the destitute

[ði ˈdɛstɪˌtut][ðə ˈdestɪˌtu:t]


  • General Solutions to Some Kinds of Secord-Order Quadratic Equations ; The 70 per cent the poor peasants may be sub-divided into two categories the utterly destitute and the less destitute .

    几类二阶二次微分方程的解法及其通解公式百分之七十的贫农中,又分 赤贫次贫二类。

  • Despite the national economic recovery in the 1990s America still suffered a widening gap between the super-rich and the destitute .

    尽管20世纪90年代全国经济复苏,美国家庭最富有者和 贫穷 收入之间的差距继续扩大。

  • This paper focused on the cause of formatting the destitute emphatically analyzed the problems existing in the poverty alleviation work and put forward based on that the method for the reform in the aspect of the poverty alleviation management .

    本文针对 贫困 人口的成因,重点分析了扶贫工作中存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了今后扶贫管理方面改革的措施。

  • To be sure the ravages of the war had left many people with wealth and property homeless and destitute but at the same time it gave an untold number of the destitute an opportunity to hark back to their days as millionaires .

    这次兵灾当然使许多有钱、有房子的人流落做穷光蛋,同时也让不知多少 有机会追溯自己为过去的富翁。

  • They were reunited with their mother after the war but the family was destitute and ostracised by other Germans for their father 's treachery .

    他们团聚与他们的母亲后,战争,但家庭 贫困,排斥和其他德国人对于其父亲的奸诈。

  • No foreign aid was received but the temple did receive US $ 1 from a US-based Sri Lankan doctor for the destitute children .

    寺庙没有收到外国援助,但却收到了一位 旅美斯里兰卡医生为孩子们汇来的1000美元。

  • Many a poor or lower-middle peasant would have been confused if the Party had not refuted this truism . The 70 per cent the poor peasants may be sub-divided into two categories the utterly destitute and the less destitute .

    如果党不给以批评,它就会使许多贫农和下中农感到迷惑。百分之七十的贫农中,又分 赤贫次贫二类。

  • Pretty cool of CNBC to let the destitute have a voice for their stock picks . Or this one : He likely has his head in a pile of coke in his free time and his opinions are laughable .


  • The article discusses the definition for the destitute students the forming causes for them and the countermeasures to solve their problem .

    特困生 界定, 特困生形成的原因,解决 特困生问题的对策。

  • Such a tactic would seem pointless because the US and South Korea have ruled out concessions to the destitute North until it dismantles its nuclear programme .

    这种战术看起来毫无意义,因为美国与韩国已经明确表示,除非 贫困的朝鲜放弃核项目,否则绝不会让步。

  • The more destitute of the villages moved into the front of the ranks of the fight .

    最先起来进行斗争 往往是 那些 贫穷的村庄。

  • Decaying cities filled with huge looming edifices cast shadows on the destitute and the damned .

    满是巨大的海市蜃楼般大厦的腐朽城市,投下 困乏黯淡、令人厌恶的阴影。

  • After a long delay the cabled money finally came through to the destitute family .

    耽搁很久之后,缙来的钱终于到了 穷苦 上。

  • Some nations have no middle class ; one group is rich while the other is destitute .

    有些国家没有中产阶级;一个群体富裕,而另一群体则 十分 贫穷

  • The second part discusses several vital problems of Heidegger 's poetics which are the existence of the work of art poetry and truth the poets in destitute time .

    第二部主要讨论了海德格尔诗学中的几个关键问题,它们分别是:作品的存在、诗与真理和 贫困时代 诗人。

  • At an early age the girl who would become Mother Teresa decided to be a missionary . But Mother Teresa toiled a lifetime to bring a ray of sunshine in the lives of the destitute .

    那个将成为特蕾莎修女的女孩在年轻时本打算做传教士。而特蕾莎修女辛劳一生,为的是给 贫困 带去了一缕阳光。

  • Thereinto the serious unbalanced development makes the conflict of the contiguous destitute areas more prominent .

    其中,发展严重不平衡导致连片 特困地区矛盾更加突出。

  • However SERS shows very poor potential application in quantitative analysis due to poor reproducibility of its enhancement effect relatively difficult repeatable detection abilities and the destitute lateral relative property of its substrates .

    然而,SERS由于其增强效应的重现性不理想,基底的循环使用较困难以及 结果的横向对比性较差等原因导致 SERS技术应用于定量分析存在较大的困难。

  • But Mother Teresa toiled a lifetime to bring a ray of sunshine in the lives of the destitute .

    而特蕾莎修女辛劳一生,为的是给 贫困 带去了一缕阳光。

  • Even if they don 't smile back you will feel better because you know the most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile .

    即使他们没有对你报以微笑,你也会感觉很棒。因为你知道世界上最 贫穷的人就是从不微笑的人。

  • He will regard the prayer of the destitute and not despise their prayer .

    他要垂顾 困苦 的祷告,必不藐视他们的祈求。

  • You keep good relations with your family help the feeble and destitute serve your guests generously and assist those who deserve help .

    你接济亲属,帮助弱者和 穷人,款待客人并帮助应助者。

  • People note your case with the whites of their eyes . There 's nobody purer there 's nobody poorer . The most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile .

    世界上最 贫穷的人是没有笑容的人。

  • The destitute migrants with low status and literacy cannot supply good family education too .

    流动人口家庭由于 经济 条件 欠佳、社会地位低下、文化素质 偏差,无法给孩子提供良好的家庭教育。

  • This paper analyzed the cause of destitute students in colleges and elaborated it from material poverty alleviation and spiritual poverty alleviation .

    本文分析了高校 特困成因,并从物质扶贫与精神解困两个方面进行了论述。

  • He will respond to the prayer of the destitute ; he will not despise their plea .

    他垂听 穷人的祷告,并不藐视他们的祈求。

  • Their criticism method is not too is narrow is the too destitute connotation also is unable to realize creator thought and artistic value which transmits through the text very difficult to say on has any actual result .

    他们的批评方法不是过于偏窄就是过于 空乏的内涵,也无法体会出创作者通过文本所传达出来的思想与艺术价值,很难说得上有什么实际成效。

  • On the problem of the destitute students with college enrollment increasing

    扩招 之下 高校 特困生问题研究