the poor in spirit

[ði pʊr ɪn ˈspɪrɪt][ðə puə in ˈspirit]


  • I 'm like the poor Queen of Sheba who lived in the Bible . There is no more spirit in me . '

    我就好像是《圣经》 那个 可怜的示巴女王,所以再也没有一点儿 精神了。

  • In recent years at the time of resolving the problems of living conditions of the poor university students through various paths the author found that the problem of throwing off poverty in spirit of the poor college student is getting abdomen .

    近年来,在通过各种途径解决 贫困大学生生活问题的同时,发现有相当一部分学生,包括贫困和非贫困大学生, 贫富 问题上都存在不同程度的问题。

  • But for the poor in spirit with low levels of both energy and pride it may be the least intolerable choice available .

    但对于 那些 卑微、懒惰又缺乏自尊的人来说,这也许是可行的最可以忍受的选择了。

  • Though the old woman was poor materially she was full of affection and rich in spirit .

    虽然 这位老妇人在物质上很 贫穷,但她 精神上很富裕。

  • We think of the poor as possessing very little yet Jesus said the riches of heaven belong to the poor in spirit .

    我们认为穷人是生活有匮乏的人,然而耶稣说,天堂 的富人是自觉 心灵 贫穷 人。

  • The rich man on the material can in aid of poor people the rich man on the spirit also can the poor people of the in aid of spirit .

    物质上的富人可以帮助穷人,精神上的富翁也可以帮助 精神 穷人

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven .

    有福的人是 精神 贫乏 ,因为他们的是天国。

  • The beatitudes : Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth .

    听听 这些教训, 虚心的人有福 ,因为天国是他们的,哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰,温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受地土

  • It is incumbent on us diligently to remember that the kingdom of heaven was promised to the poor in spirit .

    我们应当谨记,天国是 精神上许诺给 穷人

  • He will be an upright guide to the poor in spirit : he will make his way clear to them .

    他必按公平引领 谦卑人,将他的道教训他们。

  • The results showed that they are poor in team spirit practice their developing way is single and their awareness of teamwork spirit is not enough .

    结果表明中学生团队 精神实践 较差,培养途径单一,对团队精神认知不够深入。

  • In the first beatitude Jesus said that the entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven begins with being poor in spirit .

    谈到第一个福气时,耶稣说,进天国的入口,就是要 虚心

  • How blessed are the poor in spirit .


  • Happy are the poor in spirit : for the kingdom of heaven is theirs .

    虚心 人有福了,因为天国是他们的。

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens .

    赐福 灵魂 空虚 人们,因为他们是属于天国的。

  • The college poor students a special group have been greatly helped and cared in material by nation society and schools yet not any in spirit .

    高校 贫困生作为一个特殊的群体,国家、社会、学校 物质方面给予 贫困生很大的帮助和爱护,但在 贫困精神扶助方面还存在着盲点。