thea 剧场戏院电影院阶梯教室

  • Thea b sorption spectra and the fluorescence spectra of the three phycoerythrins were measured .

    分别测定这三种藻红蛋白 聚合体和亚单位的分子量。测定了它们的可见光的吸收光谱和荧光光谱。

  • Doctor Thea says a change could lead to new training for community health workers .


  • SKINNER has crossed over to GIBSON PRAISE and gently lifts the boy into his arms . Inside the area beneath the trapdoor SCULLY finds GIBSON PRAISE sitting and THEA .

    (斯金纳走到 基普森普 ,轻轻地把他搂在怀里。在地板门下,是高丽看到了吉普森普雷兹坐在那里,还有 西娅。)

  • Study on Quantitative Determination of Thea Saponin with Colorimetry Method


  • Thea : Well she 's just gone into hospital for a facelift .


  • Genetic Polymorphism and Molecular Phylogeny Analysis of Section Thea Based on RAPD Markers

    利用RAPD进行 植物遗传多样性和分子系统学分析

  • Thea : no that 's old news . it 's about dolly .

    西亚:不是,那是旧闻 。是关于多莉的。

  • Thea 's initiation and progress therefore metaphorically reveals American people 's journey from autonomy to socialization from perplexity to prosperity from innocence to maturity or complexity .

    因此, 西娅的成长历程正隐喻了美国各族人民从自主化走向社会化、从困惑走向丰富、从天真走向成熟乃至复杂的过程。

  • Based on the relation of equilibrium constant with temperature the function a ( pH T ) is derived by means of regression analysis which formulates thea variation with temperature and pH.

    根据平衡常数与温度的关系,求出 非离子氨 百分比a(pH,t)的表达式。

  • Boston University professor Donald Thea led the research in Pakistan .

    波士顿大学的 唐纳德西亚教授是巴基斯坦研究小组的负责

  • This paper thea suggests to distinguish two ways of defining objective stress-rates .

    尔后,本工作提议区分定义客观性应 力率的两种途径。

  • THEA LEE : The truth is that the business community has very good access to the international institution and to their own governments .

    事实是,商业 社团很容易接触到国际机构以及它们本国的政府。

  • Thea ( 12 ) is Norways first child bride .

    十二岁的 西娅是挪威第一位儿童新娘。

  • Siting drinking thea and preying many time at the day they are Muslim .

    他们整天坐着, 或者 喝茶,或者祈祷,因为他们是穆斯林。

  • In this dissertation a novel genomic DNA isolation method the genetic polymorphism and molecular discrimination of tea plant the molecular and morphological systematics of section Thea were systematically investigated . The followings were main results .

    作者对茶树基因组DNA提取方法、茶树(种内)资源遗传多样性、茶树资源的分子标记鉴别、 分子系统学和形态系统学 进行了较系统深入的研究,获得以下重要结果。

  • Studies on the extraction method of Thea Saponin by using anhydrous alcohol as the extracting agent

    以无水乙醇为提取剂的 皂素提取方法研究

  • Discussions on Phylogenetic Classification and Evolution of Sect Thea

    关于 植物分类与演化的讨论

  • Preliminary Studies on Pollen Viability of Sect . Thea and Hybrids of Species

    植物花粉生活力 测定及种间杂交研究简报

  • He is convinced that America is still thea shining city on a hill an empire of liberty the last best hope of Earth .

    他确信美国仍然会是 山巅闪耀之城,仍 可以 维持自由帝国的 地位,仍然是世界上最后最美好的希望。

  • THEA LEE : Our workers are in direct competition to workers overseas .

    我们的工人与海外的工人处于直接的竞争 当中

  • Her novel The Song of the Lark describes the successful story of a girl named Thea Kronborg .

    她的《云雀之歌》描述了年轻的小镇姑娘 西娅在经历种种挫折后,最终踏上了艺术成功的道路。

  • This is how Thea has introduced her upcoming journey and major life event of soon being a child bride in Norway . Using this blog she will tell her story and express how she believes her experience of marriage will be .

    西娅用这 介绍自己, 公众介绍自己即将成为挪威的儿童新娘,经历这一人生大事,展开人生新旅程。

  • Research result expressed : between natural surface activity agent thea saponin and metallic aluminium powder did not occur chemical reaction not influence content of active aluminium volume of hydrogen and gas forming property of aluminium powder .

    研究结果表明:天然表面活性剂 皂素与金属铝粉之间,在实验条件下,没有发生化学反应,不影响金属铝粉中活性铝的含量、氢气的体积以及铝粉的发气特性。

  • Thea : I 'm sorry . I didn 't know that someone was following me .


  • Thea : Of course . On New Year 's day for example they eat a special vegetarian dish with several different ingredients . They 'll also eat a whole fish .


  • Study on Quantitative Determination of Thea Saponin


  • Thea : Well it 's got all the latest showbiz gossip of course . It 's what we girls all talk about around the water-cooler .

    西娅杂志 报导了娱乐界所有最新小道消息。我们女孩子在饮用水冷却器前碰头,都会以之为话题。

  • Phylogenetic Analysis of Interspecies in Section Thea Through SSR Markers Genetic diversity in Eriobotrya genus and its closely related plant species using RAPD markers

    用SSR分子标记研究 植物种间亲缘进化关系枇杷属植物及其近缘属植物亲缘关系的RAPD分析