withdrawal symptoms


  • I began to have withdrawal symptoms but I couldn 't risk my career with a wife and kid on the way .

    我开始有“ 收回 症状”,我不能冒我职业与一妻子并且孩子一起的危险在路上。

  • He would say that she was an addict facing withdrawal symptoms : that our busyness makes us hamsters on a wheel and when we climb off the wheel we are useless giddy and hopeless .

    他可能会说,她是一个面临 戒断 的上瘾者:我们繁忙的生活,使我们如同踩着轮子的仓鼠,当我们从轮子上爬下来时,我们会觉得一无是处,头晕眼花,并且绝望无助。

  • Medical help was sought after the girls withdrawal symptoms did not improve .

    因为小姑娘的 戒断 症状一直没有好转,所以不得不寻求医疗帮助。

  • If these drugs are stopped abruptly then some withdrawal symptoms may occur .

    如果突然停服这些药,则可能出现一些 戒断 症状

  • Objective : To explore the therapeutic efficacy of the combined treatment of intranasal low intensity laser therapy ( ILILT ) with psychotherapy for withdrawal symptoms of heroin addicts .

    目的:探求鼻腔内低强度激光照射( ILILT)与心理联合治疗对海洛因成瘾者的治疗效果。

  • Not only may it help prevent weight gain but it will also help control the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that often lead to relapse he added .

    “这样不仅有助于防止增重还可以控制抽烟渴求和 戒断 症状,而后者常常导致戒烟者烟瘾重犯。”他补充道。

  • We think she 's suffering from withdrawal symptoms .

    我们觉得她是因 戒毒难受

  • It merely relieves withdrawal symptoms they said .

    他们说,它只是缓解了 戒断 症状而已。

  • Objective : To assess the effectiveness and safety of Chinese medicine combined with western medicine in the treatment of opioid withdrawal symptoms .

    目的:系统评价中西药物结合治疗阿片类依赖急性 戒断 症状的有效性与安全性。

  • Conclusion Acupuncture can but not completely relieve the protracted withdrawal symptoms of heroin addicts in a certain period of time .

    结论针刺在一定时间段内可以干预海络因戒断者的稽延性 戒断 症状,但并不能完全缓解。

  • The patch provides a steady controlled release of nicotine absorbed through the skin throughout the day to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with quitting smoking .

    含片提供了稳定,通过一天内皮肤控制烟碱的释放,以减少 戒断 症状和戒烟时对香烟的渴望。

  • When they try to stop some get withdrawal symptoms such as irritability sleeping difficulties and anxiety that are usually described as relatively mild .

    想要停止使用时,会出现易怒、睡眠障碍和焦虑等 戒断 症状,这些 症状通常被描述为相对轻微。