without a murmur

[wɪðˈaʊt e ˈmɚmɚ][wiˈðaut ə ˈmə:mə]


  • I fired with the utmost care : Albert fell without a murmur at once .

    我特别小心地 下扳机:艾伯特当即倒了下去, 没有

  • He paid the extra cost without a murmur .

    他付了额外的费用 毫无 怨言

  • They paid the extra taxes without a murmur .

    他们 毫无 怨言 交了附加税。

  • He carried out her orders without a murmur .

    毫无 怨言 执行她的命令。

  • The baby went back to sleep without a murmur .

    婴儿 就又睡着了。

  • He went back to sleep without a murmur .


  • He consents without a murmur all join in a joyful chorus and the curtain falls upon the lovers kneeling to receive Don Pedro 's blessing in attitudes of the most romantic grace .

    众人于是齐声欢唱,一双恋人以极为优雅浪漫的姿态跪下,接受 唐·佩德罗的祝福,帘幕随之降下。

  • He felt calm and happy and could have died without a murmur .

    他感到宽慰和幸福,即使这样死去也 毫无 怨言

  • The cost of two wars has been paid not only without a murmur but with unequaled alacrity .

    两场战争的费用已经支付,非但 没有 怨言,而且还争先恐后。

  • For once the children went to bed without a murmur .

    这一次孩子们 嘀咕就上了床。