the Prince of Wales

n.应该是“威尔士亲王”的意思。在英国,国王的长子就被册封为“威尔士亲王”。现在的the Prince of Wales 实际上是查尔斯王子。威尔斯王子殿下

  • The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall took to the London tube on Wednesday and appeared mightily impressed .

    周三 威尔士 亲王与妻子康沃尔公爵夫人亲自乘坐了伦敦地铁,这次地铁之行似乎给他们留下了强烈的印象。

  • The keynote speaker was His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales President of The Prince 's Foundation for Integrated Health and Patron of a number of health charities .

    主旨发言者是 威尔士 亲王殿下,他是综合卫生亲王基金会的主席和一些卫生慈善团体的赞助人。

  • Rev Williamson previously protested the marriage of the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall .

    莱福·保罗·威廉姆逊先前也曾抗议 威尔士 王子和康沃尔公爵夫人的婚姻。

  • The prince of Wales is heir to the throne .

    威尔士 王子是王位继承人。

  • The Duchess of Cornwall married the Prince of Wales wearing a beautiful outfit by Robinson Valentine in2005 .

    这是康沃尔公爵夫人嫁给 威尔士 亲王威廉 王子 父亲)时穿着的一件由RobinsonValentineS设计的漂亮的礼服。

  • The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall leave Clarence House arriving at the Abbey at1042 .

    查尔斯 王子和卡米拉公爵夫人离开克劳伦斯王府前往威斯敏斯特大教堂,于10:42到达。

  • The Prince of Wales has had unsatiated curiosity about him but in vain .

    威尔士 王子对他怀有无尽的好奇,想知道他的一些事,但都是徒劳。

  • The statement from Kensington Palace added : The Queen The Duke of Edinburgh The Prince of Wales The Duchess of Cornwall Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news .

    肯辛顿宫发表的声明还讲到:英国女王、爱丁堡 公爵威尔士 王子、康沃尔公爵夫人、哈里王子和其他王室成员听此消息,都感到非常高兴。

  • He and I are very proud and grateful that The Prince of Wales and other members of our family are travelling on my behalf in this Diamond Jubilee year to visit all the Commonwealth Realms and a number of other Commonwealth countries .

    威尔士 王子和其他家人将代表我在钻禧年出访所有的英联邦王国和部分英联邦国家,他和我都感到非常高兴和自豪。

  • The Prince of Wales has been awarded the highest rank in all three military services by the Queen .

    威尔士 亲王查尔斯 王子)被英国女王授予英国 三军最高统帅的军衔。

  • He is equerry to the Prince of Wales .

    他是 威尔士 亲王 侍从。

  • His paintings beguiled the Prince of Wales

    他的画把 威尔士 亲王给迷住了。

  • Ladies and gentlemen I give you his royal highness the prince of wales .

    女士们,先生们,请为 威尔士 亲王殿下乾杯。

  • The brothers'father the Prince of Wales was voted the10th best-looking royal male .

    哈里王子和威廉 王子 父亲 查尔斯 王子位列皇室最美男成员第十名。

  • He is grander and even richer than the Prince of Wales

    他比 威尔士 亲王还牛气,甚至更有钱。

  • He had the same tutor as the prince of wales .

    曾经和 查尔斯 王子 同一个老师。

  • The big cable car by the railway station is even named in honour of the prince of Wales .

    火车站附近的大型缆车甚至以 威尔士 王子prince of wales)命名。

  • The prince of Wales has asked me to thank you for your kind words .

    查尔斯 王子让我对你的声明表达敬意。

  • The prince of Wales is the heir apparent to the throne .

    威尔士 亲王是王位的当然继承人。

  • This name has deep significance in the Windsor family in honour of the Prince of Wales 's favourite uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten who was killed by the IRA in 1979 .

    这个名字对于温莎家族有着深层意义。它是为了纪念 威尔士 亲王最爱戴的叔父路易-蒙巴顿公爵。1979年蒙巴顿公爵遭爱尔兰共和军暗杀身亡。

  • TV cameras rolled and millions watched as Diana married Charles the Prince of Wales .

    通过电视摄像机的镜头,数百万人目睹了黛安娜嫁给 威尔士 亲王查尔斯 场面

  • Prince Charles and Princess Diana divorced in 1996 after 15 years together and the birth of two sons Princes William and Harry . Now with the Prince of Wales happily remarried to Duchess of Cornwall Camilla Parker Bowles .

    查尔斯王子和戴安娜于1996年离婚,在15年的婚姻生活中,共育两个儿子&威廉王子和哈利王子。现在 查尔斯 王子与康沃尔公爵夫再婚。

  • Camilla was dining with the queen the Duke of Edinburgh and the Prince of Wales in the Ball Room of Buckingham Palace .

    卡米拉和女王、丁伯格 公爵 威尔士 亲王一起在白金汉宫的宴会厅进餐。

  • They will include the Queen the Duke of Edinburgh the Prince of Wales and their stepmother the Duchess of Cornwall .

    他们包括女王, 王夫王储,和他们的继母康沃尔公爵。

  • In London the Duke of Cambridge the Prince of Wales and the UK government hosted an international conference to address the wildlife trafficking crisis .

    在伦敦,剑桥公爵(DukeofCambridge)、 威尔士 王子Prince of Wales)和英国政府召开了一次国际会议,以应对野生动物贩运危机。

  • Sir can 't an Arab princess be found for the Prince of wales ?

    今天我们不妨 再次建议 英国 王子娶个阿拉伯公主!

  • Charles is the name of two former kings and of the Prince of Wales the princess 's grandfather .

    历史上有两位叫查尔斯 国王,查尔斯还是 威尔士 王子(也就是小公主的祖父)的名字。

  • Harry Potter stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint both won gongs at the 2014 What 's On Stage Awards on Sunday night which were held at the Prince Of Wales theatre in London .

    周日晚上,在伦敦 威尔士 亲王剧院举办的2014What'sOnStage颁奖典礼,《哈利波特》主演丹尼尔雷德克里夫和鲁伯特格林特都获得了奖项。

  • Why is the heir to the throne called the Prince of Wales ?

    为什麽英国王位继承人被称 威尔斯 王子

  • George is also the fourth name of the Prince of Wales - the baby 's grandfather .

    王室宝宝的祖父 威尔士 亲王 第四个名字也是乔治。