the story goes that...


  • The story goes that she 's been married five times .


  • According to the newspaper Sally has quit her job . The story goes that the Prime Minister will resign .

    报上说莎里辞职不干了。 据传首相将要辞职。

  • A less known story is James Bond also went to Eton and Oxford . I gather that the story goes that he was expelled by Eton for his talent in trouble making !

    还有一个不为人知的例子是, 詹姆斯邦德(007)据说也是伊顿和牛津校友,不过 听说他因为惹了麻烦,伊顿开除了他。

  • The story goes that this phone was left in a corporate Verizon gym in Washington but before it was remotely locked the finder saw a text message confirming it was unreleased .

    从前 有一部手机掉在华盛顿的一家 Verizon 健身房里了,捡到它的人在手机被锁定之前看到一条短信,证实这部手机是“尚未发布”的,介素啥东东?

  • The story goes that some time ago a man had a very lovely little daughter .

    故事 发生在某个过去,有一个人他有一个十分可爱的女儿。

  • The story goes that the drink was frozen one day and that is how'sherbet'was invented .

    故事 不用 ,饮料被冻结一天,这是如何'果子露'的发明。

  • The story goes that a certain court jester went too far one day and insulted his king .

    关于一个宫廷小丑 故事。这天,他 故事 的有点儿过头,得罪了国王。

  • The story goes that some time ago a man punished his3-year-old daughter for wasting only roll of gold wrapping paper .

    故事 发生在之前的某个时间,一位父亲惩罚了自己女儿,因为她几乎浪费掉了家里唯一的金色包装纸。

  • The story goes that he died by his own hands but this looks rather suspicious .

    谣传他已经自杀,但我对此 半信半疑

  • The story goes that his wife ran away with another man .


  • The story goes that two warring chiefs desiring peace confronted one another . One chief dropped both his weapon and his shield .

    故事 两个交战中的首领想要谋求和平,他们面对面时,其中一个把自己的武器和盾都放在地上。

  • The story goes that she went home with him that night


  • The story goes that following a defeat to London side Arsenal a furious Ferguson threw or kicked a boot that ( accidently ) struck Beckham over the eye causing a cut that required stitches .

    事情 这样发展的,在对阵阿森纳失利之后,生气的弗格森扔或是踢飞了一只鞋(意外地)砸中了贝克汉姆的眼睛,伤口需要缝合。

  • Of course the story goes that she hears Paul preaching in her hometown and she falls in love with him just from hearing his preaching .

    故事 这样 她听说保罗在镇上传教,听了后就爱上了他。

  • The story goes that during the Roman empire there was an incredibly beautiful maiden named rhodanthe .

    据说在罗马帝国时代,有一个名叫 罗丹斯的美丽绝伦的少女。

  • The story goes that he died in a Hangzhou prison - betrayed by his captors .

    他遭人背叛, 据说 在杭州的一个牢中被毒死的。

  • The story goes that she poisoned her husband / She poisoned her husband or so the story goes ie It is said that she poisoned him .

    故事 她把丈夫 毒死了。

  • The story goes that he asked his daughter to go in the yard and bring this cinder block to help .


  • The story goes that he was sacked after he was caught stealing company property .

    人们 他偷窃公司财产被抓住后就给解雇了。

  • The story goes that the ladies running the school were so relieved when Churchill left and they declared a half-holiday .

    据说 当丘吉尔离开这所学校时,掌管学校的女士们宣布放半天假以示庆祝。

  • The story goes that the expedition was a failure .


  • The story goes that on the evening of november6th when Mollet got the call from Eden that he was aborting the invasion he happened to be with the German chancellor Konrad adenauer .

    接下来 故事 发生在11月6日的晚上,当 摩勒接到艾登打来的准备中止入侵的电话时,他刚好和德国总理康拉德?阿登纳在一起。

  • The story goes that William Tell killed the tyrant with an arrow .


  • The story goes that this castle was built by Emperor Frederick barbarossa .

    传说 座宫殿是由 弗雷德里克巴巴罗沙大帝建造的。

  • The story goes that John was murdered .


  • The story goes that he failed in the college entrance examinations again .


  • The story goes that long ago there lived a king .

    流传这样一个 故事 很久以前有个国王。

  • In the Bible the story goes that while Moses was busy up on Mount Sinai collecting the Ten Commandments the escaped slaves he had left at the base of the mountain smelted a great pagan sculpture of a golden calf .

    《圣经》 故事 记载 摩西在西奈山上忙于接受《十诫》时,他留在山脚下的逃亡奴隶熔铸了一尊巨大的金牛犊异教雕塑。

  • The story goes that a mysterious animal lives in the mountain .

    据说山里 一个神秘的动物。