the storm and stress

[ði stɔrm ənd strɛs][ðə stɔ:m ænd stres]


  • The couple has gone together through storm and stress for fifty years .

    夫妻两人 风雨同舟五十年。

  • Parents who can perceive the difference between important issues and trivial ones will be able to guide their children through the teen years with far less storm and stress than they ever expected possible .

    能够看清重要事情和细微小事之区别的父母,就能在比他们料想的更少的 风暴 紧张中,引导孩子度过青春期。

  • Chaos theory is the storm and stress which is representative of remodeling science system .

    混沌理论是一项代表重新塑造科学体系 狂飙运动。

  • Quite the contrary they need to temper and develop themselves and win new positions in the teeth of criticism and in the storm and stress of struggle .

    相反,马克思主义者就是要在人们的批评中间,就是要在斗争的 风雨中间,锻炼自己,发展自己,扩大自己的阵地。

  • Evolving from the Storm and Stress to Classicism : Reflections on Goethe 's First Ten-Year Life in Weimar

    狂飙 突进到古典 嬗变&歌德魏玛最初十年再认识

  • What a tribute to his ability not to flinch in the face of storm and stress !

    这真是对他 面对 暴风骤雨毫不畏缩的本领的 表扬!

  • In the storm and stress of this period a number of people in many countries withdrew from the Communist Party .

    在许多国家里,有一批人在 这个 风潮里退出了党。

  • Residents living in the old building The beautiful scenery here makes people forget themselves ; though it is old building I still can feel massive history through storm and stress .

    《古老的洋楼的居民》这里 美让人忘我,尽管建筑老旧,仍能在 沧桑中感受历史的一 厚重。