yourdon points out American programmers have gone forty years without an objective credible way to measure cost productivity and quality .

    如Yourdon所述,美国程序员在过去40年中,一直 缺乏 衡量成本、生产率和质量的客观、可信的方法。

  • Then a method which is frequently used is to compare portfolios ' sample Sharpe ratio without considering this measure 's precision .

    然后一个被广泛使用的方法就是比较投资组合的样本Sharperatio 考虑这种 方法的精确性。

  • Without any restoration measure afterwards a destructive breakdown would occur in the insulation system and even we would encounter a large range of power outage .

    如果 采取相应的修复 措施,很有可能导致设备绝缘击穿,甚至引起大范围的停电。

  • Love them without measure .

    爱他们 止境

  • Someone has said that the measure of love is when you love without measure .

    有人曾这样说过,爱的尺度正在于你能爱 不顾一切

  • Some experimental results for the filters are given one has bandwidth of 27 % without special measure employed and another has two evident attenuation poles on either side of the passband .

    文章列举了几组滤波器的实测结果,其中一组 任何特别 措施 情况下,相对带宽作到了27%,另有一组具有明显的带外衰减极点。

  • The production and management of business cannot do without measure for measure process is an important part of the system of quality management .

    测量过程是质量管理体系的重要部分,企业的生产和经营管理活动都离 测量工作。

  • On the contrary hardly a week seemed to go by without Mr de Villepin announcing another measure to protect French companies from foreign ownership .

    相反, 德维尔潘先生好像每周都要宣布一项使法国公司.免受外资兼并的 措施

  • Martingale is the way to transfer the assets from a circumstance full of risks called P Measure to a circumstance without risks called R Measure . This change of the circumstance will largely simplify the deduction of the Valuation Formula .

    鞅评价方法是把资产从有风险的环境下,即P测度下,转换到 风险的R 测度环境下,从而大大简化了外汇期权评价公式的推导。

  • But the gentle will have the earth for their heritage ; they will take their delight in peace without measure .

    谦卑人必承受地土,以丰盛的 平安为乐。

  • The real love is whom pay all of him for his love without measure .

    真正的爱情就是: 计较得失地为所爱的人付出所有。

  • Leave work area without taking safe measure cause company significant loss .


  • Because of these characteristics the pressure measurement system with capillary tubing can be used without depth limit and can measure the downhole pressure continuously without time limit .

    由于这些特点,毛细管测压系统在使用时 深度限制,可以不受时间限制连续地 取井下压力。

  • But the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not ; for it is given unto the Gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months .

    因为这是给了外邦人的。他们要践踏 圣城 四十二个月。

  • Investors are putting more focus on tangible common equity as an indicator of a bank 's ability to survive without further capital and by this measure HSBC is hardly the fortress of its own myth-making .

    投资者现在更看重有形普通股权益,将之视为衡量银行在 进一步筹措资本 情况 的生存能力的指标。按照这一 指标,汇丰恐怕很难捍卫其自身创造的神话。