the ranks


  • The Chinese team captured four gold medals which put them in the ranks of the top four .

    中国队夺得四枚金牌, 跻身 世界四强之列。

  • The ranks ahead are making a left turn .

    前头 队伍向左拐了个弯。

  • Such people often experience less stress than those in the ranks immediately below them .

    这些人承受的压力往往小于那些 职位仅次于他们的人。

  • It is the real fact that he joins the ranks of the unemployed .

    他加入了失业者 行列,这是事实。

  • Most store managers have worked their way up through the ranks .

    大多数商店经理都是由 普通 店员干起,一 步步升 上来的。

  • By the impressive silence and the ranks of staring eyes .

    这从他那令人难忘的沉默和一 瞪着的眼睛可以看得出来。

  • There were rumblings of discontent within the ranks .

    士兵 怨声载道

  • Company 's screw-type air compressor has entered the ranks of the world 's advanced level .

    公司生产的螺杆式空气压缩机已跨入了世界先进水平 行列

  • A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks . We must weed them out as soon as possible .

    队伍 混入了一小撮新纳粹分子,我们必须尽快将其清除。

  • Students from India China and eastern Europe have swelled the ranks of applicants .

    来自印度、中国和 东欧国家的学生扩大了申请者的 规模

  • He rose through the ranks to become managing director .


  • You just joined the ranks of the employed .

    你现在算是有工作 一族了。

  • From an unlikely background he has risen rapidly through the ranks of government .

    虽然没有什么背景,但他在政府 地位 仍然迅速提高。

  • There were some misgivings within the ranks of the media too

    媒体内部也存在一些 疑虑

  • The education minister will now join the ranks of other fallen politicians .

    这个教育部长现在也加入了其他失势的政治家 行列

  • In Russia and Britain they still have the ranks of Marshal .

    在俄罗斯和英国他们还设元帅 军衔

  • We should strengthen and enlarge the ranks of our scientific researchers .

    我们也要把科研 队伍加强和扩大起来。

  • The thirst for interdisciplinary diversity has had an effect on the ranks of law students as well .

    对于跨学科的多样性的渴望对法学院的学生 队伍也产生了影响。

  • We have a strong technical force the ranks of the air-conditioning repair and installation teams .

    我们拥有一技术力量雄厚的空调维修 队伍和安装队伍。

  • She continued to smile at the ranks of cameras on their doorstep .

    她依旧对着门口 照相机微笑着。

  • Last month 370 Americans joined the ranks of the unemployed

    上个月,有37万美国人加入了失业者 行列

  • The contradictions within the ranks of the people in our country also find expression among the intellectuals .

    我国人民 内部的矛盾,在知识分子中间也表现出来了。

  • You have earned your place in the ranks of the masters .

    你赢得了你在统治者 阶级 一席之地。

  • He joined the ranks of the unemployed too .

    他也加入了失业 行列

  • At the same time with superb technology and high-tech professionals in the ranks .

    同时拥有精湛的技术和高科技的专业人才 队伍

  • With this shield however the Fates may play we march always in the ranks of honour .

    只要我们举起这面盾牌,就不管命运之神怎样捉弄我们,我们都可以永远在光荣 行列中前进。

  • You have added the ranks holding a carnival smiling expression same as proprietor .

    你加入了狂欢 行列,和所有人一样的笑容。